Chapter 2: Academy

"How the hell do you want me to take that amount of water?!"

[Mission in progress>>> and please till the Host gets strong. Do not reveal the system to anyone for their safety and host own... ]

"Sony...? Is everything okay?"

"Huh...yes yes yes it is alright." Snapping out of his dazed state, Trigon discovered that everything had returned to normal but strangely it seemed his dad never noticed the change. He didn't dare tell his already sick dad.

(I will soon be off to the academy and won't be a problem.) He thought.

"Alright then, drop your ability book and come over let me tell you some stuff about the Federational Training Academy. . ."

"Can I please drink water first Dad?"

"Huh... Seems you are already nervous now Sony. Alright, go and be back fast. I need to tell you some things before the military comes to pick you off."

"Okay, I will." Saying so, Trigon rushes into the kitchen and quickly opens the tap.

"We don't have any bottles but hopefully let me drink directly from the tap and see what happens." Saying so he got a cup and fetched the water.

One cup

Two cup

Three cups...

By now his stomach already shot out and even Trigon could hear the sound of water inside. But he didn't stop, he wanted to know if truly this system of a thing could really grant him powers.

Four cup




[Congratulations host, for completing your first mission. Double rewards will be given as it is your first mission.]

Rewards: Overall improvement to your physical body.

Rewards: Heart void of feelings

Reward: God-eye

Rewards: Dash technique

Cost: 5 energy

"It works." Trigon thought as he felt itchiness all over his body for some second. After it subsides he calmly drops the cup and...

"Hold on, I can see clearly!" Trigon paused as he thought with widened eyes. This has been his dream for a long time and finally, it was fulfilled. He couldn't help but feel excited with tears almost welling up in his eyes, but just then, a strange feeling entered him, forcefully calming his emotions.

_Heart void of feelings? This must be its effect._ He thought.

Without further delay, he stepped into their room. Looking around there was nothing other than a nightstand, bed, table, chair, a little radio and their clothes in the 6-meter-wide room. He felt they didn't deserve to be so poor.

(When I become strong I will join some hunters association and hunt beasts for their crystals which I will sell and make money. Don't worry Dad, hold on for some years and everything will be alright.)

He thought while putting on a sweet smile as he sat down on the bed to listen to his father's story about his time back in the academy.

It was fun listening to it, despite how low his dad's level was he seems to always have a way to avoid getting bullied by the academy's top dogs.

But alas, all good things and time must come to an end.




"Seems like your ride is here Trigon, go check the door."

Trigon stood up and opened the door, standing outside was a burly man almost two meters in height. Dressed in a military shirt which shows of his tan masculine arm and trousers.

Trigon has to lift his head high to see the face covered in moustache.

"Trigon Duncan?" The man asked and Trigon nodded back calmly which impressed the man but he didn't show it.

"Get ready in 3 minutes, we will be leaving and the home service robot requested for your dad will be sent soon."

Trigon didn't say a word as he rushed in and hugged his dad, taking the old man by surprise.

"Trigon, no need for emotional words. Just go and I will be all fine. Also, don't mess with the top dogs unless you have powers to instantly end them, okay?"

"Okay, Dad. I won't."

Trigon said with a smile but failed to stop his eyes from reddening. Sir Duncan saw it and could only smile back before jokily punching Trigon on his chest and saying, "Don't be a Sisi, now go and don't keep the man waiting."

Taking a deep breath, Trigon looked at his dad once again as if trying to impale his image in his brain before turning to go.

"Ready to be a man, boy?" The militant asked to which Trigon nodded in reply.

"Then follow me."

As soon as Trigon steps out of the house, the mid-afternoon sun hits him on the face differently.

[Host is in the sun and it's affecting you!]

[All stats points will be halved]

(Odd why am I so weak and sluggish? Is this the effect of the damn system?)

Trigon thought as he tried to keep up with the man.

Not more than 10 minutes have passed.

But Trigon found himself sweating so badly. Even the man noticed it.

"Kiddo, you are too weak. Just pray you don't die in the academy." He said while shaking his head with a look of mockery which Trigon didn't even look at. He had been mocked for half of his damn life and another one won't add any issue to him as long as his dad isn't involved.

After what felt like ages, Trigon estimated they might have passed over 5 streets. They finally stopped at the front of a damaged house. Trigon could swear no one can live in it comfortably.

He didn't dare ask the man as he quickly followed him inside. At the parlour existed a teleportation machine. Trigon was amazed as he stared at it.

"Don't delay any further. Here is your ID card. Keep it safe with you. Now step on top of the teleportation as your destination has already been set. Good luck kid."

"Thanks, Sir," Trigon respond as he steps on the machine. After some seconds a blinding light engulfs Trigon. Transporting him to another place.

Just then, the military man tapped his wristwatch as if it was a phone and then said.

"Hello Viscount Duncan, I've fulfilled my promise to you. I set the destination of your son to another Academy. Yes... Okay then."