Chapter 20

Hey there, follow me on my...



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Seeing the students murmuring, Sir Li Wei silenced them with a gentle gesture before continuing, "Their sinister intentions now focused on infiltrating humanity's ranks by bribing high-ranking officials. This ominous development suggests the presence of traitors among our own kind. Due to that, a rule will soon be passed by our one and only Calamity Level hero, Lord Roselle. Traitors are to be hunted down on sight, without exception or mercy."

Hearing those words, the students went silent, their faces solemn with understanding.

Lord Roselle is the strongest man humanity has ever known, and he is the leader of humans, with all rules he makes being absolute and unquestionable.

The last rule he set was the hunt for Demihumans, which is still being enforced to this day, and now he is about to pass another one, a testament to his might and dedication to humanity's safety and security.

"Sir..." A student with nerdy look lifted his hand, prompting the whole class to look at him.

"Yes?" Despite the interruption, Sir Li Wei wasn't angry but with a gently smile he answered.

"Sir, before the dark era of humans, how did humanity get their powers in the first place?" The boy asked curiously as he looked at the teacher.

"You don't know about this?" Sir Li Wei asked with doubt.

"No sir, only those from the twelve great families are educated about it from birth." Someone replied to the question.

Sir Li Wei comprehended the direction the students were heading in their inquiry. Human history spans millions of years back, with numerous dark ages that have erased vital information, accessible only to the twelve prominent families, the military, and two other organizations. They were the only ones that possess knowledge about the dawn of humanity's breakthrough in powers, which is not surprising.

"Since you are students of the academy, it is natural for me to share this knowledge with you," Sir Li Wei said with a smile. "Approximately 10 million years ago if I am correct, humans lived in a primitive state. Our technological advancements only allowed us to reach the moon, a feat considered the pinnacle of achievement until the 24th century, as the old earth refers to it. A man, whose name has been lost to history, created a teleportation device hoping to travel to the past or future. Instead, it led him to a different world, devoid of intelligent species, but with intact technologies. Humanity soldiers had to fight those beasts using their guns, sacrificing many lives, and eventually brought some of the death beasts back to study. They also acquired technologies from that world, and while they study those beasts which leaded to the discovery of beasts' crystals which was hidden inside those beasts organs. By studying these crystals, they found ways to harness their power, leading to the awakening of cells. Initially, this was done primitively by directly ingesting the crystals, and those who survived the intense energy gained powers. Over time, they refined their methods, leading to the current level of technological and power levels advancement we enjoy today."


Some students gasped in enlightenment, while others from the twelve prominent families maintained their composure, having been familiar with this knowledge since childhood.

Trigon, however, was perplexed, noticing numerous inconsistencies in the story. The timelines differed from what his father, a former military man who once fought a Dracula, had told him. Back then, his father had sustained fatal injuries in a battle against a Dracula which was the reason he retired.

Back to the gist, Trigon was confused about how the knowledge survived the numerous dark ages humanity faced, and how the twelve families managed to preserve it. He couldn't shake off the feeling that the knowledge was fabricated by those in power. He shuddered at the thought, fearing for his life.

"I better not think that way, or I might lose my life without even realizing it," he thought to himself.

Meanwhile, the class continued, with Sir Li Wei sharing more about their history, and some students asking occasional questions. At this point, Trigon understood why Teacher DS had called the class boring - he felt bored to death.

At long last, the class finally drew to a close, and Trigon waited patiently for most of his peers to file out before he followed suit. As a self-proclaimed "back bencher," he felt uneasy about being the first to exit.

"Time for dinner!" a student exclaimed, their voice filled with excitement, as they hastened towards the cafeteria. Trigon and his fellow students trailed behind, joining a sea of students from other classes that had also just ended. The throng of students converged on the cafeteria, their chatter and laughter filling the air.

Just then, a hand clapped Trigon on the back, and a voice boomed, "Yo, Trigger, my man!" Trigon had grown accustomed to Lexmus's carefree nature and simply sighed, correcting him, "It's Trigon, not Trigger."

Lexmus retorted with a grin, "Consider it a nickname, my friend!"

He flashed a charming smile at the nearby girls, who blushed in response. In just a week, Lexmus had already established himself as a ladies' man, a feat that left Trigon impressed. Not only was Lexmus skilled in combat, but he also possessed a natural talent for winning hearts.

"Whatever." Trigon shook his head, knowing he wouldn't stand a chance in an argument against Lexmus's quick wit and charm.

"How was class, anyway?" Lexmus asked as they finally arrived at the cafeteria and made their way to a special section to collect their food. Unlike the general food area, where students lined up for free meals, this section required a minimum of 3 points per plate of food. The only ways to earn points were by participating in death battles, going on missions, fighting beasts in cages, or excelling among one's peers. Lexmus had accumulated points by fighting beasts in cages and was also the top performer in his class.

"Class was as boring as usual," Trigon replied.

Lexmus chuckled, "That's why I rarely attend them. I prefer using that time to gain real battle experience, which involves life and death situations that help me tap into my true potential." He flashed a confident grin.

"I wish I could start taking missions too," Trigon said with a sigh, his eyes filled with longing.

"Well, technically, you can," Lexmus replied which only left Trigon more confused.

"But I thought only intermediate tier students and above were eligible to take missions?" Trigon asked, his confusion evident.

"Yes, that's the general rule, but if you're eager to take missions or fight beasts in cages, you can sign a waiver – a death agreement, essentially – which absolves the school of any responsibility in case of your demise." Lexmus clarified calmly, as he collected their food: two plates of Plasma Fruit Salad, Levitation Toast, and Neural Enhancer Smoothie drinks.

"Now, let's find a spot to sit and enjoy our meal," Lexmus said, interrupting Trigon's thoughts, as they searched for a table to sit and savor their food.