Chapter 43

Nextor offer his hand to Iyraki and say "Shall we?". Iyraki sigh and reluctantly take his hand. Then all three of them walks away together leaving R.P. to go separately with his subordinates to the party.

As soon as three of them leave, R.P. mutter to himself "Is she really don't have anything with Nextor" leave him in wonder and suspicious.

Nextor's limo car, stop at the lobby drive by his chauffeur. As they entering the limo car, Rizky suddenly forgot some documentation to bring along. So, he is asking for both Nextor and Iyraki to wait inside the limo car while he immediately go to fetch the missing documents from the office.

Meanwhile, inside the limo Nextor ask Iyraki some irrelevant question. "What are you laughing so happily with R.P. just now?" ask Nextor while crossing his arms.

Iyraki look away outside of the car window ignoring his question. A sigh leave his mouth as he notice Iyraki ignoring him which makes him a little annoyed by her action.

Thus, he stretch his arm..