
14. The Other John

John was stunned as he looked at his saviour. The man before him bore an uncanny resemblance, almost like a perfect copy of himself. They shared the same physical features, except for his long hair and distinctive moustaches and beards. However, what puzzled John was this man's similarity to the hologram he had seen at Gertrude's home, raising questions that were increasingly perplexing.

The attire worn by the man also caught John's attention. While it appeared elegant, the dark colors of the long jacket and tight black outfit gave off a mysterious and somewhat ominous impression. It was as if there was more hidden beneath the man's physical appearance and clothing.

One of the mysterious attackers who had previously tried to harm John suddenly saw an opportunity and swiftly raised his gun. However, before he could fire a shot, the saviour reacted quickly, shooting accurately at the attacker's head. The laser shot flashed through the air, filling it with a momentary tension.

John, who had been focused on the presence of the saviour, was startled and quickly turned around. His gaze was fixed on the lifeless body of the mysterious man lying on the ground. His expression revealed a mix of shock and relief, realizing that the saviour had once again saved him from lurking danger. In an instant, the situation had changed, and John understood that every action could make the difference between life and death in such uncertain circumstances.

John turned his gaze back to the front. "Who are you?"

The man turned around, ready to leave. "There are five government agents chasing Gertrude. We can't stay here."

John was taken aback, then thought for a moment. He understood that the people who appeared at Gertrude's house were some of Gertrude's pursuers. "Okay."

The man with long hair ran quickly, and John hurried to catch up and position himself beside him. John scrutinized the man carefully, examining every detail of his face. Up close, John began to recognize the signs that revealed who this man truly was. Meanwhile, the man with long hair couldn't help but smile as he saw John scrutinizing him, as if he knew that his true identity was now revealed in John's eyes.

"You already know who I am, right?" the man asked.

John nodded. "You're me from a different time."

"More precisely, I'm from the year 3090," replied Future John.

"So, you're from the same time as Gertrude?" asked John.

Future John nodded. "But I'm a wanderer, never staying in one time."

"Why?" John raised an eyebrow.

"Too long to explain. Besides..."—Future John drew his gun while looking at the five people fighting Gertrude—"we have to help her!"

At that moment, Future John fired shots at the attackers. Laser whizzed through the air, hitting their targets with deadly precision. John didn't hesitate and boldly charged forward to assist his two time-traveler friends. He pushed through with determination, facing the ruthless attacks of the enemies. Fortunately, their battle took place in a secluded location, so no one from that time could witness them.

The battle involving three time travelers against five enemies was no easy feat. The five individuals appeared strong and experienced, posing a significant challenge to the trio of time travelers. However, with a cool head and a well-thought-out strategy, they eventually managed to overcome their adversaries.

They used careful strategies, communicating with sharp hand signals. One of them would divert the enemy's attention while the others attacked from behind, creating confusion among their opponents. Despite tense moments where they had to dodge enemy attacks, the three time travelers held fast to their plan.

As time went on, they began to capitalize on their opponents' fatigue and mistakes. With coordinated and precise attacks, the trio successfully took down the enemies one by one. Eventually, they defeated all five of them, concluding the battle with a victory.

Future John looked down at the motionless bodies on the ground. He felt relieved that the battle had ended in victory. Without hesitation, he pressed the hologram button on his watch. Shortly, a time vortex appeared and forcefully pulled the five individuals into it before disappearing, leaving the place quiet once more.

"They've returned to the future," said Future John, then turned to Gertrude. "When I was about to visit you, I accidentally saw them emerge from the vortex. But I didn't act immediately, waiting for the right moment."

Gertrude gazed at Future John with a longing look. "Thank you, Dad."

John was taken aback, his eyes widening as he looked at Gertrude. "Dad?"

Future John nodded. "My other self, she's my daughter."

Hearing that, Gertrude turned to look at John. "Ah, it makes sense now. You're him from a different time."

"It seems so," John nodded in understanding.

Future John ruffled his daughter's hair. "Take care of yourself. I have to go."

"Dad, didn't you promise to stay here?" Gertrude asked, hopeful.

Future John nodded. "But my business isn't finished yet. If I stay, it will harm you."

Gertrude fell silent, her head bowed deeply, her face reflecting deep loss. Her eyes felt heavy, and the smile that usually adorned her face had disappeared. John looked at Gertrude with the same sadness, observing her expression. He could feel how heavy this parting was for her.

The same weight was felt by Future John. However, he knew that this was a decision that had to be made for Gertrude's sake. Their determination in facing this difficult situation was reflected in their resolute expressions, even though their hearts were undoubtedly heavy. Both of them might not want this separation, but they understood that it was a necessary step for a better future.

"John, take care of yourself." Future John shifted his gaze to Gertrude. "Until we meet again, Gertrude."

After saying that, Future John quickly pressed a button on his watch, creating a time vortex in the sky that appeared close to where they stood. Without hesitation, Future John confidently leaped into the vortex, and in an instant, he vanished from their sight.

Gertrude looked sad and devastated as she stared at the empty space left by Future John's departure. Her expression conveyed a mixture of emotions that were hard to put into words. The brief encounter had only intensified her longing. She never knew when they would meet again, and they would never truly part ways.

Seeing Future John's departure, John turned to Gertrude. "So, you are my daughter."

Gertrude shook her head. "I am his daughter, but perhaps not yours."

John was taken aback by this revelation. "How is that possible?"