PSV scout

When the match ended, Oscar shook his hand with Rivas. After they shook their hands, Rivas glanced at Shinji, then said to Oscar, "Oscar, you have a talented kid. Take good care of him, or someone might steal him from you."

Oscar narrowed his eyes in anger after hearing what Rivas had just said, but Rivas simply smiled at his expression. He turned around and called all his players to start packing up. 

After the Atletico Madrid youth team left La Masia, Oscar turned to Shinji, who was packing his stuff, and said to him, "Shinji, come meet me in my office before you leave."

Shinji was surprised because it was the first time Oscar asked him to see him in his office, but he nodded his head and said, "Yes, boss."

Oscar smiled at Shinji in satisfaction, and then he started walking back to his office.


With Oscar

After Oscar returned to his office and sat in his chair, he picked up his phone and called the Barcelona transfer office. "Rose, this is Oscar." I want you to send me a contract renewal for a youth player as soon as possible. His contract will expire today. "I'll send his information to your email address now. I'll be waiting for his contract renewal form from you."

After Oscar ended his phone call with Rose, he started thinking about how he could persuade Shinji to renew his contract with the Barcelona youth team.


At The same time with Riola

Riola and Lucy were sitting in a coffee shop near La Masia, enjoying their coffee. Lucy looked at Riola with a questioning gaze and asked, "Sir, if you are keen to sign a contract with this Asian boy, shouldn't we wait for him outside La Masia's main entrance?"

When he heard her question, Riola chuckled and said, "Lucy, remember that the most important thing for those in the same line of work as us is connections."

Lucy was confused, but she nodded her head and said, "Yes, sir, I know this is the first thing you ever taught me."

Lucy's eyes then widened in realization at what Riola meant, and she asked him, "Do you mean you have a connection to the Asian boy, sir?"

Riola smiled and asked Lucy, "Lucy, didn't you find Shinji's full name, Bet weird? His full name is Shinji Hanayama van den Berg. "Van der Berg is a Dutch surname; his first and given names are Japanese."

Lucy was surprised, and she thought about what Riola just said. She couldn't help but nod her head to him, "Yeah, it is weird, sir. Is he half Dutch and half Japanese?"

Riola smiled and nodded his head. "Yes, his older brother is a good friend of mine. I plan to call him after I finish enjoying my coffee, accompanied by a beautiful woman."

Lucy blushed at his compliment, and the two began to drink her coffee and enjoy each other's company.


With The blond haired scout

After the exhibition match between the Atletico Madrid youth team and the Barcelona youth team, the blond-haired scout quickly went to gather information about Shinji.

He was surprised when he found out that his contract with Barcelona would expire tomorrow. He didn't waste any more time. He quickly sent Shinji's information and the video he recorded back to his club, then he took his mobile phone and called the head coach.



PSV Football club

The Head coach office

Guus Hiddink, the head coach of PSV, was frowning while sitting in his office chair. He was deep in thought about the current problems of the first team: "I need to sign a talented midfielder as soon as possible, or we will be in danger of being relegated to the Eerste Divisie."

Suddenly, Guus Hiddink's mobile phone rang, and when he saw who was calling him, he smiled widely. "It's Robert. I sent him to Spain to scout a talented midfielder for me."

"Robert, I hope you are calling to give me good news. We are in danger of relegation. We need a talented midfielder," he said urgently as he quickly answered the phone.

The blond-haired scout scowled in response to Guus Hiddink's words, "Well, I found a very talented midfielder, but he is underage to sign a professional contract because he is only 16 years old. Next season, he will be 17 years old, and he can sign a professional contract with us. The good news is that if we act quickly and sign a youth contract with him, we won't have to pay transfer fees if we wish to bring him to PSV because his contract with Barcelona expires tomorrow. I recorded the first half of the match he played in with his youth team before the team coach substituted him for another midfielder. I have sent his information that I gathered, along with the recording of the first half of the match he played in, to your email. I will wait for your decision, Guus."

Robert ended his call after he gave his report to Guus.

Guus sighed after Robert ended the call. He then switched on the computer and opened his email.

Guus first checked Shinji's information that Robert sent him, then he played the video that he sent.

Guus eyes widened as he watched Shinji's passes, dribbling skills, and high football IQ; he couldn't help himself but to stand up from his seat.

Guus then started cursing Leonardo and Pedro whenever they wasted the scoring opportunities that Shinji created for them with his incredible passing skills.

After Guus finished watching the video, he got very excited and quickly called Robert.

When Robert answered his call, Guus didn't give him any chance to speak and said to him, "Robert, listen up. No matter what, I want you to bring this kid to PSV as soon as possible. Tell the kid that if he joins our youth academy, we will cover all his living expenses, and we will nurture him with all of our resources so next season he could be part of the first team."

Robert smiled when he heard this and said to Guus, "Alright, Guus, leave this to me."

After Guus ended his call with Robert, he sat on the office chair with a wide smile on his face. 


With the other scouts

The scouts who witnessed the exhibition match between the Barcelona youth team and the Atletico Madrid youth team started gathering information on Shinji and sent the videos they recorded back to their own clubs, along with all the information they had gathered about him.

The coaches, who read Shinji's information and watched the video that the scouts recorded, were overjoyed when they learned that Shinji's youth contract is going to expire tomorrow. They instructed the scouts to invite Shinji to join the club tomorrow, after his contract expires.


With Riola

After Riola finished drinking his coffee, he grabbed his mobile phone from his pocket and went through his contact list.

He then quickly called his good friend Oliver.



In New York City 

An Asian-looking man in his twenties was sitting in the back passenger seat of a long, luxurious black car, drinking tea and checking on some documents. The driver was driving the car towards the man's next business meeting.

The Asian-looking man is extremely handsome. He has fair skin, black eyes, and sharp eyebrows. He looks a lot like Shinji; the only difference between them is that Shinji's hair is long and the Asian man's is short.

The man is Shinji's older brother. Oliver suddenly heard his mobile phone ring. He smiled when he saw who was calling him and answered the call.

"Mino, it has been some time. How are you, my friend?" Oliver posed the question while wearing a smile.

"HAHA, Oliver I am good. I called you because I have intriguing news about your little brother Shinji." Riola smiled slyly as he spoke.

Oliver was surprised when he heard this from Riola, and he told him, "I am listening."

Riola then started telling Oliver about the match he saw between the Barcelona youth team and the Atletico Madrid youth team.

Oliver sighed loudly when he finished hearing Riola's story and thought, "Why does this kid never tell me anything?"

Riola was confused when he heard Oliver sighed and asked him, "What wrong, Oliver? I thought you would be happy at hearing this news."

Oliver smiled and started explaining to Riola, "I am happy for my little brother Mino, but my brother never tells me anything. He is an introverted person. If he wants to be a professional football player, I will support my brother with everything I have. I know my brother wants to depend on himself, but I am his big brother, and my duty is to support him, especially after our parents passed away."

For a few seconds, Riola thought about what Oliver just said, then smiled and said to Oliver, "I got an idea for you. How about you call little Shinji and tell him that you heard he did well in the exhibition match, and as a reward for his hard work, you will fulfill a couple of his requests? This way, you will support your brother in becoming a professional footballer while at the same time giving him a chance to depend on himself."

Oliver smiled when he heard what Riola said, and then he told Riola, "You are a genius, Mino. That is a fantastic idea. Thank you, but I want a favour from you. Can you be my little brother's agent?"

Riola burst into laughter upon hearing this, saying to Oliver, "HHAHAHA, I was planning to be a little Shinji agent from the beginning, Oliver." Riola said to Oliver, "I will be foolish if I don't become his agent; the child has exceptional talent. I am sure he will do very well as a football player in the future."

Oliver chuckled when he heard this and said to Riola, "Thank you, Mino. I will leave my brother under your care. I will talk to you later."

After Oliver ended his call with Riola, he smiled widely and thought to himself, "Interesting. I can't wait to see how far you walk as a professional football player, Shinji."


With Shinji

After Shinji took a shower, he dressed up and started walking to Oscar's office. Suddenly, his mobile phone rang. He grabbed his mobile phone from his pocket, and when he saw who was calling him, he was surprised that it was his elder brother Oliver.

Shinji quickly answered the call. "Hi Shinji, how are you doing?"

"I am fine, elder brother. I am surprised you called me; you are usually very busy." Shinji addressed Oliver with a tone of surprise.

Oliver chuckled when he heard this and said to Shinji, "Hey, Shinji, you are my little brother. I need to check on you every so often."

Shinji gave a small smile and felt a warm feeling in his heart. "Thanks, Oliver. I am doing well. You don't need to worry."

Oliver nodded his head in satisfaction, and then he said to Shinji, "Shinji, the main reason I called you aside from checking on you is to ask you a question: why didn't you tell me you are interested in becoming a professional football player? You know that I will support you in whatever career path you choose, little brother."

When Shinji heard this, he froze, sighed, and began answering his brother honestly, saying, "I want to depend on myself, brother, like you did." You became a successful businessman by your own efforts; no one helped you. I want to follow your example to become a successful professional football player with my own effort."

When Oliver heard this, he smiled. He was proud of his little brother, and he told Shinji, "I am proud of you, little brother, and I will let you walk your path, but I have conditions."

Shinji raised his eyebrows when he heard this and said to Oliver, "I am listening."

"My first condition is that you sign a contract with my friend Mino to be your agent. He is one of the best football agents in the world." Oliver told Shinji seriously.

Shinji nodded his head in agreement and said, "That's fine, brother."

Oliver then smiled slyly and said to Shinji, "My final condition is that you agree to make a deal with me."

Shinji raised his eyebrows again and asked, "What kind of deal?"

Oliver started explaining the deal: "For every championship or honor you receive in the future, I will fulfill one of your requests; it is up to you to use these requests, and because I heard that you did well today, I will fulfill three of your requests, Shinji."

Shinji smiled and nodded his head. "Alright, brother, for my first request, I want to hire private coaches. I need some cash for that."

Oliver smiled happily when he heard this and said to Shinji, "Alright, I will send you 50 million USD into your account today. What about your other two requests?"

"I haven't thought about it yet. I will let you know in the future." Shinji replied to Oliver.

Oliver nodded. "Alright, I will talk to you later. Don't forget to sign a contract with Mino; his name is Mino Riola, and he will call you soon."

Shinji ended his call with Oliver. He then continued walking towards Oscar's office. When he arrived in front of it, he knocked on Oscar's office door.

"Enter." Shinji entered the office after he received Oscar's permission to do so.


In Oscar office

When Oscar saw Shinji, he smiled kindly at him and said to him, "Shinji, please have a seat and close the door behind you. I have a few things to discuss with you."

Shinji nodded his head and closed the door, then took a seat.

Oscar gave Shinji a complicated look and then gave a long sigh: "Shinji, first, I want to apologize to you for discriminating against you."

Shinji was surprised when he heard this, but Oscar continued, "Next, I want to tell you that I was really impressed by your performance today.'

Shinji smiled at Oscar, then said to him, "Thank you, sir."

Oscar pulled out a contract renewal form from one of the files on his desk and said to Shinji, "This is a contract renewal we prepared for you. I will not force you to sign this contract, Shinji; it is up to you, but I hope that you will sign it."

Shinji hesitated to sign this contract, and when Oscar saw his hesitation, he sighed in disappointment and thought to himself, "He is really a lot like me, just like what Alex said to me last time."

Oscar then said to Shinji, "If you don't want to sign the contract, Shinji, don't sign it, kid."

Shinji was surprised when he heard this, and Oscar continued, "You have your own pride, kid. I understand, especially after the treatment you received here in La Masia."

After hearing Oscar's words, Shinji smiled. The words from Oscar lifted the burden from his heart. Oscar also smiled and handed Shinji an envelope.

Shinji became confused when he saw an envelope, but Oscar quickly clarified, "This is a recommendation letter I wrote for you." Deliver the letter to the youth head coach at Espanyol Football Club. If you pass his test, you can sign a youth contract with them."

Shinji widened his eyes, then looked at the coach with gratitude and said, "Thank you for your help, sir."

Oscar waved his hand and gave Shinji his business card. Oscar then said to Shinji, "This is my business card; if you need any help in the future, let me know."

Shinji felt warm in his heart when he heard this and smiled at Oscar. "Thank you, sir."

Oscar smiled and nodded his head. "You may leave, kid, and good luck with your future. I am looking forward to when we meet again."

Shinji smiled and nodded his head, then left the office.


Outside The La Masia

After exiting La Masia, Shinji started walking back to the apartment he was renting. Suddenly, a sports car stopped in front of him, and Riola was the one driving it; he was driving a Porsche 911 GT3 (997.1).

Riola smiled at Shinji and said, "hop on, kid, I am Riola. Your brother told me he had mentioned me when he called you just now."

Shinji smiled and got in the car. Simultaneously, he received a notification on his mobile phone. When he checked the message, he saw that Oliver had deposited 50 million USD into his account, just like he said he would do.

Shinji gave Riola his home address, and Riola drove towards his apartment.


In Shinji's Apartment

Both Riola and Shinji sat in the lounge, and Riola took out first his resume, then the contract he prepared for Shinji.

Riola handed Shinji his resume, saying, "Kid, this is my resume. Have a look."

Shinji was very impressed when he looked at Riola's resume, and then Riola said, "This is the contract I prepaid for you. I usually charge more for someone who didn't even sign any professional contracts before, but you are Oliver's little brother, and Oliver helped me a lot in the past, so I decided to lower my prices for you."

Shinji looked at the contract and smiled in satisfaction. He only needed to pay Riola 5% of the endorsement fee and 5% of the transfer fee.

Shinji then asked Riola for a pen and signed the contract.

Just after Shinji signed the contract "DING,DONG" they heard someone ringing the doorbell.

Shinji got up and went to open the door.

Shinji was surprised when he saw a blond man wearing a suit after he opened the door.

Robert smiled at Shinji and said, "Hello, Shinji, my name is Robert." I am a scout from PSV and would like to talk to you in private. Can I come in?"

Shinji was surprised to hear this, and Riola, who was sitting on the sofa, smiled evilly when he heard Robert introduce himself to Shinji.

After Robert entered Shinji's apartment, he was surprised to see Riola, and he narrowed his eyes at him. He then said to Riola, "Greetings, Mr. Riola."

Riola chuckled at the greeting and welcomed Robert back. "Hello, Mr. Robert. Let's get straight to the point." You came to invite little Shinji to PSV. Tell me the terms of the youth contract; after all, I am a Shinji agent."

Robert sat on the sofa and said to Riola, "If you want to negotiate the contract, you will need to come with me to PSV, but the club is willing to nurture Shinji with all their resources and will also cover all his living expenses if he joins PSV, according to Guus." 

Riola scoffed and said, "Mr. Robert, do you take me and Shinji as morons? Guus is only the head coach of PSV; he doesn't have this kind of authority."

Robert eyebrows twitched when he heard this, and then he sighed, "You are right, but that what Guus told me, it will be best for you to visit PSV to discuss it with the club; I am just a scout."

Riola nodded his head, then turned his head to Shinji and asked, "Shinji, I will go to Eindhoven to visit PSV to check on the youth contract they are offering you. If any other clubs come and want to sign you, just tell them to contact me. You don't need to worry about anything; leave everything to me."

Shinji smiled and nodded. "Thank you, Mino."

Riola smirked. "This is my job. I am your agent, kid."

Riola and Robert then stood up, left Shinji's apartment, and booked a flight to Eindhoven.