Chapter 15

Hey there, follow me on my...



Discord: sage_0demonic to get updates ahead of the platform.


At the front of the hall stood a man in his peak 40s, likely their teacher, clad in worn medieval armor that told the story of countless battles. A long sword mark on his right eye side and a rusty Ulfberht sword at his waist, its leather-wrapped grip smooth from years of use, added to his air of authority. His hands were folded behind his back, eyes closed in contemplation, exuding a sense of calm command. Trigon's curiosity was piqued by the rusty sword, and he decided to take a closer look. As he did, a notification appeared:

Rank: Planetary rank weapon


Strength: ???

Defence: ???

Speed: ???

[Overall System Remark: A weapon with deep history, forged by the will of a hero.]

Suddenly, the man opened his eyes and turned towards Trigon with a smirk on his face, sending a chill down Trigon's spine. Trigon felt as though the man had seen right through him and was aware of what Trigon had just done.

_I must be hallucinating,_ Trigon thought to himself, trying to shake off the uneasy feeling.

Just then, a voice addressed him, "Hey there, my hero." Trigon turned his head towards the speaker, and his eyes met the girl he had been trying to avoid. He remained silent, hoping she would take the hint and leave him alone. However, she seemed to either miss the cue or simply didn't care, as she continued to speak.

"I never expected the weapon class to be this popular among students," Diana said, her curiosity evident as she scanned the room. Trigon had to admit, he was surprised too. Most students believed that the weapon class was only for those with weaker abilities, while the truly powerful students relied on their natural talents to fight the enemies.

As Trigon scanned the room, he noticed literally all the students had their weapons with them. Turning towards Diana who stood tall, her spear matching her height. Just then, two new students entered the classroom, drawing his attention away from the scene.

The first was a stunning 16-year-old girl with a tall, athletic build and subtle curves. Her fiery red hair cascaded down her back, reaching her waist, and framed her heart-shaped face. Her rare, striking red eyes were a notable feature. Her facial structure was a harmonious balance of delicate and strong, with high cheekbones and a small nose. Her fair skin was smooth and unblemished, except for a small, crescent-shaped scar on her right cheek.

The second student, a 17-year-old boy, had a striking appearance. He wore a black scarf wrapped around his eyes, giving him an enigmatic and mysterious look, (reminiscent of Gojo from Jujutsu Kaisen.)

His charismatic smile hinted at mischief, making him instantly likable. His dark brown hair was messy and stylishly unkempt, framing his sharp jawline and angular facial features. Though his eyes were hidden, they seemed to gleam with piercing intensity, hinting at extraordinary abilities. He exuded confidence and relaxation, standing out in the crowd with his lean, athletic build. His style was a fusion of modern and edgy, with a black leather jacket over his uniform, dark jeans, and sleek combat boots, completing his bold and adventurous look.

"Wow, that's Kael from the illustrious Lancelot family!" someone exclaimed.

"And isn't that Lyra from the esteemed Osborne family as well?" another student asked.

"Yes, but what are they doing in a weapon class? Aren't they ability users?" a student wondered.

"Who knows? Maybe they want to learn weapon combat for emergency situations when their powers are depleted," someone suggested.

"Yeah, that's a good point."

"Even Diana Dante is here too."

Trigon overheard these whispers and realized that Diana was a celebrity among humans, and her family held significant influence. It dawned on him that some demigods might be living among humans, holding high positions of power. Trigon knew that as a weakling, he would be instantly eliminated if he dared to voice such thoughts aloud, so he kept his observations to himself.


The grey hair teacher's voice boomed across the class, making most of the students feel dizzy.

"The Name is... No! You weaklings aren't worthy of knowing my name!!! Just call me Teacher D.S!!!"

Saying so with a manic grin plastered on his face, he added, "For those without a weapon, immediately pick one from the shelf, the one you will be comfortable with!!! You'd better choose wisely, because it'll be your lifeline in battle!"

After seeing some people scrambling about and picking their weapons, Teacher D.S. continued, "For today, I wouldn't immediately start teaching you about the main thing as I will need to observe you weaklings' fighting style with your weapons in order for me to determine your weaknesses and how suitable the weapons you are using complement your abilities! If you weaklings think using a weapon is all about striking, then you are WRONG! You have to think, look for openings, calculate, and make swift decisions even if it will cost you an arm! You need to be strategic and clever, or you'll be crushed! Now, without using your abilities, let's start with you people having a friendly match... Ha! As if any of you weaklings are worthy of that term!" Teacher D.S snorted in disdain before continuing, "among you weaklings! Who wants to go first?!"

As soon as the girl with fiery red hair stepped out, Teacher D.S exclaimed, "Who wants to challenge her?! Step out, and oh, there will be five points awarded to each winner!"

Diana immediately heard those words and, with a smirk, she gazed at Trigon and said, "Tsk, that girl just stepped into this class and wants to steal my spotlight, which I wouldn't allow."

With those words, she wielded her long spear and confidently walked out of the crowd, climbing the stage where the girl named Lyra was waiting for her.

Standing on the stage, Diana's petite body, holding a long spear, faced off against the tall, athletic, and curvy Lyra, who was wielding two daggers in both hands.

Lyra smiled as she saw Diana and made a light bow as she said, "My name is Lyra Osbourne, the second daughter of Sir Archibald Osbourne. I would love to know the name of my challenger, who..."

But before she could finish her sentence, Diana interrupted, "Nothing to say, the name is Diana, and all you need to know is, I'mma beat you up." Diana said this as she slammed the tip of her spear onto the stage, creating a small dent.

At that moment, Trigon felt like she was definitely going full powers.