Mr. Duke took out a fading envelope from his nightstand drawer. His voice was shaky but determined as he spoke, "Before... everything happened, I made certain adjustments to my will. Bobby was acting like a different man, and I knew it. Now, I want you and Derrick, and of course, these two little charmers, to be taken care of."

He handed Sarah the envelope, his hand trembling slightly. Sarah opened it cautiously and looked over its contents, her eyes widening. The will had been updated to give Sarah, Derrick, and the twins the lion's share of Mr. Duke's estate.

Her eyes filled with tears. Her voice trembling with passion, "Mr. Duke, you don't have to do this,"

Mr. Duke yelled, "Nonsense," his voice steady in spite of his weakness. "Consider it a belated apology for misjudging Bobby. And besides," he added with a wink, "who else will spoil these two rotten scoundrels?"