Chapter 17

Hey there, follow me on my...



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"Alright, listen up, maggots! Physical conditioning is the foundation of combat training. You think you can wield a sword or cast a spell with a weak body? Ha! You'll be exhausted after a single swing or incantation. We'll start with a 10-mile run, followed by a series of exercises to build your strength, agility, and endurance. And don't even think about slacking off, or you'll be doing extra laps and push-ups until you puke! Now, let's move out!" Teacher DS barks, his eyes scanning the students with a fierce intensity as a manic grin appears on his face. "And remember, the only way to get stronger is to push yourself to the limit and I know just what you need!" Saying so, Teacher DS smile and added, "now! Move your lazy asses down to the field!"


15 Minutes Later

"Hahaha, you worthless worms! You think you can handle a 10-mile run? Ha! We'll start with 5 miles and see if you can even make it that far which I don't think you can! Heck you can't last for 3 miles! And don't expect any coddling, I'm right behind you, anyone who comes last will have his points deducted!

Now, that is it! move out! Double time, soldiers! You should be running like your lives depend on it, because in real combat, they will!

And don't even think about falling behind, or you'll be doing burpees until you can't move! I want to see sweat, I want to see tears, I want to see you all begging for mercy! That's when I'll know you're ready to move on to the next phase of training!

Now, let's see who among you has what it takes to survive this grueling training! Keep moving, maggots!"

It has been 15 minutes since the students start running, their footsteps pounding the ground as they raced against each other and against their own limits. Teacher DS watched them with a hawk's eye, ready to pounce on anyone who showed signs of weakness, as he kept moving behind them. He was strolling, but his speed was not less than the students running.

Trigon was among the weakest physically, struggling to keep up with the others was exhausting. He was barely holding on, his legs aching and his body screaming for mercy. But he refused to give up, drawing on a deep well of determination and grit.

Lyra, Diana, Kael, and a few other students who had already awakened their abilities were far ahead, their talent and power propelling them forward with ease.

But Trigon didn't let that discourage him. Despite his weak body, he had a fierce endurance that kept him going, especially whenever he remembers how he gets bully regularly, even when his legs started to buckle and his sweat-soaked clothes clung to his body.

He repeated four words in his head like a mantra: "I must get strong! I must get strong! I must get strong!" The words echoed through his mind, driving him forward, even when his body screamed for him to stop. He knew this was his chance to get strong, not only to avenge himself by defeating Zapper and his gangs but to get his father a better life and one day confront his mother and find out why she left them.

Meanwhile, Teacher DS noticed Trigon's struggles and nodded to himself in approval. "This one," he thought, "has potential when it comes to endurance. He may not be the strongest, but he has determination. And with the right training, he might just surprise us all. Mmmm, plus he seems unique."


One hour later,

The students lay on the floor, exhausted, with heavy breathing and sweat dripping from their faces. Some of the stronger ones managed to stand, but with their hands on their shaking knees, struggling to catch their breath. Even the top students in the weapon and physical combat classes were left breathless by the intense exercises Teacher DS had put them through.

The weaker ones had fainted, unable to even complete four miles. But Teacher DS, now known to all as the Demonic Saint (DS), showed no mercy. He forced them to do 40 push-ups and 40 sit-ups, and then ordered them to return to the combat field.

As they stumbled back to the field, Teacher DS grouped them in pairs, his eyes blazing with intensity. "Listen up, you weaklings!" he barked. "When I point to you, you will walk towards the stage in one second, or face the wrath of my destructive cane! You will now undergo combat training, and I will not tolerate any weakness!"

His fierce gaze swept across the students, striking fear into some of their hearts. They knew that Teacher DS was not a man to be trifled with, and that his cane was not just a tool for discipline, but a weapon that could inflict serious pain, after all those who came last had a taste of it. With a sense of dread, they prepared themselves for the combat training that was to come.

But not all students cowered in fear at Teacher DS's words. Some groaned and whined in pain, while the weaker ones couldn't help but voice their protests.

"But Sir, we barely have any strength left! We just ran 10 miles and did all sorts of press-ups and sit-ups! We're exhausted!"

"Yes, let's leave it till tomorrow!"

"We're the future of humanity! We can't be treated so harshly!"

"I wonder if we're criminals!"

But instead of flying into a fit of rage, Teacher DS's stiff face morphed into a wide, sunny smile as he gazed at the students.

"You, you, you, and you," he said, his voice dripping with sarcasm. "Since you complain, I will give you the break you deserve. From today henceforth, you four will come early before class begins and clean everywhere, arrange the weapons, and clean my office! Not only that, but you will also run 1 mile before the main class starts! Failure to comply means deduction of points, and you will be thrown into the death battle cage to fight beasts that are a bit stronger than you for a whole week! If you survive, good; if not, your bodies will be devoured by those beasts!"


The classroom fell silent, with no one daring to utter a word after witnessing the harsh punishment meted out to the four students, whose faces had turned pale with fear.

At that moment, a bit of the students' arrogance disappeared, and they finally realized that only the strong had the right to complain before the strongest. The atmosphere in the classroom was now tense and foreboding, with all eyes fixed on Teacher DS, who seemed to relish the fear and respect he inspired in his students.

Teacher DS then pointed to the first pair of students, his eyes gleaming with a fierce intensity. "You two! Get up on the stage now! And remember, I want to see real combat, not some half-hearted skirmish!"

The two students nervously made their way to the stage, their weapons at the ready. The crowd of students watched with tired breath as the combat began.

Trigon, still recovering from his earlier exhaustion, watched with a mix of awe and trepidation. He knew that he would soon be called upon to face his own opponent, and he wasn't sure if he was ready.

But Teacher DS had other plans for him. "Trigon! Get up here now! You'll be facing... That muscular dude over there!"

Trigon's heart skipped a beat as he saw the person who was every bit muscular like Alfred Hitchcock, feeling his gaze, the dude send Trigon a gaze blazing with confidence, his weapon, a long chain at the ready.