
6. A Fragile of Truce

"You must be from the future," Xavier stated as he gazed at the woman before him. Despite her being his savior, he heightened his vigilance.

The woman was none other than Nina. She locked eyes with Xavier, observing him intently, then aimed her gun at him. "Where's John?"

Xavier was taken aback, before he responded to Nina's stare with intensity. "It seems you've come for him."

"You must know that my laser can penetrate your bionic body, right?" Nina glanced at Xavier's half-mechanical form.

Xavier bristled. "If only I had known, I would have eliminated him."

Nina smiled. "Then, before you find him, I might as well pull this trigger."

"Well, that's your choice. But it means you'll have to face those pre-historic beasts alone before you can meet John. You can take down one T-rex, but not necessarily the others. I know we're on opposing sides, but putting aside this hostility momentarily for survival—at least until we find John—I don't think it's a bad idea," Xavier retorted, trying to convince Nina.

As the tense silence hung in the air, Nina's mind raced through the options before her. She knew that Xavier's proposition held a glimmer of truth; the untamed wilderness teemed with dangers beyond her imagination. The rustling leaves and distant growls of the prehistoric creatures served as a haunting reminder of the perils that awaited.

Xavier's bionic enhancements were a testament to his resilience, and while they didn't guarantee her safety, they did offer a fighting chance against the brutal forces of this primitive era. The uncertainty of her odds was a bitter pill to swallow, but the alternative was far worse—facing the ravenous predators without any assistance.

Nina's fingers tightened around the pistol, her gaze never leaving Xavier's steady eyes. Despite the animosity that had initially brought them together, his logic began to resonate with a growing sense of pragmatism. Survival transcended allegiances, and right now, their shared objective was to find John and escape this temporal quagmire alive.

The distant roar of a predatory beast shook the ground beneath them, a stark reminder of their vulnerable position. Nina finally broke her silence, her voice laced with reluctant agreement. "Fine, we'll put our differences aside for now. I'll let John kill you anyway."

Xavier's expression looked satisfied, able to change Nina's stance. "He can try later, but for now, let's focus on finding John and ensuring we all make it out of this alive."

Their unspoken alliance forged in the crucible of danger, Nina and Xavier turn away from the distrust that once defined their interactions. As they venture deeper into the primeval wilderness, their survival instincts intensify, uniting them when it comes to facing a common enemy who doesn't care for the squabbles of time-travelling adversaries.

Meanwhile, the man they were searching for strode through the jungle, his gaze sweeping alertly as he scouted his surroundings. He sought both his archenemy and a way to evade the ambushes of the reigning beasts of the forest. So far, luck favored John; no imminent threats crossed his path. However, fortune was unlikely to remain on his side indefinitely.

As John deftly pushed aside the imposing foliage that barred his way, a mesmerizing sight greeted his eyes—an innocent young Parasaurolophus. The creature's gaze met John's, its eyes reflecting a mixture of curiosity and trepidation. With a cautious step, it hesitated, acknowledging the human's presence with an innate wariness.

Although John's expertise lay far from the realm of paleontology, he intuitively grasped the creature's response. The subtle language of the animal conveyed a clear message—it meant no harm. This wasn't merely an encounter; it was a bridge between epochs, an unspoken connection that spanned the chasm of time.

Intrigued by the surreal moment, John's heart raced with a blend of awe and inquisitiveness. Fuelled by an unquenchable thirst for knowledge, he approached the ancient being with gentle steps, a man treading lightly in the pre-historic world. However, before he could reach it, suddenly several lizard-like creatures pounced on the unfortunate Parasaurolophus. John jerked back, then swiftly grabbed a wooden branch to fend off the attacking reptiles.

"Hey! Stay away from it!" John swung the wooden makeshift weapon, trying to shoo the lizards away.

The Parasaurolophus cowered, its eyes widened with a primal fear. But, John's well-intentioned interference triggered an unintended cascade, catapulting the danger to an entirely new level.

Unbeknownst to John, his limited understanding was about to thrust him into an even more treacherous situation. The Raptors abruptly halted, their menacing growls and piercing hisses slicing through the tense air in response to his bold defiance. The truth became painfully evident: these were not the mild creatures he had mistakenly perceived. They were unrelenting predators, their predatory instincts forged through countless generations.

John's disruption acted like a spark igniting a parched forest floor. His actions disrupted the fragile equilibrium of the primeval ecosystem, hurling him into a face-off with creatures whose primitive focus had swiftly shifted from their original quarry to the audacious intruder who dared challenge them. The Raptors' amber eyes locked onto him, a collective verdict formed in a heartbeat, branding him as their new prey. The atmosphere was taut with imminent danger, an unspoken realization that the forest had transformed into a battleground, with John unwittingly thrust into the role of both instigator and unwilling combatant.

The intense gaze of the Raptors sent a jolt of adrenaline through John's veins, sharpening his senses to the impending danger. In that moment, realization dawned upon him—he had inadvertently become their prey. His heart raced as he assessed his surroundings, desperately seeking an opening to break away from the encroaching predators.

With each deliberate step the raptors took, John's instinct to survive kicked into overdrive. He slowly retreated, his eyes locked on their every movement, calculating their speed and anticipating their next strike. One step, two steps, he continued his cautious retreat, his mind racing to find a way out of this perilous situation.

As he continued to edge backward, his foot suddenly collided with an unexpected obstacle. His heart pounded louder in his chest as he quickly glanced, only to find a massive rock obstructing his path. The realization hit him like a lightning bolt—he was running out of options, and his escape route had been cut off. Before he could fully process this precarious situation, the raptors seized the moment. With a quick and coordinated leap, they lunged towards him.