Chapter 3

"...." Speaking

'.....' Thoughts

Samson and Naeem were now outside for the first time in hours. And outside was looking weird. The sky had way more stars and was a royal purple. 

Most building were broken, on fire, or both. Screams were now easier to hear in the distance. 

"Aright listen Naeem. It takes 30 minutes to get to my house from the store. So on our way any monsters we run across should be used as a way to grow stronger and complete the mission." 

As he said that he brought back up the mission screen.


Tutorial Mission: Beginning of the Experiment

The world as you know it has changed. Now your goal is to survive as long as you can. Monsters have invaded. Slay them and use the experience to get stronger. Good luck. 

Objective: Kill 5 monsters. 

Time Limit: 24 hours

Reward: One random equipment

Failure: Loss of Life

Killed 2/5 Monsters


"I just need to kill 3 more monsters. How many monsters do you still need." 

Naeem looked into space Infront of him. Actually confirming only you could see whatever screen you summoned Infront of you. 

Naeem looked at his mission screen and he had Killed 0/5 Monsters. "I have no kills at all. Probably because you stole the kill from the goblin I stabbed." 

"Don't be mad at me because you didn't take the initiative to kill it. Also what kind of skill did you get?" 

Naeem held the tip of his spear out. It glowed a gray color and seemed to sharpen itself. "It is just a sharpening skill. Makes it so my enemies are easier to pierce through. It lasts for a minute. So what kind of skill do you have?"

Samson lifted up his arms and they glowed ghostly green. Then wrappings of the same color also appeared on his arms as the glow disappeared. 


Astral Gauntlets (Active): Spectral wraps appear around your hands. They put more strength behind your punches. They also allow you to attack the spirit of your opponent directly.

MP cost: 10

Duration: 5 minutes

Cooldown: 1 Minute


"I have these special gauntlets. Make it so my punches pack more oomph. And they attack the spirit of my enemies directly. Hitting the body and the soul." Samson slammed his fist together. spectral sparks came off of them. 

"Lets start towards my house. And on the way we can finish the mission." 

Samson and Naeem started towards the home of Inez Brown's house. The way there for some reason was devoid of any monster. But when they reached the bottom of the same hill the house there was a whole bunch of goblins. 

Samson and Naeem hid behind a blown up car on the road. "That is a lot of goblins. Why are they all on your street?" 

Naeem had his spear and shield away in his inventory. Lucky they only took up 2 spots out of the 25 he had. 

He pulled them out right away knowing that he would need them. "I am ready to fight whenever you are. But just know I haven't killed any monsters yet. I don't really know if I can."

Samson was counting the number of goblins he could see. There were 75 goblins all together. 45 of them had daggers, 25 of them had clubs.

What was weird was what the other 5 were carrying. They had a weird staff with a jewel at the end. 

Samson's eyes widen from his sudden epiphany. "Those goblins with the staffs have the ability to use magic. They are definitely the most dangerous. We need to be extra careful now."

Samson looked for any path they could use to get around them. He could not see anything that wasn't easily spotted by goblins. 

"Naeem I think we only have two options. We could go around the long way and hope the back door is not being guarded. Or, and this option absolutely means death, we could barrel through them and pray!"

Naeem just stared at Samson. He just couldn't believe the absolute malarky coming out of Samson's mouth. He knew the first option was the only option, but...

"You know what. I haven't killed any monsters yet. And I do need to complete that mission. So, maybe we go with that second option." 

Samson smirked. "What's the point in hiding. We either live and the universe resets, or we die and the universe resets. Don't matter right."

Samson and Naeem nodded at each other and came from behind the burnt car. They knew this 2v75 was a terrible idea. But they didn't care. They both started stretching and they then both yelled "Maximum Effort!"

The goblins looked over at them. Surprised by their idiotic plan. But ready to fight none the less. The ones with daggers stepped forward first. Definitely the newest and most inexperienced of the group. 

"Alright Naeem. The goal is not to kill them all. We just need to get to my house. But leveling up doesn't sound so bad. Also use your skill we don't wont to die."

Samson's arm glowed a spectral green and the green wrappings once again appeared around his hands. Naeem's spear glowed gray and the point seemed to get sharper. 

They ran forward together ready to barge through. Samson got there first immediately decking the goblin in the fronts face. Naeem just decided to chuck his spear into the masses and hope to hit something. 

The spear flew forward and struck through a couple goblins, not killing them just causing some real damage. Naeem then ran, with his shield held in front of him, barreling through to grab his spear again. 

Samson after punching the first goblin turned and kicked second. He twisted himself around and grabbed another goblin to then throw away from the hoard. 

Samson was having the time of his life. The apocalypse was scary, no doubt. But because of his class he could do things he never even thought of before. 

He felt like a true martial artist, even if just a basic one. The moves were so fluid, they happened as he thought of them.

He grabbed the dagger of a fallen goblin.

And right there was when he felt what the Hand to Hand combat skill was talking about when it said, weapons feel uncomfortable in his hands. 

Samson's hand tingled as he held the dagger. He felt uncomfortable and just decided to chuck the weapon. He threw it through the eye of a goblin sneaking up behind Naeem.

The goblin fell dead instantly as the dagger pierced into his eye right into the brain.

Samson grimaced at the sight. Impressed with himself but also a little scared of his amazing accuracy.

Defeated Goblin

EXP: +5

'Man I am just so good at this.' Samson ran over towards where Naeem was. 

Naeem has just grabbed his spear again and was defending off three goblins. He pushed them back and stabbed right through one of them. The spear pierced through the goblin's chest. 

 Defeated Goblin 

EXP: +5

Naeem's mini screen popped up in front of him. He hadn't seen this message before and it shocked him. A goblin took this as a opportunity to stab him in the arm. 

"Aahhh!!!" Pain shot through him and he dropped his spear to the ground. Luckily Samson was already on his way over. 

Samson grabbed Naeem's other arm and his spear and started for the burnt car again. But what instead happened was the ground in front of him suddenly exploded. 


Naeem and Samson went falling back together. Away from the explosion and landing near a street light pole. 

The goblins all laughed as one made his way towards the front. One of the five Mage goblins had made their way to the commotion of the goblins that were fighting. 

Samson struggled to stand back up as his vison was blurry and the world was shaking. He looked back at where all the goblins were and realized that a mage goblin was coming towards him. 

"Oh shit. Naeem get up" Samson started dragging Naeem to his feet, "We need to get moving. A magic goblin is coming."

Naeem tugged on Samson's robe to get himself on his feet. "Samson! My body feels so sluggish. I feel like my muscles are failing."

Samson started to pull him away. "I got you buddy. We just need to keep moving. We'll lick our wounds then come back. At least you got your first kill though right."

Naeem and Samson chuckled to themselves. Samson then turned around to look to see what the goblins were doing. 

The goblins had for some reason stayed were they were. 'Guess they don't like leaving their home.'

Samson took Naeem further down a road. He then found a house a monster must have broken into. He went in, Naeem still using him as a crutch, and luckily the house was empty. 

Naeem leaned himself against a wall. Breathing hard with his hands holding his ribs. Samson sat down on the floor in the middle of the Living Room and just collecting his thoughts. He thought to look at his status. 


Status Screen 

Name: Samson Brown

Class: Astral Monk (5 ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️)

Level 2: (Exp 5/20) 












Basic Hand to Hand Combat (Passive LVL1): You have a natural talent using your fists and legs to destroy your opponents. Weapons can be used but feel uncomfortable in your hands. 

Astral Gauntlets (Active): Spectral wraps appear around your hands. They put more strength behind your punches. They also allow you to attack the spirit of your opponent directly, bypassing physical resistances. 

MP cost: 10

Duration: 5 minutes

Cooldown: 1 Minute


'I lost more than half HP in that fight. That mage goblin is extremely strong. A 2 on 75 was just stupid. But we got some EXP. That's always useful.'

Naeem grunted as he walked over to where Samson was. "What do we do now? How do we get to your mom? We take the long way?" Naeem body seemed to uncontrollable relax and he collapsed to the ground. 

Samson caught him before he could hurt himself. 'We'll go with the around plan. Try to get in, get out, and not die."

Naeem just nodded. Not having the strength to really speak. It was 12 am now. So they just decided to get to sleep. They laid themselves out and just fell asleep. 

Tomorrow was definitely going to be a busy day.