Chapter 4

"...." Speaking

'.....' Thoughts

Samson woke with a start. Breathing hard after the wild dream he had last night.

Colorful imps, Experimentation, Monsters, RPG skills. Last night was so weird. 

Then Samson sat up and realized he wasn't in his bedroom. The room he was in didn't like to clean. There windows were all broken and inside was no better. 

The walls were destroyed and the furniture was torn apart. Samson was putting it together now. That dream he had was no dream. Everything had happened. The monster, RPG skills. Everything was real. 

"Naeem? Are you also seeing this?"

Samson turned to his friend on the ground next to him. 

Naeem squirmed and opened his eyes. He immediately sat up and looked around. "Where the hell are we? How did we get here?"

"You don't remember that the apocalypse has been descended upon us? We were trying to get to my mom and did the stupid thing of trying to fight 75 enemies."

Samson stood up and stretched hard. He realized that he actually felt a lot better since the explosion yesterday. He looked at his status. 

'Well it seems my HP and MP have gone back up to full. Was it because of sleeping. No that doesn't make sense. Because what if I have to fight multiple times in a day. There has to be a rate to how they refill. The MP at least.'

Samson helped Naeem to his feet and made his way to the kitchen. Hoping to find something to eat. "Hey Naeem, you like chicken salad?" Samson had found chicken salad and bread in the fridge. 

He then grabbed a spoon and started spreading the chicken between two slices of bread. 

"Why are we having chicken salad so early in the morning? Naeem wondered in. He started searching through the cabinets to find a cup. He found one and filled it with water from the sink. 

"Hey just be glad that water and electricity still work. For now." Samson had finished the sandwiches and handed one to Naeem. He started chowing down on his and it was great. 

"So what is on the agenda today? Back to trying to get to your mom right? Then we really need to finish that tutorial mission." Naeem ate the sandwich anyway, even with the problems he had with it. 

Samson pulled the mission up in front of him again.


Tutorial Mission: Beginning of the Experiment

The world as you know it has changed. Now your goal is to survive as long as you can. Monsters have invaded. Slay them and use the experience to get stronger. Good luck. 

Objective: Kill 5 monsters. 

Time Limit: 16 hours

Reward: One random equipment

Failure: Loss of Life

Killed 3/5 Monsters


Status Screen 

Name: Samson Brown

Class: Astral Monk (5 ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️)

Level 2: (Exp 5/20) 



"I have 3 of 5 monsters killed. What about you man?" 

Naeem also opened his mission screen. "I only have 1 of 5 monsters killed. Really far behind compared to you." 

"Well luckily we have 16 hours left. So we can still do it. Also you only need to kill one more monster and you level up. Exciting! By the way, when you level up you'll get 4 Attribute points. If I was you, I would put them in Strength and Constitution."

Samson walked over to where the window is and looked outside. "Well I am ready to go. How about you?" 

Naeem finished his sandwich and walked over. "Might as well get it done. Got to make sure Momma Brown is okay." 

Naeem appreciated how Samson's mom was always treated him really well. There was no need to try and suck up to her like he did his own mom. Inez was just nice to him. 

Samson and Naeem stepped out of the house. Having used the bathroom and showered, they started around the huge group of goblins.

Samson really wanted to go back, finish the mission. See what the reward equipment could be. But after yesterday, that would be signing there death certificate. 

Samson led Naeem the long way around, having to go up and around 3 blocks. They came up to the back door, but unluckily there were goblins in the backyard too. They seemed to be standing right in front of the backdoor. Like they were guarding it or something. 

"Ok. So it seems that we'll have to take care of some monsters. Lucky for us there is only three of them." Samson surged forward and drop kicked the goblin closest to him. 

The goblin hit the wall of the house and hit his head. Know disoriented he didn't notice when a spear went straight into his head. Naeem had finally gotten another kill. 

Defeated Goblin 

EXP: +5

Level up!

Naeem had finally leveled up. Even though all that happened was a pop up screen it still felt so great. "Samson, its finally happened. I leveled up. What do I do now."

Samson jumped over a goblin to dodge its dagger. "That's great buddy! Hurry and put them in you stats. Could use the help.

QUICKLY PLEASE!" Samson punched one of the goblin's directly in the face to keep its attention on him. 

'Right! Now where do I put these stat points.'

Naeem opened up his Status Screen


Status Screen 

Name: Naeem Dover

Class: Enchanted Spearman(3⭐️⭐️⭐️)

Level 2: (Exp 0/20) 












Basic Spear Mastery (Passive LVL 1): You are best at using the spear to fight. It has always been the weapon most comfortable in your hands. You know the correct stances and way to hold the spear. You are almost certain that the spear was the correct choice. 

Enchanted Stab (Active): Your spear glows with new sharper power. This makes it much easier to pierce through the flesh of your enemies. Or the armor or your enemies. 

MP cost: 15

Duration: 1 minute 

Cooldown: 30 seconds


'Alright what did Sam say? Strength and Constitution right? Yeah that make sense. Strength will make me, well stronger. And constitution is probably gives more health." 


Status Screen 

Name: Naeem Dover

Class: Enchanted Spearman (3 ⭐️⭐️⭐️)

Level 2: (Exp 0/20) 












Basic Spear Mastery (Passive LVL 1): You are best at using the spear to fight. It has always been the weapon most comfortable in your hands. You know the correct stances and way to hold the spear. You are almost certain that the spear was the correct choice. 

Enchanted Stab (Active): Your spear glows with new sharper power. This makes it much easier to pierce through the flesh of your enemies. Or the armor or your enemies. 

MP cost: 15

Duration: 1 minute 

Cooldown: 30 seconds


Naeem's body glowed gray for two seconds after his allocating of point. His muscles bulged as they got bigger. And he could feel himself being able to breathe easier. 


Naeem breathed out hard. He tightened his grip on his spear and stabbed his spear toward a goblin. 

This goblin seemed to be a smarter than the others. Because even though its attention was on Samson. He wouldn't let himself be blind sided. He just used his club to redirect the spear into the ground. 

Naeem instantly brought the spear back. Spinning around to get more momentum to get a better swing. 

With the force he had, he pointed his spear down aiming for the goblins head. But the goblin backflipped out of the way. 

"Ok, Hey Samson! This goblin seems to be better than the other ones. Like a lot better. Come help please." Naeem jumped back and held his spear forward. 

Samson finished up his fight by using his Astral gauntlet skill to punch it twice in the face. Causing its skull to cave in and to die right on the spot. 

Defeated Goblin

EXP: +5

'Alright just one more goblin and I complete the mission.' Samson started over to Naeem and the final goblin. 

"Alright Naeem. Now we just need to get this one. I'll let you have it since I am one away from completing the mission." Samson hammered down on the goblin. Hitting it on the head. 

"I guess I'm faster than it thought." Samson kicked low at the monster trying to give Naeem a way to attack. The goblin jumped up to dodge and found itself with new neck pain as a spear went through it. 

The Goblin writhed in pain, growling and grunting, grasping at the spear. Naeem lifted his foot. "Just lay down and die for me."

Naeem brought his foot forward and kicked the goblin in the face. The goblin's head snapped back and and fell forward dead as a doorknob. 

Defeated Goblin

EXP: +5

Naeem's got the new notification and smiled. "Much closer to completing the mission now." Naeem flicked the spear to get the goblin's corpse off it. 

"Well that's just gross. Whole bunch of blood all over." Samson just turned around and swallowed his barf. He started for the back door and put his hand on the handle.

At the same time the door swung open wide. All of a sudden a massive stone club hit Samson across the face and sent him flying into the house's fence. "What the fuck! What was that?!"

Coming from the door, was a massive, definitely over 7 foot, Forest Green skin, Dark eyes, with only a tiny loincloth to cover itself. It was an orc, the better, beefier goblin. 

In one hand it has a club. While in the other was... someone's leg? 

Samson got up groaning and holding his head. "Ahhh! God that hurts so much. Naeem! Might need to retreat."

Naeem went to retreat, feeling true genuine fear for this monster. As he moved back the Orcs neck snapped over to him. "Oh Shit!" Naeem starting running away trying to get good distance. 

The orc started after him, catching up quickly and going for a swing with his club. Naeem turned around and used his spear to try and block. It worked but he still got sent flying, closer to where the giant mosh pit of goblins were. 

Samson forced himself up. He opened up his status screen to look at his HP. 



Name: Samson Brown

Class: Astral Monk (5 ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️)

Level 2: (Exp 10/20) 




'Oh my god! I almost died. I can't believe it.' Samson turned onto his stomach to start crawling towards where he can see Naeem better. But his attention was drawn to the leg the Orc was carrying. 

The leg was dark, like he was, and was the foot up to the bottom of the thigh. And it had a tattoo of a black rose, its stem started at the ankle and it's petals stopped at the top of the calf. 

Samson's eye widen, and involuntarily tears came to his eyes. 'I know that tattoo. My mom got it during her college years."

Samson got up to try and look closer. To find something that proved to his heart his brain was wrong.

"Hey! You ugly bastard. Where did you get that leg from?" Samson's heart beat was quickening. Hoping that even if the orc couldn't answer him. That maybe he would feel better. 

As the orc turned it dropped the leg it was holding. Samson swallowed hard and stared deeply at the leg. More tears streaming as he came to the saddest conclusion. That was definitely his mom's leg. Not matter how much he tried to deny it.