I Haven't Done This In 20,000 Years

"Lieutenant Xiaomei, there's been a problem!" One of the officers barged into Xiomei's office with a tone of urgency.

The man who had arrived within the confines of Lieutenant Xiaomei's office was a Sergeant.

She slowly raised her head while taking a pause before the open file in her grasp; "What is this problem you speak of, Sergeant Chang?"

"They struck again!" His voice came out louder than he'd anticipated which made it possible for everyone on the floor to hear him.

Including Chen Feng who was getting bored in his cell. He had already been in there for quite some time.

"Who?" She asked with a frown.

She was still dissatisfied with what had happened minutes ago between Fang Chen and Captain Lou which had ruined a part of the floor she couldn't imagine another one of that happening right now.

The entire floor went quiet at her question, each of them anticipating the officer's next response.

"The Xiao Demons!" As those words left his mouth, everyone on the building floor froze for a split second before resuming their actions.

This act didn't go unnoticed by Fang Chen. He didn't know much about this city or the time he had arrived in but he was certainly curious, especially with the reactions of everyone.

"Those troublesome bastards are at it again!" Lieutenant Xiomei's brows twitched furiously.

"Where'd they hit this time?"

Her question was only expected as this happened to be a very infamous group in the city.

The only thing known about them was the name they went by which had been given to the group by their victims.

In fact, they always found out about the attack only once the group was done. By the time the police got to the scene, they would be long gone.

"Wei District 's museum." The officer answered quickly.

"Reports indicate multiple calls and confirmed casualties."

"Mobilize the team. We're heading out immediately," Xiomei stated while rising.

As she exited her office, the pristine corridors of the station, her rapid footsteps echoed harmoniously.

She quickly assembled her team of seasoned officers, their expressions mirroring her own sense of urgency.

Fang Chen, sitting in his cell, could hear the commotion outside.

His curiosity piqued as he leaned against the bars, watching the hurried activity. "Lieutenant Xiomei!" he called out as she passed by, her focus unbroken. "What are these Xiao Demons you're so concerned about?"

Xiomei paused momentarily, glancing at him with a mixture of annoyance and urgency. "Not now. We have a crisis to handle." Without another word, she continued down the corridor.

Fang Chen's interest only deepened. With a subtle smirk, he decided he wouldn't remain a passive observer.

Xiomei and her team quickly boarded their vehicles and zoomed off to intercept the threat.

As they sped through the bustling streets, the city's blend of ancient pagodas and towering skyscrapers blurred past.

Suddenly, Xiomei felt a presence in the back seat. She glanced into the rearview mirror and nearly swerved off the road in shock. "Fang Chen?! What in the world are you doing here?"

The officer in the passenger seat, equally startled, twisted around to see Fang Chen lounging comfortably. "How did you get out? And why are you here?"

Fang Chen chuckled, unperturbed by their reactions. "Curiosity, my dear Xiomei. I couldn't resist. And might I add, this ride isn't as bad as I expected. Though it's nothing compared to cruising across the sky on a flying jade ship."

Xiomei's eyes narrowed, her grip tightening on the steering wheel. "You had no right to leave your cell. This is an official operation. You're interfering with law enforcement."

Fang Chen's smile remained. "Relax, Lieutenant. I'm here out of genuine interest since you won't tell me what is going on. You see, like I mentioned, I am quite new in this city."

Xiomei fumed silently but knew they were close to the museum. She couldn't afford to lose precious time dealing with Fang Chen now. "Fine," she snapped. "But stay out of our way, or so help me, you'll regret it."

As they arrived at the Wei District Museum, the scene was chaotic.

The museum, a grand structure combining ancient stone carvings and modern glass panels, stood as a cultural landmark now marred by the chaos of the Xiao Demons' attack.

Smoke billowed from broken windows, and the sound of distant screams punctuated the tense atmosphere.

Xiomei leaped out of the car with extraordinary speed, her sword unsheathed in a flash of steel. "Officer Zhang, keep an eye on him. Make sure he doesn't interfere."

Officer Zhang nodded, his expression serious. "Understood, Lieutenant."

Xiomei dashed into the fray, disappearing into the smoking environment in just a few moments.

Meanwhile, Officer Zhang turned to keep an eye on Fang Chen, only to find the back seat empty. "What the—where did he go?"


The interior of the Wei District Museum was a scene of chaos. Ancient artifacts and modern exhibits lay scattered, the air thick with dust and the lingering acrid scent of smoke.

Lieutenant Xiomei moved with a purpose, her keen eyes scanning for any signs of the Xiao Demons as she guided terrified civilians to safety.

"Move quickly, stay low!" she instructed, her voice firm yet reassuring.

"We'll get you out of here safely," Her team worked efficiently alongside her.

As the last group of civilians was ushered out, Xiomei's attention snapped to a section of the museum that appeared to have been forcibly breached.

The stone walls bore fresh marks of damage, and fragments of debris littered the floor.

"Over there," she called out to one of her subordinates, pointing towards the disturbance. "Check that area. I'll follow."

Xiomei approached the broken entrance cautiously, her sword at the ready. As she stepped into the dimly lit corridor beyond, her instincts screamed a warning. Shadows danced along the walls, and the faint sound of movement echoed ahead.

She tightened her grip on her weapon and pressed forward with her qi wrapped around it.

The corridor led to a small, dimly lit room. In the center stood a figure wearing a grotesque demon mask, their eyes gleaming with malice.

"Stop right there!" she commanded, her voice echoing in the confined space.

The masked figure turned to face her, a sinister smile visible through the mask's mouth.

Xiomei dove forward with incredible speed but before she could reach them, the figure threw a small object to the ground.

A thick smoke screen suddenly erupted, engulfing the room in an impenetrable cloud.

Lieutenant Xiomei gritted her teeth in annoyance while her sword began to emit a purplish glow as her cultivation pressure soared.


With a wave of her sword, strong winds surged across the surroundings, clearing the smoke screen but the figure was nowhere to be found.

The demon-masked figure had vanished without a trace.

Frustration gnawed at Xiomei as she realized they had lost their quarry. She sheathed her sword and hurried back towards the museum's main hall.

"Lieutenant Xiomei, we've searched everywhere," Officer Tang reported with a grim expression.

"There's no sign of them. They've vanished."

Xiomei clenched her fists. "Damn it. We were so close."

As they emerged from the museum, the chaos outside had been somewhat contained.

Emergency vehicles lined the streets, and the once-panicked crowd was now under control. Xiomei's eyes scanned the area, landing on a sight that made her heart skip a beat.

Fang Chen was sitting casually on the unconscious body of a figure wearing a demon mask, his expression one of sheer boredom.

The juxtaposition of his nonchalance and the gravity of the situation left the surrounding officers in stunned disbelief.

"Lieutenant, look!" one of the officers exclaimed, pointing towards Fang Chen. "How did he—?"

Xiomei hurried over, her eyes wide with shock. "Fang Chen! How did you capture a Xiao Demon?"

Fang Chen glanced up, his bored expression giving way to a sly grin. "Oh, this one? It wasn't much of a challenge, really."

Xiomei's frustration and confusion mingled as she stared at him. "Explain yourself."

Fang Chen stood, brushing off his robes with exaggerated care. "While you were busy with your search inside, I decided to take a stroll around the perimeter. And wouldn't you know it, I stumbled upon this fellow and some others trying to make a sneaky escape."

The unconscious figure at his feet groaned, stirring slightly. Fang Chen nudged them with his foot, making sure they remained subdued. "I thought it would be more interesting to bring one to you than just letting all of them slip away."

His mind wandered back to a few minutes ago.


The night sky over the city was dotted with stars, casting a faint glow over the horizon.

High-rise buildings stood like silent sentinels, their lights twinkling in the darkness.

Amidst this urban landscape, a group of masked figures moved with supernatural agility, leaping from one rooftop to the next with ease.

Their robes billowed behind them and the demon masks they wore adding an eerie quality to their swift movements.

These were the Xiao Demons. They had managed to get far from the museum, confident in their escape. However, unbeknownst to them, Fang Chen had been trailing them.

As they leaped to another building, one of the Xiao Demons, a tall figure with broad shoulders and flowing black hair, glanced around, sensing something amiss.

Before he could react, Fang Chen appeared beside him, matching their insane speed with effortless grace. His eyes sparkled with mischief as he ran alongside them with a wide grin.

"Hello there!" Fang Chen called out, his voice filled with amusement. "Fancy meeting you here. Care to explain why you're causing such a ruckus?"

The Xiao Demons exchanged shocked glances, their leader growling in annoyance. "Who are you? How did you find us?"

Fang Chen chuckled, easily keeping pace. "Oh, I was just out for a run and thought I'd join the fun. Your jumps are quite impressive, I must say."

The leader snarled, his muscles tensing. "We have no time for your games!"

With a swift motion, he lunged at Fang Chen as his fist crackled with dark qi. Fang Chen effortlessly sidestepped, evading the lunge by a few inches.

"Whoa, easy there! No need to be so hostile."

The other Xiao Demons joined the attack, their movements synchronized.

Fang Chen danced around them. His agility and speed made their strikes look sluggish in comparison. "You know, if you wanted to play tag, you should've just said so," he quipped as a laugh escaped his lips.

One of the Xiao Demons, a wiry figure with fiery red hair peeking from under his mask, snarled in frustration. "Don't mock us, you fool!"

Fang Chen twirled away from another strike, his expression one of playful delight. "Oh, but it's so much fun. I haven't done this in twenty thousand years."