Chapter 5: Bullied again!

2.9 strength and lasting 35 seconds. You are a level '2' student. Not to worry, you have an ability book now. Study it and get stronger okay?"

Roselle consoled Trigon who could only nod in reply. He felt happy as he knew very well without that tiny increase brought by the system, he wouldn't have been able to reach level 2. He felt like if he trained well, being as strong as Lexmus in the future wouldn't be out of reach.

_Thankfully, there is no sun or else I might not achieve such a result._ Trigon mutters.

"Next, Alfred Hitchcock," Roselle called.

Trigon watched as Alfred was able to achieve a 3.7 with pure brute strength and he lasted for 25 seconds on the dodging test which earned him a 3.

"Congratulations, everyone," the instructor began. "Your performance during the simulation was impressive. Remember, the key to success in this academy is to embrace your abilities and learn from your experiences. You can grow stronger by honing your skills through combat and understanding the power dynamics at play. While the academy may seem cruel at times, it's important to recognize the authority figures and respect their power if you want to live longer. As for the tests, you've all passed the basic ones which allows you to be enrolled into the normal academy and every 1 year there will be a test hosted for those that want to apply for the elite academy. Now, I'll be teleporting you to your dormitories where you'll be staying for the next three years. Please ensure that you're back in your rooms by 10:00 PM as it's against the rules to be outside after that time."

The instructor checked his watch and continued, "You can refer to your watches for more information on rules and regulations. Remember, the academy is a place of learning and growth, so make the most of it and don't forget to stay alive." With a final nod, he activated the teleportation ability, sending the students away to their respective dorms.


"Man, teleportation always makes me feel nauseous," Trigon complained.

"Yeah, me too."

With his vision still not fully restored, Trigon turned quickly when he heard the voice. Sure enough, it was Lexmus standing right beside him.

Simultaneously, Lexmus noticed Trigon and greeted him with a smile. "Well, well, what a surprise. I never thought we'd both end up in the same location."

"Same," Trigon replied in a curt manner as he ignored Lexmus and checked the hologram on his watch in search of his room.

_Mmm, Cardinal 033. Let me find it immediately and settle down._ Thinking so, he turned around and was about to leave when Lexmus suddenly stopped him with a question.

"Hey, why are you so cold to me? I mean, I've never done anything bad to you right?" Lexmus asked.

Sure enough, Trigon indeed felt like his character wasn't nice towards Lexus. But he just couldn't help it, the emotional trauma he has been through as a child till now has taught him never to trust humans except his dad, plus the new ability he got seems to make him hardly feel like connecting with others.

Back at his previous school, he was bullied by the stronger people and rich ones, but the teachers never took action. But he could remember a certain time he got lucky and beat one of those rich bullies, the teacher almost beat him to death for that and he was tagged as a bad child.

Back then, he had no friends which made him hardly interact with others and now that Lexmus suddenly shows up as a nice guy, he doesn't even know how to respond to it.

"UHM, sorry if my character is bad. I'm just not used to talking to people." Trigon replied.

"Ah, no worries. Mind if we scroll the school after locating your dorm?" Lexmus asked.

"Sure," Trigon replied.

"Okay then, I will meet you later." Lexmus flashed him a smile as he dashed off in search of his room.

"Sigh," shaking his head at how happy he suddenly felt for having someone to talk to, Trigon suddenly felt like his days wouldn't be all bad in the academy. With such thought, he swiftly starts looking for his dorm.

The building he was in was like three 4 stars hotels combined. It could carry over 700 students and still have some training rooms. It took Trigon some minutes to go from the bottom floor to the middle, just when he wanted to go to the upper part, he spotted some students coming downstairs.

Quickly looking at their watches, he saw the numbers 6.9 and 5.5 and knew those were the second-year students of the academy.

_I haven't been able to locate my room since. Let me try asking those seniors, hopefully they might be as helpful and chatty as Lexmus._ Thinking so, Trigon suddenly asked the seniors who were passing and chatting loudly.

"Excuse me, I'm lost and don't know if I can ask you where Cardinal 033 is located."

Hearing those words, the four muscular boys abruptly stopped talking and looked at each other before looking at Trigon.

"Are you talking to us?" One of them asked while pointing at himself.

"Yes senior," Trigon replied while feeling confused at the question, obviously who else was he talking to if not them?

"Okay, come close let me point at where your room is at." The boy who seemed to be the leader said and Trigon despite feeling an ominous feeling couldn't help but come closer.


Suddenly he felt a strong punch sending him smashing into the wall and before the pain could subside, someone suddenly grabbed him on the shirt and the next thing he felt was being zapped by lightning.

"Arghhhhh!" He couldn't help but scream, scream of pain, scream of anger at being bullied again. He felt angry, hatred and pain. At that moment he felt like dying due to how painful it was.

"Hahaha, Zapper, calm down and drop that kid, he is just a level 2 ability user and might not be able to handle those powers. We don't wanna be responsible for murder on the first day of resumption right?" One of them said while laughing.

"He'll learn his lesson and never talk to us like that again," Zapper snickered as he dropped the trembling Trigon to the ground. "And here's a little piece of advice for you, kid. In this school, no junior talks to us while standing up. You've got to lower your head, and you certainly don't look us in the eye. Got it?"

With that, Zapper and his cronies walked away, leaving Trigon in a state of shock. He couldn't believe what had just happened. How could anyone be so cruel?

Unknowingly, at that moment. Something snapped inside of him.


[A new mission has been generated: Kill the four boys and use their souls and blood to increase your own level.]

[Time limit: two weeks.]

[Rewards: bloodline awakening.]

[Penalty for failure: having your soul destroyed, with no chance of reincarnation.]