Didi winked. She teased, getting a playful shove from Sarah in return. "Consider it a small token of our appreciation for the drama queen you've become," she said.

Sarah saw, with malicious gleams in their eyes, two individuals running straight for the cake as it was set on a table.

Her little twin sons, Leo and Ethan, who weren't even a year old, came toddling over, their chubby legs swaying with every stride.

"Oh no, you two!" Sarah laughed, scooping them up before they could reach the cake.

Ethan, the more adventurous of the twins, reached out with his tiny hand, grabbing a fistful of icing and promptly smearing it on his brother's face.

Leo gurgled in surprise, wide-eyed and briefly shocked. Seeing this as a hostile move, Ethan struck back, taking another handful of frosting and repaying the favor by spreading a layer of white frosting all over Leo's cheek.