Chapter 7: Demi human

Returning to his dorm, Trigon thought of how to grow with the new information he got.

"System, what do you think I should do to grow faster?" He asked.

[Host will need to take missions regularly, firstly it will help hone your fighting skills, secondly, the system's main function is the creator and to create anything, you will need souls, so when you kill your enemies, you collect their souls and use it to as a fuel to create whatever you need. Note, the higher the thing you need, the stronger the soul required for it is.]

Hearing the system's words, Trigon sank into contemplation before a smirk slowly formed on his face, "I will then start taking mission from tomorrow henceforth. For now, let me go finish my daily quests."

With that, he wore his new uniform which was a long-sleeved red jacket with one black line from the right shoulder down to the left waist side and headed straight towards the training room to use the running machine.

Stepping into the dorm hall, Trigon saw how empty it was, maybe most students were still unpacking or visiting different places.

"Huh?" He subconsciously stops as he sees a student being shoved against the wall.

"Bullying a student on the second day of coming here?" Trigon thought as he subconsciously looked at the person's watch and the number he saw left him speechless.

It was a '2.5' level. Meaning he was just half stronger than Trigon but yet, here he is bullying someone weaker than him.

"I guess he just wants to feel among the strong people," Trigon mutters as he looks away and decides to just walk past them. He didn't care if the other person was getting bullied so long as it was not his family members.


[Mission generating...]


[Defeat the weak bully and earn yourself 15 EXP.]

[Failure punishment: none.]

Pausing, Trigon thought and sighed at the thought of fighting. _Well this is a school to train soldiers. So long as I did not kill someone for no reason, I wouldn't be punished._

Thinking so, he turned and headed towards the person with an expressionless face.


"Are you transferring your points or not?" With a menacing look, the bully who has a muscular body similar to Alfred's own let out coldly as he looked at the female student whom he pressed at the wall.

Right now, her beauty wasn't something that captivate him, rather, he was after her points.

"Pl... Please, this is my only point. If you take it I wouldn't be able to get anything for my..."

"I don't care, give it to me or face my wraith!" Saying so, the boy swung his fist towards her face and right then, Trigon who had finally reached them struck.


Cost: 5 energy


With a speed quicker than a normal human but not at a super human level, Trigon arrived behind the bully and sent his fist right at the head.


The strength alone knocked him onto the floor, not giving him a chance to fight back, Trigon arrived again before the bully who was lying on the floor and sent three kicks into his stomach.

"Argh!" The boy yelled as he coughed blood and passed out.


[Mission completed. Reward, given.]

Ignoring the girl, Trigon quickly summoned the system.


[Word Creator System Activate!]

Host: Trigon Duncan

Race: Human

Level: 0

EXP: 20/100

Energy 5/10

Stat points: 0

Strength: 9

Speed: 7

Stamina: 7

Endurance: 10

HP: 90 (slightly injured from lightning)

Perceptions: 10


(PASSIVE: Heart void of feelings, God-eye


Cost: 5 energy

(System overall mark: Host is weaker than a chick and must level up ASAP or wouldn't be worthy of this system. First requirement...)


"This was easier than I thought. Seems sneak attacks are always the best, especially when you're going against a slightly stronger opponent whose skills are unknown." Trigon mutters while recalling his battles, he is trying to learn and find out the mistakes he made in order to adapt. This was something his father taught him.

"Hum, thanks for saving me, fellow student." Suddenly a light angelic voice said, making Trigon turn and look at the girl who was a head shorter than him.

Dressed in the same uniform as Trigon, she has a short light blue hair, blue color eyes, and pale skin and gives off a cold but gentle feeling.

"You're welcome," Trigon said as he turned around, deciding to go to the training hall.

"Hey, my name is Diana, you are?" The girl who seemed to be following him asked, annoying Trigon who was used to being alone.

"I am Trigon."

"Wow, nice name, hey Trigon, I noticed you're a level 2 student but do not have any ability, what skill did you use to achieve such speed?" She asked again.

Finally feeling annoyed, Trigon looked at her and decided to test his other skill on her.

God-eye (activate)


Name: Diana Dante

Level: Early stage intermediate

Race: demi-human

Ability: Gravity Manipulation.


_What the hell? She's an Intermediate level ability user and still let a barely basic tier ability user bully her? What's her goal? Also, when has the school started leaving demi-humans in the academy?_ Trigon's eyes tremble from shock as he avert his gaze from hers and says, "It's a family inheritance, now please excuse me, I have something to do. Just be careful not to get bullied next time."

With those words, he increased his footsteps and left the girl standing there with a glint in her eyes, her thoughts, unknown.