Chapter 22

Hey there, follow me on my...



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I can see your future!" He declared, his voice filled with conviction.

Lexmus shot back, his retort quick and sharp. "Says the guy who can't even see where he's going! You're walking around with a blindfold. How's that working out for you?"

"Tsk, that is why I hate talking to you." Kael snorted.

"No one like talking to a blind person either." Lexmus retort.

Trigon: "..."

Alfred: "..."

While both Lexmus and Kael were exchanging words in the cafeteria. In a hidden corner of the school, restricted for students, the "Tower" building was buzzing with a secret gathering of teachers. The dimly lit room was thick with tension, like a storm about to unleash its fury.

Teacher DS sat with his massive arms crossed, his face with the long scar, a picture of disapproval, as if daring anyone to mess with him. Miss Brenda Rodger's countenance was as impassive as a statue, supported her chin with a slender fair hand, her blue eyes fixed on some invisible point beyond the confines of the room. Her expression was a masterclass in neutrality, betraying no hint of emotion.

Meanwhile, Teacher Roselle lounged in his chair, his legs crossed, a mischievous grin playing on his lips, like a troublemaker waiting for the perfect moment to strike and lastly, Sir Li's elderly face was etched with worry, his eyes darting around the room, as if observing everyone's reactions.

The glass table known as the NeuroSphere table, a cutting-edge technology capable of projecting holographic images and data from a different Solar System to another in less than a minute could be seen, glowing with a soft blue light, displaying battles raging on a distant planet.

It was a battle involving different humanoid beings, with weredogs, werecats, weretigers, and others, flanking the human soldiers from every direction - left, right, front, and back.

The humans were trapped, with no chance to retreat or advance, and their efforts to fight back were futile. Just when it seemed like all hope was lost and things couldn't get any worser, two enormous trees, as tall as skyscrapers, sprouted roots that shot towards the humans, impaling their hearts and ending their lives instantly without even giving them chances to struggle.

The trees' roots absorbed all the blood from the humans' bodies, leaving behind hundreds of desiccated corpses that were immediately devoured by the other species. As the remaining humans panicked, three vampires with black horns swooped in, ending their lives swiftly and draining their blood in the most gruesome ways too, leaving their bodies to be devoured as well.

And with that, the video came to a close, leaving the room in a state of stunned silence.

The stillness was eventually broken by a deep male voice that seemed to emanate from every corner of the room, making it impossible to discern who the speaker was. "It has finally come to what we fear," the voice echoed, "the Demi-humans... Dracula and the tree demons have joined forces against us."

The voice was calm and collected, as if the speaker had been expecting this outcome for a long time.

Sir Li's response was laced with sorrow and disappointment, his elderly face a picture of dismay. "This is a price humanity has to pay for being the strongest in our solar system and ruling with tyranny," he said with a soft sigh, shaking his head.

Teacher DS retorted, his voice laced with anger. "What are you insinuating, old man?! If we hadn't ruled with an iron fist, do you think we would still have a foothold in this universe?"

His words were sharp and biting, but Sir Li remained calm and composed. "Let's not resort to childish bickering. What solution do you propose?"

Teacher DS's replied without thinking, his deep voice resonated through the room. "We need to intensify the training for the kids! Throw them into the battlefield at an early stage! Yes, fuck that right, it will definitely increase the fatality rate, but billions of lives are at stake here, and we can't afford to waste another damn moment coddling them!"

Roselle intervened, his chuckle preceding his words. "Yo, yo, yo. Easy with the training, big man. We all know that constant fighting without rest turns people into battle maniacs who only care about carnage. That's not the only effect we wanna achieve with these kids, right?" He paused, a playful smirk spreading across his lips. "Guess what? I have a different suggestion."

"Oh, what do you suggest?" Sir Li asked with interest as he finally turn his head towards Roselle, although Roselle was merely 20 years old, 3 years younger than Brendan Rodgers but his talents in awakening his cells and achieving his true form is nothing short of astonishing compare to others and his quick thinking has made others regard him with respect despite him being super young.

"Same idea with big guy over here." Roselle said with a light smile as he comb his curly hair with his finger, "let's make them fight. But not meaningless fight. Why don't we give them missions to go to other worlds, fight and save humans? This will not only make them grow stronger but also learn how to value human lives? Ain't I a genius?"

"Could you please elaborate on what you mean, Roselle?" Sir Li asked, his brow furrowed in slight concern.

Roselle cleared his throat before sitting straight and explaining, "What I mean is straightforward. If we throw them into a direct battle against the Dracula, solely focused on defending a specific location or eliminating certain Dracula, it won't instill in them the moral sense of always protecting humanity's weak. Instead, they'll develop god complex personalities, viewing weaker humans as insignificant trash. To avoid this and simultaneously make them battle-hardened, why not let them resolve some conflicts in lower-level worlds, like levels five, four, and three? This will give them a sense of accomplishment as heroes and strengthen them through battle experience."

"Are you suggesting we turn them into superheroes, complete with capes and signature costumes?" The deep voice resonated from the room's four corners, laced with amusement.

Roselle gave a thumbs-up to no one in particular, grinning. "Bingo, mysterious elder! What do you think? Cool, right? It's like killing two birds with one stone. Hehehe, I know I'm a genius, no need to thank me."

The mysterious voice responded, "Indeed, your idea has merit. Let us conduct a six-month trial. If the results are impressive, we will continue implementing it. Otherwise, we will revert to DS's approach. Any questions?" After a brief silence, the voice continued, "Good. Miss Brenda Rogers, please commence teaching the newbies about cells and energy harnessing. Sir Li, instruct them on history, and DS, please refrain from being too harsh. Dismissed."

With those words, the voice fell silent, signaling the end of the meeting.

Teacher DS grumbled, "Sigh, each of you were explicitly told to go full mode on teaching those newcomers! Why the hell am I the only one instructed to hold back?" He complained, his frustration evident.

Roselle replied, "Simple, you tend to push them too hard with your intense training, and I doubt they'll have the energy to focus on Lady Brenda's lectures afterwards." With that, Roselle quickly teleported away, avoiding potential tantrums from DS.

DS huffed, "Fine, since I can't train them rigorously, I'll have to make them fight alongside the year two students in the forest, where they'll face Basic and Intermediate tier beasts! Hmph! This will suffice." He muttered to himself, standing up and heading out of the room.

Unbeknownst to the new students in the cafeteria, their lessons were about to become significantly more challenging, and Trigon and Zapper would soon find themselves grouped together, facing the daunting tasks ahead.