Chapter 13

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The table which held his tray of empty plate was fling aside, making Trigon's expression turn dark.

The noise alone finally attracted the attention of the students, making everyone to look at him, some start whispering while others quickly used their watches to video the event.

"What, you scared that Lexmus isn't here to protect you?" Grimjow said sarcastically making Zapper grin as he looked at Trigon coldly.

"Let's see how you will be able to avoid my wraith today." Zapper said viciously as he looked down on Trigon in an intimidating manner.


Grimjow slapped Trigon's hand, causing the water bottle to drop. Then, he seized him by the collar just when Trigon didn't expect it and pulled him toward Zapper, who quickly punched Trigon in the face.


Trigon's head jerked back from the blow, his nose cracking and blood dripping out.


Everything happened so quickly that Trigon wasn't able to react to the punch, he was expecting Zapper to trash talk before beating him but, it seems like Zapper was in haste.

Following that, Zapper grabbed Trigon by his hair and force him to his knees.

"That newcomer is done for, he dares pissed off Zapper."

"He will be in the hospital for days from now on."

"That should be considered a light punishment, hopefully he doesn't get traumatized by how many of his bones will get broken."

"Or worse still, die and Zapper pretend it was an accident."

Most of the students mutter such words between each other as they watched Trigon being forced to kneel down.

"You think Lexmus will always be by your side to protect you?" Zapper stated viciously as he cracked his fingers, "trust me, after I am done with you, you will regret ever stepping into this school. Also, no one will be bother to investigate your cause of death, after all, I am one of the strongest men son on earth."

Indeed, Zapper's father is the owner of one of the biggest company specialized in crafting of armours, weapons and also creating battleships for earth and due to that, Zapper has every right to be super proud and he made sure to bully every students below him as he knew no one will dare confront him due to his father.

What irk him was that his cousin, Lexmus is backing this piece of trash and stopping him from beating him. Due to that, his rage was ignite. He plan on not just beating Trigon but, also breaking literally all bones in his body in order for him to spend about 6 months in the hospital.

If he did, then he will get disqualified from the school and that will in turn spoil his future if he ever wants to look for work in the future.

Zapper sneered, his voice dripping with malice. "After I'm done with you today, you'll wish you were never born."


With a contemptuous snort, he unleashed a powerful slap that resounded through the cafeteria, sending Trigon flying across the floor. The force of the blow left a crimson mark on Trigon's cheek, and saliva sprayed from his mouth as his body came to a halt.

Grimjow, wearing a sinister smirk, strode over to Trigon, grasped his hair, and dragged him back to Zapper.

"I'll shatter every bone in your body," Zapper growled, his eyes blazing with fury.


With a brutal punch, Zapper shattered Trigon's nose, and blood spurted out in a ghastly manner.

"You'll never walk again!" Zapper bellowed, landing a blow to Trigon's chest that cracked a rib, eliciting a pitiful whimper.


"A worthless creature like you doesn't deserve to walk among the likes of Lexmus!" Zapper taunted, delivering another punch.


"You're useless! Remember that!" Each hurtful word was accompanied by a vicious punch, leaving Trigon battered and broken.


"You will never be loved by humanity, they have no use for a weakling like you!" Zapper sneered, punctuating his cruel words with another brutal punch.

With each hurtful phrase, Trigon's body was met with a corresponding blow, his face, nose, eye, chest, stomach, and back already swollen and bloody from the relentless assault.

His new uniform was now stained with crimson, his face disfigured, and his sight blurry. Yet, the cafeteria patrons remained passive bystanders, doing nothing to intervene as Grimjow held Trigon in place, allowing Zapper to continue his merciless beating.

As Trigon endured the excruciating punches, his mind raced with despairing thoughts, wondering how humanity could be so cruel and heartless.

"No one is coming to my aid..."

"Am I truly that insignificant...?"

"Will I forever be pathetic...?"

"Despite possessing a system, I remain useless!"

"I refuse to be useless! My dad is counting on me! I must be strong!"

"In high school, I was the victim!"

[Host HP is low, regeneration activated.]

"Not anymore! Never! I will dominate them all! Humanity will be my stepping stone!"

[Host injuries completely healed!]

Just then, Zapper sneered and threw another punch toward Trigon's neck.

"You're useless, Trigon! You'll always be useless!" Zapper taunted.

"I'll show you what a useless man can do!" Trigon snarled, his body surging with energy, and threw a fist that collided with Zapper's.



"Arghh! You son of a...!" Zapper yelped, clutching his trembling fist, his wrist dislocated from the force of Trigon's blow.

Although it hurt but he gritted his teeth, holding back the pain.

"Bastard! How dare you fight back against Zapper's assault!"

Grimjow bellowed, throwing a punch towards Trigon's head with fierce intensity.

Trigon swiftly dodged the blow by a hair's breadth, squatting and rolling away just in time. Grimjow sneered, attributing Trigon's narrow escape to luck.

Undeterred, Grimjow unleashed a flurry of punches and kicks, seeking to overwhelm Trigon. However, Trigon, now bolstered by a surge of confidence, deftly evaded each attack. Emboldened, he decided to shift from defense to offense. With a fierce determination burning within, Trigon thought to himself, _I may not know the art of fighting, but I know channeling my rage into a single, mighty blow is the key. I'll pour all my anger into my fist and strike with every ounce of strength I have!_

Trigon's fist clenched with a deafening crack, as if his very knuckles were screaming in protest, tired of being battered and bullied by the world.


With a fierce battle cry, he unleashed his pent-up rage, hurtling his fist towards Grimjow's with lightning speed, leaving no room for escape or counterattack.


The impact was brutal, a sickening crunch as Trigon's fist connected with Grimjow's jaw, shattering teeth and sending them flying in a gruesome arc of saliva and blood.

Grimjow's vision blurred as he was lifted off the ground, his body flying 3 meters before crashing into a table with a slimy, soup-covered surface. The force of the impact shattered the table, sending fragments flying everywhere, and Grimjow's body slid backward, his eyes rolling back in his head, before coming to a halt, knocked out cold.