Chapter 16

Hey there, follow me on my...



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"My name is Lyra Osbourne, the second daughter of Sir Archibald Osbourne. I would love to know the name of my challenger, who..."

But before she could finish her sentence, Diana interrupted, "Nothing to say, the name is Diana, and all you need to know is, I'mma beat you up." Diana said this as she slammed the tip of her spear onto the stage, creating a small dent.

At that moment, Trigon felt like she was definitely going full powers.

Lyra's eyes widened slightly at Diana's sudden interruption, but she didn't seem phased. She smiled calmly and said, "Well, Diana, it's a pleasure to meet you. I'm Lyra, and I'll make sure to give you a good fight." She drew her two daggers and held them at the ready, her movements fluid and graceful.

Diana snorted, rolling her eyes. "You think you can take me down with those tiny things? I'll show you what a real weapon looks like." She hefted her spear, its length gleaming in the light of the stage. To Diana who has trained with her spear since when she was small it will be embarrassing for her to lose, especially to a mere human at that matter.

"Lyra! Lyra!"

"Go Diana!"

"Even if you are petite! I know you can win!"

The crowd erupted into cheers and chants, some shouting Diana's name while others supported Lyra. The air was electric with tension as the two girls faced off, their eyes locked in a fierce stare.

The teacher tall and imposing figure stood at the side of the stage with a stern expression, raised his hand for silence. "Let's get started, shall we? Remember, no abilities, only weapons. And may the best warrior win."

With a loud clang, the barrier at the sides of the stage opened, and the fight began.

"Take my dragon coiling strike!" Diana fiercely yell.

Diana charged forward, her spear flashing in the light as she aimed a powerful thrust at Lydia's chest. But Lydia was no pushover. She dodged the attack with ease, her daggers weaving intricate patterns in the air as she danced around Diana.

The two girls clashed, their weapons meeting in a shower of sparks. Diana's spear was long and powerful, but Lydia's daggers were quick and deadly. They exchanged blow after blow, their movements lightning-fast as they battled across the stage.

Trigon who was watching pick was able to observe somethings about the two fighters.

Despite her aggressive nature, Diana was a skilled warrior, and her spearwork was impressive, Trigon knew he wouldn't last a second under those powerful attacks. But Lydia's calm and focused demeanor seemed to give her an edge. She parried and riposted with ease, her daggers slicing through the air with deadly precision that of not for Diana being overly cautious, the dagger would have cut off her hands.

As the fight raged on, the crowd grew more frenzied, their cheers and shouts reaching a fever pitch. The stage shook slightly beneath the fighters feet, the metals weapons creaking and groaning under the force of their blows.

But neither girl showed any signs of backing down. They fought on, their weapons clashing in a blur of steel and, their movements a testament to their superhuman strength and agility.

In the end, it was Lydia who gained the upper hand. With a swift and graceful motion, she slammed her foot into Diana's waist, making the petite girl stumble before gracefully disarming her and sent her spear flying off the stage. The crowd gasped in shock meanwhile as Diana stumbled back, her eyes wide with disbelief.

"I...I didn't think you had it in you," Diana panted, her chest heaving with exertion.

Lydia smiled, her eyes shining with a quiet confidence. "You underestimated me, Diana. And that was your downfall."

"Silence!!!" Teacher DS roared, shutting everyone up before turning towards Diana and Lyra. "Indeed, you two have worth, but do you think such weak skills will help you in the battle against the Dracula race?! No! Do you think it will help you battle the Demihumans races?! No! What about the abyssal demons that wiped out 4 billion humans on Pluto?! You wouldn't last more than a minute before such a force! The lowest among them are at the Advanced Level! There are thousands of enemies out there that wouldn't hesitate to attack us! There are millions of worlds out there we still need to conquer! And here you bunch of weaklings are feeling proud of managing to beat someone of your rank in a fair competition?! Do you think those enemies will let you get into battle stance?! No! SO FOR THE FIRST AND LAST TIME, DO NOT! CELEBRATE BEATING YOUR MATE! Celebrate killing a Dracula! Conquering a world or anything that contributes to society or even surviving a death match!"

Hearing his words, those students who had been cheering for Lyra lowered their heads in embarrassment.

Trigon, on the other hand, felt that what the man said was indeed true. Subconsciously, he remembered how he got attacked by Zapper and his gangs, which made him clench his fist in anger.

Bullying the weak and fearing the strong, that was what Trigon saw in humanity. When they were in the presence of someone weaker than them in influence or powers, they wouldn't hesitate to bully them, but when in the presence of someone stronger, they would flatter, fawn, and bootlick them to no end.

They wouldn't even mind if their wives got taken by that person. This character had made Trigon feel disgusted with humans since his high school days. He wondered, if he somehow got powerful in the future with the help of the system, would he ever think of saving humanity?

"Alright, listen up, maggots! Physical conditioning is the foundation of combat training. You think you can wield a sword or cast a spell with a weak body? Ha! You'll be exhausted after a single swing or incantation. We'll start with a 10-mile run, followed by a series of exercises to build your strength, agility, and endurance. And don't even think about slacking off, or you'll be doing extra laps and push-ups until you puke! Now, let's move out!" Teacher DS barks, his eyes scanning the students with a fierce intensity as a manic grin appears on his face. "And remember, the only way to get stronger is to push yourself to the limit and I know just what you need!"