Chapter 23

Hey there, follow me on my...



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The sudden notification echoed through Trigon's mind, halting his conversation with Lexmus mid-sentence. The message flashed before him, a stark reminder of his pending mission.

Trigon's life had been a leisurely affair for the past few days, following the drama that had unfolded back at the cafeteria and dorm corridor. He had almost forgotten about the mission altogether, and if not for the system's timely reminder, he wouldn't have given it a second thought. The notification served as a stark wake-up call, jolting him back to reality.

Meanwhile, Alfred and Kael continued their discussion on runes and formations, oblivious to the subtle jolt in Trigon's reaction.

_System, about the mission... Can't it be abort? I mean, with the rate at which I am training, I am sure I will get stronger than them within a single month, why should I kill them?_ Trigon asked with faint worrying look.

The system's holographic screen popped out as soon as he said those words.

[Host Trigon, we have detected that despite your suppressed emotions, you are still processing emotions subconsciously.]

[Analyzing reasons for your hesitation... Beep! Analysis complete. Reasons are as follows:]

[1. Cognitive dissonance: Your suppressed emotions conflict with the moral implications of the mission, causing discomfort and leading you to reevaluate your actions.

2. Moral development: You are progressing in your moral reasoning, questioning the violence and empathy emerging.

3. Subconscious emotional processing: Your brain continues to process emotions, even when suppressed, influencing your thoughts and behaviors.

4. Self-concept: Your sense of identity and self-worth may be tied to your actions, making you question whether killing aligns with your values and goals.

5. Neurological factors: Your brain's emotional regulation systems, like the amygdala and prefrontal cortex, continue to function, potentially influencing your decision-making.]

[Host Trigon, these factors indicate that your hesitation stems from a complex interplay of psychological and neurological processes and we, the system shall not tolerate it...]

Trigon's eyes widened as he listened to the system's explanation. "So, you're saying my brain is still processing emotions even though you gave me a skill that suppress them?" He asked, not bothered about the last part of the system speech.

[Affirmative, Host Trigon. Your brain's emotional processing is a complex and automatic function, influencing your thoughts and behaviors even when you're not consciously aware of it. And we do not tolerate such act, host. It seems we have to remind you of the need to be cruel... Initializing... Host long forgotten memories will be pull back for him to be reminded of the need to be cruel.]

Trigon's eyes narrowed, a sense of unease creeping up his spine. _What do you mean, 'remind me of the need to be cruel'? What memories are you talking about?_

The system's response was cold and detached.

[Memories of your past, Host Trigon. Memories that will remind you of the pain and suffering you've endured. Memories that will fuel your desire for revenge and guide your actions.]

Trigon's mind raced as the system's words struck a chord as he felt a wave crashing into his head, making his face arch in pain. Forgotten memories, locked away for so long, began to resurface. Memories of the bullying, the pain, the betrayals and the fear. His heart raced as the emotions associated with those memories began to stir.

"No," Trigon whispered, his voice barely audible. "I don't want to remember. I don't want to feel that pain again." His palm clenches into a tight fist as he tried ignoring those memories.

[Host Trigon, you have no choice. The memories will be restored, and you will embrace your true nature. The mission will be completed, and you will fulfill your purpose.] The system's response was devoid of empathy.

The darkness in the system's words sent a chill down Trigon's spine. He realized that he was forced to confront the very emotions he had tried to suppress.

Those memories flooded back, like a nightmare resurrected.

He subconsciously recalled his mother's venomous words the day she left them, "You're a useless father, a cripple, a burden! You can't even protect us!" She spat on his father's face, her eyes blazing with contempt as she held her daughter with their luggage while leaving the house. "And you, Trigon, you're no better! A weak, pathetic child, just like your father, reason I don't like looking at your ugly face!"

The pain of those words which was said when he was still 5 years old still seared his soul, a constant reminder of his family's dysfunction. His mother's abandonment left a gaping wound, which his father's stories of battles fought and won couldn't heal.

The memories changed to a the gangs' brutality which came next, their cruel taunts echoing in his mind. "You're our playthings, our slaves! We can do whatever we want with you!" They jeered, as they urinated on his father, the humiliation etched on his face. "You'll never be strong enough to stop us so pay up your protection fees or watch us force your son eat our poops!"

Trigon's heart raced, his mind reeling from the onslaught of memories. He felt the anguish, the fear, and the helplessness, subconsciously he stood up from the table, making Lexmus, Alfred and Kael look at him with worry.

"Trigger, you okay?" Lexmus asked with a frown.

"Go away!" Trigon subconsciously yelled as he grabbed his head in pain making Lexmus flinch in shock at the harsh voice from Trigon.

The system's words kept getting replay in his head, [You will embrace your true nature.]

[You will embrace your true nature.]

[You will embrace your true nature.]

[You will embrace your true nature.]

[You will embrace your...]

Not able to restand it, with a scream of anguish the darkness closed in, suffocating him. He was trapped in a never-ending cycle of pain, with no escape from the cruel fate that had been bestowed upon him and with that, he fainted.