Chapter 19

Hey there, follow me on my...



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Teacher DS stepped onto the stage with a huge grin, seeing bruises and swollen faces on most of the students.

"Listen up, maggots!" he roared. "You did put up a little show today, but don't think this will be the end. For the next six days, you will continue this training, and each day it will only keep getting harder than before! I want you all to cry before I feel satisfied!"

Hearing those words, even Trigon who's emotions are surpressed felt like crying at the thought of it.


7 Day Later...

"Hahaha, you pathetic excuses for warriors!

You think you've improved?

Ha! You're still a bunch of weaklings! We'll up the ante today - 14 miles, and I expect to see you all begging for mercy by the end of it!

And don't even think about slacking off, I'll be right behind you, pushing you to your limits! Anyone who falls behind will be doing burpees until they puke their guts out!

And if you think that's bad, wait till you see the obstacle course I have in store for you! You'll be crawling through poisonous mud, climbing spikey walls, and dodging fire balls - and that's just the warm-up! I want to see you all broken, I want to see you all crying like the babies you are! That's when I'll know you're ready to face the real challenges of combat! So, let's see who among you has what it takes to survive this hellish training! Move out, maggots! Double time, soldiers! Your lives depend on it!"

Teacher DS's voice boomed from behind the students, but by now, they were all accustomed to his sudden outbursts. In just seven short days, most of the students had undergone significant transformations.

The naive or arrogant expressions on their faces had begun to fade, replaced by determined looks and a newfound sense of purpose. The number of students attending the physical class had dwindled, as some struggled to keep up with the grueling training and opted for the elemental or runes classes instead. However, those who remained showed remarkable improvements in their physical appearance.

Trigon, in particular, had astonished everyone, including Teacher DS, by transforming from a struggling student who barely managed to finish the 10-mile runs to a top performer, now ranking sixth among his peers.

His lean body had developed noticeable muscle tone, and his aura had become calm and focused, much like the rest of the students. It was no surprise, really, given the intense and harsh training regimen imposed by Teacher DS.

Who wouldn't be changed by such a demanding and rigorous program?

While running, Trigon couldn't resist checking his stats again and immediately called out his system:

[Word Creator System Activate!]

Host: Trigon Duncan

Race: Human

Level: 0

EXP: 90/100

Energy: 10/10

Stat points: 0

Strength: 24

Speed: 14

Stamina: 14

Endurance: 16

HP: 100

Perceptions: 17


(PASSIVE: Heart void of feelings, God-eye


Cost: 5 energy

(System overall mark: Host is stronger than a chick but must level up ASAP or wouldn't be worthy of this system...)

"I am getting stronger physically," Trigon thought calmly as he gazed at his stats. Throughout the week, he had diligently performed his exercises, earning a total of 35 stat points. Additionally, he had received 2 stat points from defeating Gorthok, who was later revealed to be Zapper's cousin.

Trigon's strength was increasing at an impressive rate; he could now last 2 minutes against Lyra, a feat that shocked everyone, as it was the same duration Diana had managed. As he pondered his progress, his system suddenly appeared.

Today's tasks (3/3) completed:

1. Run for 4 kilometers per day (completed)

2. Perform 90 pushups (completed)

3. Lift a weight with over 120 kilograms for 2 and a half minutes straight (completed)

[Rewards will be given...]

[10 EXP has been awarded to the host.]

[Host's current EXP: 90/100.]

Trigon felt perplexed upon seeing this message. "System, aren't I supposed to receive 5 stat points?" he asked, confusion etched on his face.

"I understand." Trigon nodded and continued running.

After another 10 minutes, they finally completed the training session. Teacher DS approached them, checking his AI wristwatch for the time before saying, "Great, at least you maggots are beating the time. Despite the miles being longer, you all managed to finish earlier. I would have loved to see you all shed tears and go to your dorm with bruises, but today, you will be having that damn boring history class, so off you go! The old man is waiting for you people." Teacher DS chased them away, and with nothing but happiness for escaping his torture, the students didn't wait for him to repeat himself before dashing out of the training hall like rats running from a cat - a cat that is 1000 times more deadly.

With the AI watch, they were able to use their maps and locate the history class. Stepping inside, they saw an old man sitting at the front seat, facing the class with a tranquil expression on his aged face. He looked just like anyone's friendly old man in the neighborhood.

After seeing everyone get to their seats, he stood up with a smile and said, "I will be your history teacher and, at the same time, power level history teacher. Call me Sir Li Wei."

He said with a gentle smile before tapping his AI watch. Then, behind him, the wall split open, and a huge whiteboard appeared, with "Our Star System History" written boldly on it.

"Greetings, young scholars. Today, we embark on a journey through the complex history of our star system, a vast expanse comprising over 3,000 to 10,000 worlds. Humanity's quest for expansion has led to the conquest of several planets, shaping the destiny of our cosmos and, at the same time, forging our history. In the distant past, approximately 1,000 years ago, humanity coexisted with sentient races. Can anyone tell me their name?" He paused, and a petite girl raised her hand.

"Yes, please share." Sir Li Wei said with a smile.

"The Urka race, Sir." She answered confidently.

"Indeed, that's correct. This resulted in the emergence of the Demihumans, a hybrid race possessing superior strength, a testament to the wonders of interspecies union. However, 300 years ago, the Demihumans attempted to overthrow humanity, seeking dominance. Their rebellion was crushed, and they were forced to flee, pursued by humanity's wrath. To this day, Demihumans are hunted relentlessly, a reminder of the unforgiving nature of our universe."

As Sir Li Wei spoke, Trigon snuck a glance at Diana, whose face appeared calm, but her trembling fist betrayed her composure. He wonder what she was thinking at this moment.

"But humanity's greatest nemesis is the enigmatic Dracula race. Their origins remain shrouded in mystery, with some attributing their creation to a mad scientist and alchemy grandmaster, while others claim they were born from chaos. These bloodsucking beings wield the power of shadows, controlling the undead, poison, and transforming into animals of darkness and bewitching. Their weakest of kinds strength rivals intermediate-level humans, and their malevolence has earned them the distinction of being humanity's most reviled race. The Dracula and humanity's first war led to the annihilation of 8 billion lives on Pluto and 10 billion on Mars. Yet, in the face of unimaginable horror, humanity persevered, thanks to the Fifteen Demi Calamity Level heroes who courageously repelled the Dracula's attacks, securing a century of relative peace. However, recent signs indicate the Dracula's return."


The students gasped in unison, their faces pale with fear. The mere mention of the Dracula's return sent shivers down their spines, as they knew that humanity's progress, despite its advancements, was still no match for the Dracula's formidable power. The destruction of over 19 billion humans in the past served as a grim reminder of the Dracula's capabilities, a testament to their unrivaled strength.