I had come in to class just a while ago the professor I met is professor Angela Clarence. She's the physics lecturer, she's so annoying and ask too many questions which is pissing me off at that moment because I'm so tired, i couldn't sleep last night because of my constant nightmares.
"But she isn't so bad you know." My inner voice said.
"Oh yeah, that's because it ain't you who's getting to suffer, so just shut up." I replied feeling so annoyed.
Immediately the class got over, I picked my stuffs to head out of the class when I got stopped by Ms. Clarence. I have to listen to her bickering yet again.
"Oh no." My inner voice said dramatically.
"Oh yes."
"I heard your mom gave birth again right, Ms. Fernandez?" She asked.
"Yes ma'am." I answered.
"Okay help me convey my regards to your mom because I won't be able to make it to your place." she said.
"Okay ma'am, I definitely will." I said with a grin but I groaned on the inside.
"Good." She said whilst smiling and then she left.
I'm so glad she's gone, I don't have to deal with any more humans because I don't have any more strength to deal with anyone.
Sighing, I turned my back to pick my stuffs off the desk, only for me to notice I wasn't the only one present in the class. There's someone else sitting down and staring at me like a predator ready to feast on his prey.
His gaze at me feels so different, I felt a cold sensation running down my spine, I looked into his eyes and saw that same green emerald eyes, same one i saw the other day mom was in labor.
"Something just feels off about this guy."
"Yeah I know, it's just different." I replied to the voice.
His green emerald eyes seems to be piercing into me, and everything feels weird about this guy but I just shrugged it off and decided to leave, I made my way to the door. And while walking I could still feel that his eyes piercing into my back, but I couldn't turn my back to confirm my suspicion.
When I left the class, I got to the school corridor and then my phone started to ring only for me to check and see it's Ira calling me. I guess she's been waiting for my call, I had told her I was going to call her but I didn't.
I was so caught up in my stupid web of problems that I forgot to call her, oh fuck.
"Hey." I said, picking up the call.
"You're a goner, she's going to get mad now." My inner voice said.
"Hi Mel whatchu'up with you? You seemed kinda off these days, hope everything is fine?" Mira asked me, sounding worried.
"Yeah Ira everything is fine it just that I have been stressed out lately by school works, so I guess that's why everything's different. Uhhh...I'm sorry ira I told you I was going to call but i didn't, it totally skipped my fucking mind, so that's why I forgot to call, sorry." I said.
"It's okay, I got you babe." Mira said, supportively.
"She sounds different today, she did the unexpected, she's so unpredictable sometimes."
"Oh yeah." I answered back.
"Well, this best friend of ours is so sweet, she never judge us like the rest do, calling us all sort of names." The voice spoke sounding genuine.
"Yeah, she even tolerates my stupid behavior and all." I said.
"I just wish I could do same for her." I added.
"Okay Ira, need to go now, bye."
"Okay bye." She said hanging up.
I headed straight home, I was so tired that when I came back home, I headed straight to my room, dropped my stuffs on my study table, went over to my bed and just collapsed on my bed without a second thought I slept off. I fell into a deep slumber.
Until my phone started to buzz and I had to wake up from my deep slumber, I picked it up with my sleepy eyes, without even checking who the caller is.
"Hey." I said.
"Hi mela." The other person on the other side said, with a cold voice.
Immediately I recognized the voice, it's the so called man I call my dad, oh sorry not my dad but a monstrous beast in a human body. A beast who caused my nightmares that I couldn't sleep at night in peace.
"What do you want?" I asked him.
And then everything on the other end went dead silent but I knew he didn't cut the call so I asked again.
"I said, what do you want?"
"Mela I'm sorry for everything, I have been apologizing for the past twelve years, I'm sorry Mela forgive me!!" He said pleading and for a moment my heart began to melt.
"This man has so much guts." My inner voice said in disbelief.
"Don't believe him, his just acting, he said that the first time also, you believed him and he repeated same mistake, and now he's saying it again, don't believe him." My inner voice said trying to convince me.
I didn't say a word. I just ended the call and I got up from my bed to go take a shower, I needed to relax my head a little bit in the shower.
After about I guess an hour, I came out of the bathroom and I saw it's already 7 pm.
I dressed in a T shirt and a sweat pant, took out a sneaker and put on my headset on my neck, leaving it to hang there. I just need to take a walk if not, my head is going to explode with all the thoughts rummaging inside.
"Yeah, we really need it." The voice said sounding exhausted just like I am.
On my way out, I saw grandma and mom chatting together inside the living room.
I started to sneak out of the house to avoid mom and grandma. And just right then, I heard mom calling out to me, this is what I wanted avoiding at all cost.
"Now you got no choice."
I had to turn back to go meet her.
"Hey mom." I said.
"How are you doing mel?" Mom asked.
"I'm fine mom."
"You came back from school you didn't care to come check up on me or your sister, neither did you check up on your grandma." Mom said to me with a questioning look.
Only for me to turn and look at grandma also giving me those questioning looks.
"That's not fair you know right?" grandma said whining like a kid.
"Yeah I know, I'm sorry when I came back I was so tired so I just decided to take a quick nap until......" I was taken aback by that beast call but I ain't going to tell mom about him calling, because I don't want to her to start asking questions I couldn't answer so I just shrugged it off. When mom called me out of my thoughts.
"Until what mela?"
"Until nothing mom." I told my mom to avoid any further questions.
"But Mel, where are you dressed to it's late and it's starting to get dark?" grandma asked, breaking the conversation between I and mom which I'm glad for.
"I am just going to take a walk in the next street, I'll be back, bye mom, bye grandma." I said in a haste, before she could say another word I zoomed off.
Already out with my headset on, walking on the street and listening to musics. For some unknown reason I felt as if I am being followed but when I turned I didn't see anything I was met with a dead silence and without any single soul on the street I am. And together with that feeling came a cold feeling, and that cold feeling is some what like that same cold feeling I do feel whenever my gaze meets with that guy's green emerald Iris.
I continued walking but then I still felt that same feeling, I turned but was met with yet another dead silence I shrugged it off because I thought maybe I am overthinking but after I turned my back to resume my walk, I felt that feeling again.
"You're over thinking." My inner voice said, sounding so sure if it's words.
But I'm sure am not overthinking because this time I heard a footsteps behind me.
I'm so sure that am being followed, panic raised in my guts, I felt breathless and I didn't know what to do but I had to do something just in case I'm in danger.
"Yeah, close your palm, and make it into a fist so immediately you're turning you could punch the person in the face."
When I turned I got shocked, because I met same guy I'd seen in my class staring at me with his same green emerald eyes, shining under the bright moon and his hair is as black as the night and it's also shining under the bright moon above the sky, as it's rustled by the wind .
I got so shocked that my heart almost jumped out of my throat .
"Hey what the hell is this all about?" I asked with a frustrated tone while I removed my headset.
"I believe this way doesn't belong to you, does it?" He said with his cold deep aggressive voice as he looked at me right inside my eyes, making that cold feeling, running up and down my spine.
Immediately those words left his lips, he zoomed of leaving me with my mouth opened, when I just wanted replying the asshole.
"Why do you always feel this way whenever you see him?" My inner voice asked with curiosity.
"How the fuck am I supposed to know." I answered sounding so annoyed.
Oh hells, what a really great day today is.
"It really is great or perhaps more than great." The voice said.
I walked back home still trying to stabilize my heartbeat and also being conscious that no mother fucker is following me yet again.
I reached home and I met mom and grandma in the living room they were done with their dinner, I guess.
"Hey baby." Mom called out.
I was just about to run up to my room because I just ain't ready for another talks. Yes, that's how I am, I am an introverted girl, I love my space so much, music helps me when am out of words, I dislike interacting with humans and faking my emotions gives me goosebumps which is why most of the time I always try to avoid mom and grandma to avoid talking and answering unnecessary questions that piss me off so bad.
"Mom I am having a slight headache and I need to go and rest." I said with a calm voice.
"Okay baby good night." Mom said smiling, Mom really understood me and I appreciate her for that.
"Okay mom goodnight, goodnight grandma." I said and left before grandma could reply.
I could feel it right inside my heart, that Grandma and Mom ain't happy but there's nothing I can do about it. Life is just so unfair that it kept me right inside this dark hole that I can't seem see my loved ones, the way I am supposed to see them.
I got inside my room, removed my headset as I kept it right next to me and I laid on the bed to relax my head, as all the event that happened today came flooding back inside my head.
I had picked up a book to read as I sat on my bed when, my phone started to ring. I just hope it isn't him calling again, I watched as my hope broke into pieces as I saw, it's fucking him.
As if calling during the day wasn't enough, you had to fucking call at night but I won't be fazed by your call.
"You go baby girl." The voice said.
"You're so fucking stupid." I replied feeling annoyed at it's stupid words.
"I was just trying to cheer you up." The voice said sounding sorry.
I rejected the call and shove it down my pillow as I put it in silent mode and I put on my headphone knowing fully well I would be awake all through the night but I didn't know when I dozed off.
"Dad please it's hurting, dad please don't do it again, please dad it's hurting me please dad. I promise I won't tell mom anything dad please. I promise to keep quiet I won't tell anyone dad just stop it, it's paining really bad dad."
"Mela shut the fuck up, I have heard enough of you bickerings." Dad said sounding frustrated. I'm in tears but dad didn't care about me, damn I'm in pain but he still didn't care.....why would he even care when he's the one giving me this pain.
I jerked up from my bed sweating profusely, hells I didn't even know when I started crying so hard that mom came into my room because she knows whenever I have nightmares and after my nightmare I do have emotional breakdown.
She tried to comfort me but I didn't want her close to me because she is also part of the reason I'm having nightmares even if it was unknowingly she was still the cause. Had she not left me that day we wouldn't be in this position, I wouldn't be having nightmares nor would I have seasons of break down.
The day started as I wore my mask of not being fazed by anything. I went to school without meeting mom or grandma.
I went into the class thank goodness the prof hasn't entered yet because I didn't have any explanation for being late or rather I didn't want to talk at all. All for me to enter and I set my eyes on that same dude I met yesterday staring at me with his eyes.
I am starting to doubt this guy because it wasn't some coincidence that we met in that street. Damn we didn't meet, he was stalking me. I don't know where all this stalking things is coming from but I needed to confront this dude to let me be. Because I don't want troubles, he should stop stalking me and stop staring at me like some predator.
"But it could be he wasn't stalking you, after all he asked if the road belongs to you, which it doesn't, so it could be he just came for a walk just like you." My inner voice spoke.
"Oh I see, so you're now siding with him, isn't it?" I asked sounding pissed off.
"I'm not, I'm just trying to make you understand." The voice replied.
"Oh yeah, I can see that."
There I was standing in his face "hey." I said, as he gave me a look I can't seem to understand.
"We both don't know each other then tell me why the heck are you stalking me and giving me those stupid looks all the time?"
He didn't say a word rather he glared at me, making me feel like I didn't know what I am talking about, before I could say another word he, stormed out having low interest in whatever I wanted to say.
"There you go, got what you didn't look for." My inner voice said mocking me.