Chapter 1: Bullied

"Watch where you going motherf*k*r. . . I mean fatherf*k*r hahaha cause you don't have a mother."

Trigon already used to being shoved down the cause of how weak he is refused to reply as he quietly grabbed his now broken medicated eyeglasses from the ground.

"Come on, not again. How the hell am I gonna fix this now?" Feeling vexed he looked at the broken glass and mutter.

This is the twentieth time he got into such incidents in this damn school, why can't everyone mind their businesses and stop bullying the weak?

"Fuck your fat mama who can barely use her ability, Mick!" With a middle finger, he yells at the surprised Mick. Although Trigon is too calm for a teenager but when his dad's name gets involved, the young man tends to be crazy.

The youngsters all flock around with interest as they await for Trigon to get beaten. This isn't the first time, unlike other kids who always shudder when facing bullies and accept their faith, Trigon has been seen fighting some even if he gets beaten he never backs down. It was this habit that made everyone avoid him in order to not be put in trouble due to his recklessness.

"How dare you?! Today I will once again show you your place scum! You have no place in this world, you are a low-life being and that's why your Mom and sister abandoned you and your paralysed father!"

Saying so the kid dashed towards Trigon, right when he was close he curled his hand and a milky white ball formed in it, without wasting time he tossed it towards Trigon who couldn't evade it in time due to it coming all of a sudden.

Putting his hand in an X positioned as the ball slams right into his stomach and sends him flying backwards. Thankfully the corridor was long and he didn't slam into the wall cause he would have broken a lot of bones.

"Sigh, same thing every day. I thought today being the last day at school Trigon would behave himself and not get into trouble."

"Yeah, me too. Why will a low life without any ability to boost or even dare face off against Mick, one of the best and most promising students?"

"Low lives ways of thinking are different you know. No wonder his mom and sister left him and his paralysis father."

"Hey, won't anyone call the teacher to come heal him?" One of the female students asked innocently but that made the others who heard her burst into laughter.

"Why would we? He is more tougher than a cockroach. Don't worry he will stand up soon and besides he isn't worth wasting healings on. Only those worth fighting the Dracula race are."


Hearing all those words, Trigon who felt hurt grit his teeth and force himself up. Without even saying anything he stagger out of the school premises and head home.

Despite not seeing clearly after losing his glasses he still moves.

You might be wondering why he didn't report to the school headmaster right?

Well, that is cause he isn't even that important to begin with.

Once upon a time when his dad was still a military man. Fighting against the Dracula race. He mistakenly faces off against a black horn Dracula which ripped off his left hand and leg. Leaving him in a terrible condition.

Since then things took a drastic turn as his mother left them with his senior sister for reasons still unknown.

"Sigh, why am I thinking too much? Today should be the day we will be taking to the federational training academy. Gotta get home sooner and let dad know hopefully the federation don't forget it promises and send dad a home service robot to take care of him while I'm away." Thinking so, Trigon hurried his footstep. Passing through the quiet streets with wreckage of destroyed buildings and cars left behind by the war which took place 100 years ago.

Since he came from an impoverished home, this street was given to the poor retired or injured soldiers who couldn't afford to pay for houses. As this place is free of charge.

Looking ahead, he could easily spot a rundown building painted grey even with his bad eyesight. Strolling into the one-bedroom flat he quickly shut the door and looked at the old man sleeping soundly on the bed.

To be honest, Trigon's father is supposed to be in his middle thirties but cause of lack of food, his body deteriorated quite quickly making him look like a man in his peak forties.

Maybe feeling the stares of someone on him, the old man opens his clear dark eyes and stares at Trigon. Seeing it is his son he smiled affectionately and said, "You back from school Sony, How was it?"

"It was great Dad. Hope you enjoy your day, eaten?" Trigon said with a smile. He knew the day never went well but how would he bother his sick dad? He rather carries his pain by himself.

"Also Dad, today is the day we will be transported to the academy," Trigon said, sadly cause of his blurry vision. He failed to capture the look of sadness from his dad's gaze which faded away instantly.

(Seems like the day has come huh, sigh, hopefully, my son's part doesn't end like mine) Thinking so, he sat on his bed, revealing his right hand made of metal with crystals engraved in it and pulled open the nightstand table and brought out a book the size of a textbook.

"Trigon, I know one day, this very day will come. Although I always dread and wish it never cause I don't wanna lose the only thing I call a family. But I can't stop you from facing your destiny and thankfully I've been saving a lot of money and bought you this ability book from the dark net. Although it might not be as powerful as that from the first-class kids, you will still be able to go forward in your life." Saying so he handed the book to the shocked Trigon.

As soon as Trigon brought his hand forward and collected it, something strange happened.

Time froze, sound came to still and Trigon too couldn't move but strangely his thoughts weren't hindered.

"What the..."

[Creator system has found a compatible being! Bonding... Bonding... Ding! Successfully bonded!]

[World Creator System Activate!]

[Getting host information...*beep*... information collected...*beep*]

Host: Trigon Duncan

Race: Human (hidden bloodline???)

Level: 0

EXP: 0/100

Energy 10/10

Stat points: 0

Strength: 9

Speed: 7

Stamina: 7

Endurance: 10

HP: 99

Perceptions: 10

Skills: Nil

(System overall mark: Host is weaker than a chick and must level up ASAP or wouldn't be worthy of this system. First requirement...)


That is Trigon's current expression!

He never heard of any of such abilities which granted him such a hologram!

Not to talk of it maybe this might be something new the dark net created and considered a failed product which they sold off for some cheap cash and his dad fell victim to it.

"How the hell do you want me to take 5 bottles of water and is it big or small?"