
13. Temporal Tension

In the DST office of the year 3057, Dwight Tipler stood in front of a giant hologram screen with two General's envoys. They were observing rapidly moving numbers on the screen. Dwight looked worried, watching the numbers that seemed never to stop.

The tension in the DST office was palpable as Dwight continued to analyze the data streaming across the hologram screen. The room was bathed in the soft, eerie glow of the holographic projections, casting an otherworldly ambiance that contrasted starkly with the gravity of their mission.

The numbers on the screen represented a complex web of temporal coordinates, a puzzle that held the fate of John and Nina in its intricate threads. Dwight's furrowed brow and the occasional tap of his fingers on the console were a testament to the immense pressure he felt. The General's envoys fully aware of the enormity of their task. In that dimly lit room, where the past, present, and future converged, they could only hope that Dwight would decipher the enigma that had brought them to this pivotal moment.

"Have you found their location?" one of the men beside Dwight asked.

Dwight shook his head. "They've vanished from ancient times, and I still can't locate them now."

The two men exchanged glances, then one of them said, "We should return to headquarters. You can call us when you find their whereabouts."

Just then, a sound from the hologram screen caught their attention. Dwight quickly turned his gaze. His eyes widened with excitement momentarily, but then his expression turned puzzled.

The numbers on the screen seemed to be forming a pattern, one that Dwight hadn't seen before. Dwight furrowed his brow, his mind racing to decipher the meaning behind this unusual phenomenon. Dwight knew that he had to delve deeper into this enigma.

"Why is it only Nina that's traceable? Where's John?" Dwight was perplexed, his mind racing. Shortly after, he pressed the buttons in front of him. "I hope you'll wait a moment; I'll go look for John."

The two men exchanged glances again and nodded. Although they hadn't found John yet, at least they had a lead with Nina. They knew time was of the essence, and with Nina's location now known, they could begin the process of extracting crucial information from her. The fate of their mission and the world as they knew it depended on uncovering the truth behind John's disappearance and the mysterious events surrounding it.

Back to the time where John was, the arrival of two mysterious men startled Gertrude. In the midst of this chaotic pursuit, Gertrude's quick thinking and agility proved invaluable. As the two mysterious men lunged toward her, she slammed the wooden door shut, her heart pounding with adrenaline.

Gertrude's voice rang out, sharp and commanding, "Head for the back door!"

John, startled by the sudden turn of events, obeyed without hesitation. He sprinted toward the back door, his footsteps echoing in the dimly lit corridor. Meanwhile, on the other side of the door, the two intruders wasted no time. With a powerful crash, they forced their way inside, their laser guns drawn from concealed holsters.

Laser shots pierced the air with sizzling intensity as the assailants opened fire on Gertrude and John. The room erupted in flashes of blue light, the beams narrowly missing their targets. Gertrude, moving with uncanny grace, leaped and twisted, narrowly avoiding each shot. John, still grappling with the bewildering situation, managed to follow her lead, ducking and weaving to evade the deadly laser bolts.

The intensity of the chase heightened with each passing moment, the thrill of survival pushing Gertrude and John to their limits. As the two fugitives darted towards the back door, their pursuers remained relentless, determined to capture their elusive prey.

Gertrude and John continued running through the back door while the two men pursued them, firing shots. However, Gertrude and John dodged every shot with agility, avoiding the laser fire.

Each step they took was a dance of survival, a harmonious blend of synchronized movements that kept them one step ahead of the lethal laser fire. Gertrude's grace and John's determination formed an unlikely alliance, a testament to their shared will to escape the enigmatic pursuers and unravel the mysteries that had brought them together in this turbulent moment.

As John witnessed Gertrude's agility, he grew increasingly curious about her true identity. Her survival skills appeared to be the result of years of training.

"Hey, who are you really?" John asked as he ran alongside Gertrude.

"I've told you, I come from the future," Gertrude replied shortly, occasionally glancing back to check on their pursuers.

"Sorry, I mean, are you a special military member from 3057?" John asked.

"3057? That's impossible. I'm an agent of Titor X from the year 3090," Gertrude replied.

Gertrude's answer shocked John. "Titor—"

"Watch out!" Suddenly, Gertrude pushed John swiftly, saving him from a laser shot that almost hit his chest.

One of the mysterious men fired at John, while the other continued to pursue Gertrude. The attacks from the two men forced Gertrude and John to separate as they ran in opposite directions. However, the two men didn't give up and continued to chase them.

The pursuit pressed on, forcing John to brainstorm a solution for facing his pursuer head-on. John's eyes darted around, scanning his surroundings for any possible means of evasion or defense. Just as he was about to make a dash for cover, he noticed a stack of crates nearby.

Without hesitation, he sprinted towards them, using them as makeshift shields to block the laser shots aimed at him. His heart pounded as he pressed his back against the cold metal, every sound amplified in the silence of his racing thoughts. As he crouched behind the crates, he contemplated his next move, hoping to outmaneuver the pursuers without resorting to violence. The tension was palpable; sweat trickled down his forehead. When he was about to take a stance to fight back, suddenly, the friend of the first mysterious man appeared behind him, pointing a ready gun. The barrel gleamed ominously under the dim light, sending a shiver down his spine.

"Prepare for hell, Rat!" As the words ended, he prepared to pull the trigger, but he suddenly fell to the ground, leaving John surprised to see the man standing behind the mysterious man.