Tiger, Sarah, and Derrick watched from miles away as Bobby was arrested at the airport on the news. They all sighed in unison, breaking the heavy silence that had enveloped them.

Sarah said, her voice trembling a little, "He's finally behind bars," her terror of Bobby's threats having finally subsided.

Derrick placed a comforting hand on her shoulder. "It's over, Sarah. We can finally move on."

Tiger experienced a sense of satisfaction that overcame his first feelings of regret for betraying his former boss. His voice was low as he said, "He brought this on himself. He used all of us, and then tried to have us silenced. We did the right thing."

Sarah nodded, her gaze shifting to the TV screen as Bobby was escorted away in handcuffs. "Yes," she answered as her voice grew louder. "We did."

Tiger finally met their gazes. ""I..." With a voice full of emotion, he remarked, "I'm relieved this is over. I never thought I'd see the day."