Chapter 18

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"Trigon! Get up here now! You'll be facing... That muscular dude over there!"

Trigon's heart skipped a beat as he saw the person who was every bit muscular like Alfred Hitchcock, feeling his gaze, the dude send Trigon a gaze blazing with confidence, his weapon, a long chain at the ready.

[Generating mission: win the battle]

Rewards: 2 stats points.

Suddenly the system appears at that moment and issues a mission to Trigon. Seeing it, Trigon took a deep breath and force the exhaustion aside before grabbing his gauntlet which he left aside while doing exercises, after putting those menacing but scrappy gauntlets he walked onto the stage with tiredness and so did that muscular person.

"Both of you maggots can go all out! Beat each other, break bones and scream. We have a beautiful nurse proficient in healing." Teacher DS said with a manic grin.

Following that, Trigon and Gorthok faced off, their eyes locked in a fierce stare. Gorthok cracked his long chain whip, its metal links glinting menacingly and taunt Trigon who was flexing his gauntlet, ready for the battle, "you don't stand a chance, give up."

"You don't tell me what to do." Trigon snorted calmly.

Hearing his words, Gorthok expression turn cold as he let out, "let me train you since your parents failed to do so!"

Suddenly, the chain whip lashed out at a faster speed, its tip striking the ground mere inches from Trigon's feet, thankfully he leapt back, avoiding the blow by a hair's breadth, just when Trigon regain balance, Gorthok has already charged towards him, his chain whipping through the air in a blur of motion.

Trigon raised his gauntlet, and the chain wrapped around it with a loud clang. Gorthok yanked the chain, pulling Trigon off balance and dragging him towards Gorthok who deliver a strong punch to Trigon's stomach sending him flying close to the edge of the stage, if he had fallen out of the stage then he would have lost. Trigon stumbled, but quickly recovered, using his agility to dodge the chain's follow-up strikes, despite the earlier exhaustion, adrenaline burst through his body, making him feel less pain from the earlier punch.

The two combatants exchanged blows, their movements faster than average peak humans. Trigon's gauntlet clashed with Gorthok's fist which was wrapped in chain, sparks flying as metal met metal. Gorthok's sheer strength sent Trigon flying across the stage again, but Trigon landed on his feet, his quick reflexes saving him from a brutal fall.

The battle raged on for some minutes, both fighter despite being tired refusing to yield. Gorthok's chain whipped through the air, its tip slicing mere inches from Trigon's face. Trigon retaliated with a flurry of boxing punches, his gauntlet hitting Gorthok with a fierce dark glint.

_He is strong even after this tiring exercises, I can't win. My body is weak, I am not strong enough!_ Trigon thought as his body start aching, Gorthok took the chance to send a roundabout kick to Trigon's stomach, sending him crashing to the floor.

The pain made Trigon subconsciously remember something, _since there is a nurse on standby, then I wouldn't mind sacrificing a limb to win!_ He thought as his emotions were surpressed, forcing himself up.

Just then, Gorthok's chain whip cracked through the air, its tip hurtling towards Trigon with brutal force. Seeing this, Trigon, with a reckless glint in his eye, deliberately didn't dodge. The chain struck him with a loud thud, wrapping around his torso like a vice, with a sadistic grin, Gorthok yank Trigon towards him as he prepared to deliver the strongest punch his body could muster towards Trigon's face.

"Let me destroy that average face of yours!" He roared.

The crowd gasped in horror, thinking Trigon had made a fatal mistake. But Trigon had other plans. With a fierce cry, he used the chain's momentum to pull himself towards Gorthok, closing the distance in an instant.

Gorthok's eyes widened in surprise as Trigon's gauntlet shot out, delivering a devastating uppercut that sent Gorthok crashing to the ground. The chain whip fell limp, its links clattering against the stage.


"... Fuck! Didn't they say he is a level 2? How the hell did he beat a level 3?"

"Maybe Gorthok is already tired from the training, that is why."

"Plus he used the element of surprise to win!"

The crowd erupted in shock and awe.

Teacher DS's eyes gleamed with approval, impressed by Trigon's daring strategy but he didn't praise Trigon, "Maggots! You can do better!" Teacher DS exclaimed. "You are too weak, too useless and not even able to end this fight quick! Try more, maggots!"

Trigon didn't reply as he stood still panting, his chest heaving from the exertion and he even felt dizzy. Gorthok, who has finally stood up was rubbing his jaw, nodded in respect towards Trigon, acknowledging his his winning, "watch out cause I will beat you in the future." He grumbled as he stepped out of the stage.

[Mission: win the battle]

Rewards: 2 stats points.

[Completed: 2 stats points has been given to host.]

Seeing this message, Trigon felt happy, at least his fight had not been in vain.

With such thoughts, he staggered down the stage and found somewhere to sit down. Some of the students around him cast him a look of respect, while others maintained their aloof expressions. To them, it seemed that Trigon's victory was due to Gorthok being told not to use his ability, and that was why Trigon won with a surprise attack; otherwise, he would have been defeated in the very second the battle started.

With that, the battle continued, and after three hours, every student had already fought. Trigon used the chance to observe each of their fighting skills, just in case he faced them in the future. Finally, the battle came to an end, and Teacher DS stepped onto the stage with a huge grin, seeing bruises and swollen faces on most of the students.

"Listen up, maggots!" he roared. "You did put up a little show today, but don't think this will be the end. For the next six days, you will continue this training, and each day it will only keep getting harder than before! I want you all to cry before I feel satisfied!"