Chapter 21

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"But I thought only intermediate tier students and above were eligible to take missions?" Trigon asked, his confusion evident.

"Yes, that's the general rule, but if you're eager to take missions or fight beasts in cages, you can sign a waiver – a death agreement, essentially – which absolves the school of any responsibility in case of your demise." Lexmus clarified calmly, as he collected their food: two plates of Plasma Fruit Salad, Levitation Toast, and Neural Enhancer Smoothie drinks.

"Now, let's find a spot to sit and enjoy our meal," Lexmus said, interrupting Trigon's thoughts, as they searched for a table to sit and savor their food.

Just as Trigon and Lexmus had found some free chairs and sat down with their food trays on the table, a booming voice attracted their attention.

"Hi Trigon! Hello Lexmus!"

The two friends turned towards the voice and saw Alfred Hitchcock walking towards them with his own plate.

"Wassup, Alfred? Been a while." Lexmus greeted him with a wide smirk on his cocky face.

Trigon, on the other hand, merely nodded in acknowledgement.

"Yeah, it's been a while," Alfred replied as he sat down, "I've been extremely busy the past two days."

Lexmus's eyes lit up with a knowing gaze, "Let me guess, runes and formations classes?"

Alfred nodded enthusiastically, "Yup!" as he grabbed a chunk of Focus-Enhancing Fruit Salad and started eating it.

"Meh, I still can't believe you're attending a runes and formation class." Lexmus shook his head in disbelief.

Alfred looked at him with confusion, "What's wrong with that?"

Trigon couldn't help but chimed in, "Everything. I mean, considering your huge muscular body, I was expecting a battle maniac occupying that body, not a mad rune master."

Lexmus wholeheartedly agreed, "Yeah! You just changed my whole experience gotten from reading novels where the lanky dude is wise and the muscular one is a muscle head."

Hearing their words, Alfred merely roll his eyes and said, "then you were expecting yourself to be the wise man among us?"

"Nah, I never took my highschool education seriously so I will pass." Lexmus wave his hand as if chasing something away.

"But Alfred," Trigon called out after savoring his Neural Enhancer Smoothie, "I thought formation and runes were identical, interchangeable terms. Why then are you putting yourself through the grind of attending both classes? You're really stressing yourself out over something that seems so redundant."

Hearing Trigon's words, Alfred turned to face him, a hint of a smile on his face. "That's like saying you thought Intergalactic Cultural Dynamics and Diplomacy and Planetary Ecology and Xenobiology were literally the same subjects, why bother studying both? You're wrong, Trigon. Formations and runes may share some similarities, but they are most definitely not the same thing."

Lexmus's curiosity was piqued. "Care to enlighten us on the difference, Alfred? I'm intrigued." He leaned forward, his eyes locked on Alfred's, eager to learn.

Hearing their words, Alfred cleared his throat and adopted a professional demeanor, which felt incongruous with his massive build. Trigon and Lexmus couldn't help but stare at the contrast between his imposing physique and his sudden air of authority.

"In Xianxia novels," Alfred began, "formations and runes share some similarities, but they are not exactly the same."

Trigon raised an eyebrow, "Why are you using novels as a reference point?"

Alfred smirked, "Because that's where you both got your knowledge, duh. Now, where was I? Ah yes, the similarities. Firstly, both are used for magical purposes. Secondly, both can enhance abilities or provide benefits. And thirdly, both require knowledge and skill to use. Do you guys understand what I'm saying?"

Lexmus chimed in, his voice laced with sarcasm, "Yes, teacher, please continue. We're all ears."

Alfred ignored the teasing tone and continued, "Now, the differences. Firstly, formations are typically larger-scale, more complex, and more visible. For example, a defensive array around a city that protects us from beast attacks. On the other hand, runes are often smaller, more discreet, and more personal, like a symbol on a weapon or armor. Secondly, formations are usually created using various materials, energies, or techniques, while runes are often inscribed or engraved on surfaces. And thirdly, formations can be more dynamic and adaptable, while runes are often more static and fixed in their effects. While there is some overlap, formations tend to be more strategic and situational, whereas runes are often used for more personal or tactical purposes. That's all I can say to you guys." Alfred ended his explanation with a smile.

"Wow, I got to learn a lot of things from just eavesdropping on you guys."

Suddenly, a voice from the chair close to them said, making the three of them turn towards the source. It was a 17-year-old boy, who wore a black scarf wrapped around his eyes, giving him an enigmatic and mysterious look. He turned from his chair and faced them with his trademark charismatic smile, which hinted at mischief, making him instantly likable. His dark brown hair was messy and stylishly unkempt, framing his sharp jawline and angular facial features.

"Kael Lancelot!" Alfred blurted out in shock.

"Yup, it is I. The one and only handsome dude in the whole school," Kael said with a grin, still sitting in his chair a few meters away from Trigon and the others. "While your explanations sound nice and brilliant, I want to add some few things. Formations and runes are both used for magical purposes, but they serve different functions. Formations are like blueprints or diagrams that dictate how magical energy is structured and utilized. They can be used for defense, attack, or support. Think of them like a grand strategy, a plan of action. Runes, on the other hand, are more like programmable magical codes. They contain specific instructions that, when activated, trigger a particular effect. Think of them like a software program that executes a specific task."

Kael paused, collecting his thoughts before continuing. "To illustrate the difference, consider a formation like a blueprint for a building. The blueprint outlines the structure, the layout, and the materials needed. The runes, in this analogy, would be like the individual bricks or building blocks used to construct the building. Both are essential, but they serve different purposes."

Alfred nodded, intrigued by the explanation. "I see," he said, "so formations provide the framework, while runes provide the specific tools to execute that framework."

Kael beamed with pride, his smile radiating confidence. "Exactly! You've got it, muscular dude. I see you are incredibly talented." He emphasized the last word, clearly impressed.

Lexmus, sitting close to Alfred, let out a dismissive laugh, his eyes still fixed on his food. "Pft... you 'see'?" He raised an eyebrow, his tone dripping with sarcasm. "Heh, says the guy who wears a scarf around his eyes like a blindfold. I wonder what you can actually see."

Kael's retort was swift. "I can see your future!" He declared, his voice filled with conviction.

Lexmus shot back, his retort quick and sharp. "Says the guy who can't even see where he's going! You're walking around with a blindfold. How's that working out for you?"