Chapter 14

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Author's Note: From now henceforth, I will be using Basic, Intermediate and Advance instead of numbers to tell the power level of the students.



The impact was brutal, a sickening crunch as Trigon's fist connected with Grimjow's jaw, shattering teeth and sending them flying in a gruesome arc of saliva and blood.

Grimjow's vision blurred as he was lifted off the ground, his body flying 3 meters before crashing into a table with a slimy, soup-covered surface. The force of the impact shattered the table, sending fragments flying everywhere, and Grimjow's body slid backward, his eyes rolling back in his head, before coming to a halt, knocked out cold.


The whole cafeteria went silent after witnessing such unbelievable scene. Grimjow, a peak level intermediate tier student was knock out cold by a new student who hasn't even reach Basic level yet to be considered a threat.

Some of the students felt like it was luck, maybe Grimjow didn't use his ability and was caught off guard by the new student.

Meanwhile, Zapper who saw what happened has a look of surprise on his face as he looked at Trigon with alertness.

_How did he perform such attack? Indeed, Lexmus can't move about with total weaklings. But still, I wouldn't just chicken out because of such action, rather I will beat you to death for daring to fight back and even knocking out one of my sidekick._

He thought with a vicious glint in his eyes.

Josh, tasked with guarding the door and keeping a watchful eye out for Lexmus, stood frozen in shock, his mouth agape as he witnessed his buddy, Grimjow being sent crashing into a table before slumping unconscious to the ground. He couldn't believe his eyes, wondering if it was all just an illusion.

His gaze shifted to the perpetrator, Trigon, who was breathing heavily, his fist shaking with excitement and relief, rather than fear.

Trigon's thoughts raced with exhilaration, his fist trembling with adrenaline. _I knocked him out! With just one strike! I did it! I'm no longer weak!_ he thought, his mind reeling with the thrill of victory.

Josh's shock quickly turned to rage as he roared, "You piece of trash, you dare smile?! How dare you knock out Grimjow?! I'll murder you!" He charged towards Trigon with a fierce determination, his eyes blazing with anger. As he ran, he activated his ability, his skin hardening like rock, his height increasing to over 8.8 feet tall, and his figure bulking up with muscle. The transformation was imposing, his very presence radiating menace as he bore down on Trigon with a vengeance.


Josh's battle cry echoed through the cafeteria as he hurled a powerful fist towards Trigon's head.

Trigon's adrenaline surged, urging him to confront the attack head-on, but his passive ability, Heart Void Of Feelings, suppressed the impulse. However, it was too late to dodge, and Josh's fist was mere inches from his face. With no other option, Trigon activated his ability:

Dash: activated. [Five energy points will be used, host speed has doubled for thr next 10 seconds.]

As the ability kicked in, the world around Trigon slowed to a crawl. The cacophony of the cafeteria faded into eerie silence, and Josh's fist seemed to move at a glacial pace - slower than a tortoise, no, it was even slower even than a snail.

Trigon seized the opportunity, effortlessly dodging the attack by mere millimeters.

The fist hovered in front of him, its momentum spent, as Trigon's accelerated movements allowed him to evade the blow with ease.

Trigon thought to himself, _I need to make the most of the next ten seconds._

Without hesitation, he sprang into action, suddenly appearing on the other side of Josh, who had swung his fist at Trigon, was left stunned, wondering how his target had vanished into thin air.

The students watching were equally astonished, marveling at Trigon's incredible speed - a talent only a speedster could possess.




With lightning-fast reflexes, Trigon delivered three swift punches to Josh's towering, muscular frame (standing at 8.8 feet tall). But instead of recoiling in pain, Josh let out a thunderous roar and retaliated with a flurry of punches aimed at Trigon.

Trigon dodged each blow with ease, moving his head from side to side, and counterattacked with a barrage of punches targeting Josh's head, chest, neck, and any other vulnerable spot he could reach but none manage to knock Josh's out. Thanks to his rock like form, Josh was slightly immune to pain.




Seeing the countdown for his dash ability, Trigon immediately gave up on fighting Josh and instead made a mad dash towards the door, catching everyone off guard. Even Zapper who was prepared to use his lightning ability was left stunned.

_Did that trash just chicken out?_ Zapper thought with his fist trembling from being deceived.


"First class of the term, weapon class," Trigon muttered to himself as he dashed towards the weapon class, his gauntlets in hand.

The weapon class was a favorite among students with weaker abilities, those with strength-based powers, or those whose abilities allowed them to enhance their weapons. Due to its popularity, the weapon class was located a distance from the main school building, and Trigon was struck by its impressive size - almost the length of a football pitch.

As he approached, he noticed the building's unique blend of Asian-inspired architecture and futuristic technology.

As he approached, Trigon saw students checking their watches on the door before it slid open, granting them entry. Without hesitation, he followed suit, scanning his watch and stepping inside as the door opened.

"Wonderful," he breathed, gazing around in awe.

The ceiling towered 24 meters above, and the room was surprisingly sparse, with minimal decorations. However, the walls were lined with impressive mountains of weapons, neatly arranged and gleaming in the light.

At the front of the hall stood a man in his peak 40s, likely their teacher, clad in worn medieval armor that told the story of countless battles. A long sword mark on his right eye side and a rusty Ulfberht sword at his waist, its leather-wrapped grip smooth from years of use, added to his air of authority. His hands were folded behind his back, eyes closed in contemplation, exuding a sense of calm command. Trigon's curiosity was piqued by the rusty sword, and he decided to take a closer look. As he did, a notification appeared:

Rank: Planetary rank weapon


Strength: ???

Defence: ???

Speed: ???

[Overall System Remark: A weapon with deep history, forged by the will of a hero.]

Suddenly, the man open his eyes and turn towards Trigon with a smirk on his face which made Trigon to feel a chill down his spine.