Joining Ajax

After Riola exited Shinji's house with the PSV scout, he took out his mobile phone and called Lucy.

"Lucy, listen up. I want you to announce to all Europe that Shinji is our client and I am his agent. I want you to do it as soon as possible." Riola took this seriously and told Lucy.

Lucy nodded her head and replied to Riola, "As you wish, sir, anything else?"

"Yes, I want you to take two security guards from our company and go meet with Shinji. I don't want the scouts from other clubs to bother him or put pressure on him. Additionally, you need to clarify the responsibilities of football agents to Shinji, enabling him to understand what help and services we could provide to him." Riola told Lucy: 

Lucy nodded her head and said to Riola, "Right away, sir."

After his conversation with Lucy concluded, Riola returned his mobile phone to his pocket. Then he and the PSV scout arrived at the airport and flew to Endhover.


with Lucy

Lucy and the two security guards arrived at Shinji's apartment. She rang the apartment bell, and Shinji opened the door. He was surprised when he saw Lucy and the two security guards.

Shinji was surprised when he saw Lucy and the two security guards. According to him, Lucy was a very hot woman, and the two security guards were way too muscular; they looked like wrestlers.

Lucy smiled at Shinji and introduced herself: "Hello, Mr. Shinji, my name is Lucy, and I am Mr. Riola's assistant." Shinji's eyes widened in surprise, and Lucy continued speaking: "Mr. Riola asked me to visit you and explain to you what a football agent can provide to you, their duties, and the services that they provide for football players."

When Shinji heard this, he was intrigued. He then gave the security guards a wary look.

When Lucy noticed Shinji staring at the two security guards in worry, she quickly explained their purpose: "These two are here to prevent those scouts from bothering you." According to the law, clubs are required to contact Mr. Riola if they wish to offer you a contract, as you have now become a client of his. They are here to protect you."

Shinji nodded his head at her and opened the apartment door wide for her to enter. Lucy smiled gratefully at Shinji, then turned her attention to the two security guards accompanying her, telling them to wait outside and not to bother the scouts.

The two scouts nodded their heads at Lucy and stood outside the apartment, guarding the entrance.

When Lucy saw the security guards action, she was satisfied and entered Shinji's apartment.


Shinji's apartment lounge

Lucy sat on the sofa in the lounge, and Shinji made two cups of coffee for them to drink.

Lucy took a sip of coffee and told Shinji, "Thank you for the coffee. To explain things simply, you will only need to focus on training hard and playing well in football matches. Outside of football, we can assist you with anything else you need. For example, if you want to buy a house, a car, or make an investment, we can help you with that. These are just examples of what we can help you with.

Lucy then took out a small booklet from her bag and gave it to Shinji. She said to him, "This booklet lists all the services we can provide to you. Please take a look, Mr. Shinji."

Shinji nodded his head and started reading the booklet that Lucy gave him.

He smiled the more he read. After finishing reading the booklet, he laid it on the table and said to Lucy, "Well, thank you, Miss Lucy. Now I have a good understanding of what you guys can provide for me."

Lucy gave Shinji a bright smile and said to him, "No problem, Mr. Shinji, I am here to serve you."

Shinji nodded his head in satisfaction, and then he said to Lucy, "Well, Miss Lucy, I would like you to hire private coaches as soon as possible."

Lucy was surprised at first, then she took out her notebook and asked Shinji, "What kind of coaches do you want us to hire for you, Mr. Shinji.?"

Shinji smiled when he heard her question and said, "All the coaches that I want to hire must have vast experience."

Lucy nodded her head and wrote Shinji's condition down in her notebook. She then said to Shinji, "You know that it's going to cost you a lot of money to hire coaches with vast experience."

Shinji smiled and nodded to her. "You don't need to worry about this; I am willing to pay."

Lucy was surprised, but she nodded her head, and Shinji continued, "I want a football technical expert coach who specializes in training midfielders, a nutritious expert, a fitness coach, and a medical team."

Lucy nodded her head and wrote everything in her notebook. She then told Shinji, "Alright, I will report to Mr. Riola about your desire to hire private coaches, and these coaches must have vast experience."

Shinji smiled and nodded his head in gratitude to Lucy.


With Riola

After Riola arrived at Endhover, he began receiving numerous phone calls from various European football clubs willing to offer Shinji a youth contract.

There are big football clubs like Bayern, Real Madrid, and Manchester United. Even Barcelona contacted Riola; they were very angry at Shinji for not renewing his youth contract.

The PSV scout was very worried when he saw this, so he quickly texted the head coach and reported to him that many clubs were after Shinji.


At night with Shinji

While Shinji was having his dinner, he heard the bell of his apartment ringing. He stood up and walked to open the door.

After opening the door, he saw Riola barging in with a big smile on his face. "I have good news for you, kid. We have a lot to discuss."

Shinji and Riola both sat at the dining table, and Riola ate some food that Shinji had prepared. When he tasted the food, Riola was surprised and said to Shinji, "Kid, you are a talented cook. This food is so delicious."

Shinji chuckled when he heard Riola's compliment. "Thanks, Mr. Riola."

Riola rolled his eyes and said, "Call me Mino, kid. You are Oliver, little brother, and he is a good friend of mine."

Shinji nodded his head with a smile on his face and asked Riola, "So, Mino, what is the good news you have?"

Riola smiled and started telling Shinji the news: "Well, you received many offers from big football clubs and medium-sized clubs. I don't advise you to move to a big club right now. What you need now more than anything is experience and improving your current skills. There are two offers that suit your current situation: an offer from PSV and Ajax."

"First, let's talk about Ajax Football Club. "Ajax is famous for its youth training program. Many former stars graduated from it, including Dennis Bergkamp, Frank de Boer, Van Dar Sar, and many more."

"Ajax is offering you a 2-year contract, a €20,000 annual salary, €100,000 signing fees, and a €2,500,000 release clause."

"The club will cover your living expenses if you live in the Ajax dormitory, but whether you live in the Youth Academy dormitory or not, you must attend the school with which Ajax has a contract with."

"The other football club that I recommend is PSV. The annual salary is €40,000, the signing fees are €500,000, and the release clause is €4,000,000."

"Whether you live in the youth academy dormitory or not, PSV will cover your living expenses."

"Additionally, if you pass the first team trial next year, you will be promoted to the first team."

Shinji listened carefully to Riola, then asked him, "Tell me about the other teams that offered contracts to me."

Upon hearing his request, Riola opened his suite case, pulled out a file, and told Shinji, "This file contains all the details of the contracts from all the football clubs that wished to sign you. Have a look, kid."

Shinji nodded his head in understanding. He then grabbed the file and started reading every contract detail in it.

Shinji noticed that several major clubs, such as Real Madrid and Barcelona, were offering him a youth contract, as well as some medium-sized clubs, such as Wolf FC. These large clubs offered a generous salary and signing fee.

Shinji thought deeply about his decision; he knew what Riola advised him was the correct course of action for him to take, so he started thinking about whether to join PSV or Ajax. "First of all, if I join Ajax, I won't have to use any of the two remaining requests that Oliver grants me to buy a house because I already own one in Amsterdam. Also, Ajax Youth Academy has produced many football stars in the past; just like Mino said, it will be very advantageous for me to join Ajax Youth Academy."

"I also don't need to live in the dormitory or care about Ajax covering my living expenses; the salary I will receive from them will be more than enough to cover my living expenses." Shinji thought to himself.

"On the other hand, PSV only offers me a higher pay and a chance to become a pro more quickly." Shinji started contemplating which of the two clubs he should choose.

Riola just waited patiently for Shinji to make his decision and didn't disturb him.

After 10 minutes, Shinji made up his mind and said to Riola, "Mino, I have decided I will join Ajax, but I need your help in something."

Riola nodded his head and said, "Tell me what you need, kid."

"First, I want you to meet Oliver and ask him to give you the keys to my house in Amsterdam. Next, I want you to hire a housekeeper and a chef. I am not sure how many housekeepers I should hire; I will leave it to you to decide." Riola nodded his head in understanding.

"Lastly, I requested that Miss Lucy hire private coaches and a medical team for me, and she assured me that she would share my request with you." Shinji addressed Riola, who responded with a nod. "Yes, she informed me about your request," Shinji replied. I know a good coach who was part of the England Olympic coaching team.

Shinji then asked him, "What about the fitness coach, a nutritious expert, and a medical team?"

Riola smiled and said, "You don't need to worry; I will hire for you the best coaches and medical team. I have a vast connection in Europe; you just wait and see my magic work, HAHAHAHAHAHA."

After chuckling and nodding his head in satisfaction, Shinji said to Riola, "Good, when you meet Oliver, let him give you the address of my house, Mino. Also, I want to transform the second level of my house into a gym and the garden into a football pitch."

Riola nodded his head and said, "Leave this to me, kid. I will make the arrangement right away. Also, prepare yourself, kid. We will go to Amsterdam and sign your contract in two weeks."

When he heard this, Shinji smiled and nodded his head to Riola, who had left Shinji's apartment to fulfill Shinji's requests.