Chapter 26

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"...Although the Aridos world may not be home to powerful beasts above the Advance Level, it is still fraught with dangers. These beasts possess unique abilities, and the humans who have survived the nuclear pollution have evolved into bloodthirsty monsters. We don't care how you achieve it, but kill at least 10 beasts. The higher the levels, the more plentiful your points will be. Even if you can't kill higher-level beasts, mass killing lower-level ones will still earn you high points. Just note that if anyone dares attack those humans living in the nuclear pollution areas without provocation, your AI watch will detect this as bullying, and your points will be deducted. When you return, you will face harsher punishment. We are not training you to be bullies but heroes of our solar system. Any world that falls under our solar system is our world and must be protected by all means! Do you understand, kids?"

"Yes, we do!" The students bellowed in unison, gazing at the man floating before them with reverence. This was an effect only someone from the Advanced Level upwards could achieve, and Teacher DS's respect towards him was a testament to his superior strength.

"Good," the man nodded in satisfaction, stroking his goatee while still floating in mid-air. "This test will take more than 24 hours, but the exact duration will remain unknown to create a sense of urgency. Now, each of you will be sent to different locations on the planet via the jump ships..." He clapped his hands together, and the space next to him warped and distorted, before Roselle materialized with his characteristic energetic smile.

Roselle was dressed in a sleek white tuxedo, his hair perfectly styled with gel, and he carried a walking cane, which he used to gesture dramatically as he spoke. "Yo, so uhm, I'll be teleporting 400 students every 10 minutes to the hangar where all the jump ships have been arranged and are waiting for you guys. The hangar isn't large enough to hold all of you at once, so we'll be doing this in batches."

With that said, he lightly hit the butt of his walking cane on the floor, and the space before him warped, taking away over 400 students.

"That dude must be a super level space ability user," Alfred suddenly said, his eyes gleaming with envy.

"Yeah, I wonder what cell counts he has," Kael added, his curiosity piqued.

"Cell count? What is that?" Trigon asked, his brow furrowed in confusion, having never heard those words before.

Lexmus, noticing Trigon's puzzlement, understood that he came from a less privileged background, where access to such information was limited. He himself was only aware of it due to his family's status as one of the twelve prominent families. So, he took the opportunity to explain, "You see, if you were to make a normal breakthrough by overtraining yourself and slowly progressing from Basic level up to Supreme, it would be easy. However, those who use the cell training style, even those at the Advance Level, can defeat you."

Trigon's eyes widened in surprise, his mind tremble slightly from the revelation.

Lexmus cough lightly, as he explain to Trigon. "Let me explain how cells work, Trigon. For Basic Level, their cell count ranges from 1,000 to 3,000. At the early stage, they have around 1,000 to 1,500 cells, which allows them to break small objects. As they progress to the middle stage, their cells increase to 1,500 to 2,000, enabling them to break furniture. Those at the Peak stage have 2,000 to 3,000 cells, which grants them the strength to destroy tables, break human bones, or snap wooden objects with their bare hands."

Trigon's eyes widened, fascinated by this new information.

Lexmus continued, "For Intermediate Level, their cell count ranges from 3,001 to 6,000. At the early stage, they have 3,001 to 4,000 cells, which allows them to lift small cars, albeit with difficulty. As they reach the middle stage, their cells increase to 4,001 to 5,000, making it easier for them to lift small cars. Those at the Peak stage have 5,001 to 6,000 cells, enabling them to lift medium cars with ease."

Trigon's expression turned from fascination to disbelief. "Wow, I thought only Advance Level users could lift cars!"

Lexmus chuckled, a smirk spreading across his face. "Ah, this is the advantage of cell training style, my bro. You haven't seen it all yet. Advance Level users have cell counts ranging from 6,001 to 10,000. At the early stage, they have 6,001 to 7,000 cells, which allows them to create small earthquakes during combat. Middle stage users have 7,001 to 8,000 cells, capable of creating large earthquakes. And those at the Peak stage, with 8,001 to 10,000 cells, can wreak massive destruction on the streets, rivaling super level ability users!"

Hearing those words, Trigon felt surprised and couldn't process the information quickly enough. He stood still, his mind racing with thoughts and questions.

Just as he was about to ask Lexmus for clarification, the space before him warped and distorted, and he found himself instantly transported to a different location. He looked around, disoriented, and saw that he was in a large hangar filled with hundreds of students who had been transported alongside him. Ahead of him, he saw a fleet of docked jump ships, which appeared smaller than he had anticipated.

"This must be why they said these ships were only meant for short-distance speed of light traveling," he muttered to himself, eyes fixed on the ships.

As he scanned the area, his gaze landed on Zapper, who was standing not far from him. The sight of his nemesis reignited Trigon's determination to complete the mission. His eyes turned cold, and he thought inwardly, "Pray I don't see you over there."

Just then, space unexpectedly warped before him again, and he felt himself being pulled towards the ship. The next thing he knew, he was sitting in the Captain's quarters, which was tiny enough to accommodate only one person.

[Destination set... Aridos World. We will be arriving in 2 minutes. Please, fasten your seatbelt. Taking off in... 3... 2... 1...]

Swoosh!!! The ship began to rumble and shake as the super jet engines roared to life. The sonic engine's speed increased exponentially, tearing through the clouds and reaching space in less than 20 seconds. Then, in an instant, the ship engaged hyperspace traveling, teleporting it across vast distances and reappearing close to the Aridos World, the mission's destination. The ship's advanced technology had traversed the vast expanse of space in a mere fraction of the time it would have taken at sublight speeds.