In the future, the Earth was often showered with meteors. One day, a meteor, forty times the power of a nuclear explosion, streaked towards the Earth. The atmospheric dome that protected the Earth was thought to be unable to withstand the impact of the huge meteor. The only way to prevent catastrophe was to send someone back to 1975 to retrieve components of the IBM 5100.
As an elite member of the special forces, John Myron was chosen for the mission. However, the mission was not as easy as John had imagined, as a dark organization sent Xavier to thwart his mission.
Could John complete the mission? Why was the IBM 5100 needed to prevent the meteor? What was the organization's goal? Find out the answers in "Titor"!
interesting story, the pace is good, the characters are great.
wow! i didnt expect this story to be this good!
I really like the sci-fi story, and this one is definetely in my library!
I've always been interested in time travel stories, and this one does a great job of portraying it.
I love the story, but for me the world background should be more varied.