Chapter 6: Tour around the school

"I will... I will kill them, every last one of them!" Trigon let out in-between the pains he felt as he forced himself to stand up, the pains only served to remind him of his father's words before he came to this school.

_Son,_ he said, with a serious tone. _If you can't become strong, then you need to learn to swallow your pride and accept whatever humiliation comes your way. In that school, only the strong are respected, and even if they break the rules, the school will turn a blind eye. Do you understand what I'm saying? Either become strong or be prepared to be humbled. So I advise you, even if the devil offers you a contract to get powers, accept it as it is the only way for you to break rules without penalties._

His words hit Trigon like a ton of bricks. His whole world had been turned upside down in the space of a few minutes. He had thought things would turn better but it seems his dreams were futile.

Now he realizes how naive he was.

"Ugh," with the pain he staggered up, in search of his dorm and finally he found it on the fourth floor right at the edge of the rooms. Showing his watch where the keyhole was supposed to be, Trigon waited with pain as the watch got scanned and following a beep, the door opened.

As Trigon stepped into the room, he saw that it had been painted a crisp white. A medium-sized bed was placed against the left wall, and next to it, a small window looked out onto the backyard. A fridge sat next to the bed, and on the opposite wall, a reading table and chair had been placed, leaving about three meters of empty space in the center of the room.

It was a practical, no-nonsense room, and Trigon had the sense that it was designed to encourage the students to focus on their training. There was nothing here to distract him from that goal.

With his body still aching with pain, he flung himself into the embrace of the soft bed and slept off, forgetting his promise to Lexmus.






Trigon was rudely awakened from his sleep and with sleepy eyes, he yawned and stretched his body while looking around.

"How long have I been sleeping?" He subconsciously asked no one in particular.

[Host has been sleeping for 16 hours 12 minutes and 23 seconds.] The system answered with words displayed on holograms.

"Wow? For that long? No wonder I feel hungry. I hope there is some food in this fridge." Trigon said as he opened the small fridge and thankfully there were some snacks, opening one pack, Trigon ate the bland, tasteless snack took 5 bottles of water then proceeded to do his daily exercise.

Yesterday's events have taught him to take every chance that can increase his power seriously.

After successfully doing the 50 Pushups, 50 squattings, and 50 situps, Trigon hurriedly took a one minute bath and put on his normal shirt then dashed out. He subconsciously forgot that his body had even been healed by the system or else to move just his arms would have hurt like hell.

_I will complete the 1 kilometer run later._ He thought.

Reaching outside he discovered half of the students had already gathered and standing at the front was a bald chubby man with a warm smile on his face.

"Okay, thirty minutes is up and it's time for me to introduce myself. My name is Einstein and I will be your homeroom teacher. Today, you all will be shown your classes and parts of the school that you can and can't go to. Also, your uniforms will be given today and tomorrow will be the day you fully start your lessons."

With a smile, Einstein led the students around the school while showing them some important places, despite how rowdy the students got his gentle smiling expression didn't change a bit as he kept describing and answering some questions.

Meanwhile, there was something Trigon observed and that was how the students associated with each other. The higher levels ones were surrounded by bootlicking middle level ones while him, the only low level one was shone by everyone, or so he thought.

"Hey, my man Trigon! I didn't see you yesterday! Where have you been?" Lexmus popped up from nowhere and put his hand across Trigon's shoulder.

Trigon couldn't help but feel weird, despite being a high level student, unlike the others, Lexmus seems carefree and even hangs out with a low level student like him which baffles him for no reason.

"UHM, I just got too tired and after doing some night martial arts training I dozed off. Sorry for not coming." Trigon lied.

"No problem man, but today we will have to go have some fun. Oh, yeah. Also, I forgot to collect your contact."Lexmus added.

The watch has many functions, it can be used as a way to exchange points, buy and receive information, a tracker and also a communication device between fellow students.

"Hey, you? Why are you the only one? You don't have a friend? Come join us?" Lexmus suddenly yielded to Alfred who was also alone.

"Me?" Alfred asked while pointing at himself in surprise, probably from not expecting such a jovial high-level student.

"Who else am I talking to if not you? Come on and don't be a tit sucker."

With that, Trigon, Lexmus and Alfred hang behind the students while the teacher continues with his tour. Show them the battle arena with several fighting platforms and even three cage fighting platforms called the dead arena as only one survivor can emerge from it, you can even get the chance to fight beasts daily to earn points too.

They also show their homeroom classes, sports classes, combat classes, runes classes, alchemy classes, health and music classes and school clinics.

Finally, they reached the library which piqued Trigon's interest as he remembered his father telling him to have enough knowledge as it would be helpful in him surviving.

"This library is divided into four floors, the first floor is for first year, second for second year and third for third year while the fourth requires special permits before you can view anything inside."

Just when Trigon thought that was the end of the test, Mr Einstein took them to a massive hall with a screen board which has a lot of different missions.

"This is the mission board," Mr Einstein said, "As you all know, there are already 1,000 worlds discovered by humans and in it different races exist. The missions are divided into three grades, green, yellow and red. The green one is the easiest and you people can even take it, the yellow one is something only 5+ intermediate tier students combined can take and the red one is something only final year students, advanced at that can take. It is also one of the ways to earn points which you will need in the school."

Finally, the tour came to an end as Mr Einstein brought them back to the dorm and said, "Okay, there's no class today so you're free to explore. Also, when you get back to your rooms you will discover three sets of uniforms have been dropped on your bed. Be careful not to tear them as when you need one, you will have to pay with your school points."