There Is A Pattern

The red-haired demon's patience snapped. He gathered his qi, preparing for a devastating attack.

Fang Chen's eyes narrowed slightly, recognizing the shift in their tactics. As the Xiao demon unleashed his attack, it obliterated a nearby store in a burst of energy.

Debris flew everywhere, and for a moment, it seemed Fang Chen had been caught in the blast.

But then, as the dust settled, Fang Chen appeared behind the red-haired demon, his fingers glowing with a strange, ethereal qi. "Nice try, but you'll have to do better than that."

Before the Xiao demon could react, Fang Chen's fingers moved with blinding speed, poking at various points along his body. "A little touch here, a pinch there..."

The Xiao demon froze in shock; "What... what have you done to me?" He found himself unable to leap any further.

Fang Chen grinned, leaning in close. "Just a little trick I picked up as a doctor. You've been immobilized. Can't use your qi now, can you?"

With a swift chop to the neck, Fang Chen knocked the Xiao demon unconscious.

As the other Xiao Demons turned to see what had happened, they found only empty air. Fang Chen and their comrade had vanished without a trace.

The leader cursed under his breath as his eyes scanned the surroundings. "Find them! He couldn't have gone far!"


Officer Zhang stepped forward with a look of disbelief and suspicion. "You... you just caught him like that? Without any help?"

Fang Chen shrugged. "What can I say? I'm resourceful."

Xiomei's eyes narrowed, her mind racing to make sense of the situation. "Fang Chen, you are full of surprises. But we can't ignore that you left your cell unauthorized. This doesn't change the fact that you broke the rules."

Fang Chen raised his hands in mock surrender. "Consider it a necessary breach for the greater good. Besides, wouldn't you rather have a captive Xiao Demon than an empty cell?"

She sighed, rubbing her temples. "We'll deal with that later. For now, we need to secure this one and get some answers."

Turning to Officer Zhang, she issued orders with renewed authority. "Take him into custody. Make sure he's thoroughly restrained and interrogated. We need to know everything he knows."

As the officers moved to detain the captured demon, Fang Chen watched with a satisfied smile.

Xiomei couldn't shake the mixture of irritation and gratitude she felt towards him. Despite his infuriating demeanor, he had undeniably been instrumental in capturing a key figure.

"Lieutenant," Officer Zhang called out, "we're ready to transport him back to the station."

Xiomei nodded. "Good. Let's move out."

As they prepared to leave, she turned to Fang Chen. "You're coming with us. We'll discuss your... actions once we're back at the station."

Fang Chen's smile never wavered. "Of course, Lieutenant. You and I get to spend some more time together. Lead the way."




It had been one week since the chaotic incident with the Xiao Demons, and the tension in Lieutenant Xiomei's apartment was a combination of exasperation and reluctant camaraderie.

The sun streamed through the large windows, casting a warm glow on the modern, minimalist decor.

The living room was neatly arranged, with good looking furniture and a few personal touches—a framed picture here, a potted plant there—reflecting Xiomei's balanced approach to life.

Standing before a full-length mirror in the corner of the room, Chen Feng admired his reflection.

His divine looks, unmarred by the passage of time, radiated an otherworldly charm. His long, flowing hair, immaculate robes, and chiseled features made him look every bit the legendary figure he claimed to be.

"Ah, perfection," he murmured, adjusting a strand of hair. "Not a day over a thousand years."

Across the room, Lieutenant Xiomei sat at her desk, engrossed in her laptop.

She was wearing casual clothes, a blue singlet that barely contained her massive mounds, and black shorts.

This was way different from her usual uniform look and gave her an alluring sexual appeal as her dark yellow hair swayed from side to side.

She glanced up from the screen and her eyes narrowed in annoyance as she watched Chen Feng preen.

"You know, some of us actually have work to do," she scoffed, shaking her head.

Chen Feng turned to her as his lips curled into a playful smile; "Can you blame me? It's not every day one gets to behold such beauty."

Xiomei rolled her eyes, returning to her laptop. "Please, spare me. I still can't believe I agreed to let you stay here."

He sauntered over, leaning casually against her desk. "Well, Lieutenant, you did say it was to keep an eye on me. And besides, I did promise to leave once I retrieve one of my treasure vaults."

She sighed as her fingers paused over the keyboard. "You mentioned that one of your vaults is in this city. Do you even have any idea where it is?"

Chen Feng nodded confidently. "Of course, I do. It's only a matter of time before I locate it. Until then, I'm your most charming house guest."

Xiomei's eyes narrowed as she typed furiously, pulling up various databases. "What I don't understand is why there's not a single record of you anywhere. It's like you appeared out of thin air."

Chen Feng chuckled, his voice dripping with amusement. "I've told you many times, Xiomei. I was sealed by Emperor Zhao Yun because I, well, impregnated his daughter. He wasn't too pleased about that."

Xiomei snorted in perpetual disbelief; "Emperor Zhao Yun has been deceased for over a century. And you're telling me you're Chen Feng, the infamous womanizer from old tales? The one who supposedly had the charms of a deity that no female could resist? Oh please."

She paused, her eyes meeting his. "And for the record, I can definitely resist your charms."

Chen Feng's rich and melodic laughter filled the room. "Oh, my dear Miss Busty. It's delightful to know my legend still lives on. But resist me? Let's see about that."

He suddenly closed the distance between them as his eyes locked onto hers with an intensity that made her heart skip a beat. "Tell me, Lieutenant," he murmured, his voice a seductive whisper, "have you ever met someone who makes you feel like you're the only woman in the world?"

Xiomei's breath hitched, her cheeks flushing slightly. "Stop that," she ordered, trying to maintain her composure. "You must think I'm foolish like other women you have had your way with in the past. I won't fall for your petty tricks."

Chen Feng leaned in closer, his gaze unwavering. "Are you sure? Because I can see it in your eyes, Xiomei. The curiosity, the temptation. You wonder what it would be like to surrender, just once, to someone who truly appreciates you, unlike your so-called Fiancee. That reminds me... He never even visited once since I got here."

Her fingers clenched around the edge of her desk, her resolve wavering. She couldn't deny that his presence had an effect on her, no matter how much she hated to admit it. "You're insufferable," she muttered, turning back to her laptop in a desperate bid to regain control.

Chen Feng laughed softly, straightening up. "If only you knew how many times I've heard that. But don't worry, I'll be gone soon enough. Just as soon as I find my treasure vault. Then you will wish you had taken hold of this opportunity."

Xiomei glanced at him, her frustration mingling with reluctant admiration. "Why do I get the feeling you're enjoying this more than you should?"

He flashed her a dazzling smile. "Because I am. Living with you in this age has been quite the experience. You're a fascinating woman, Lieutenant."

She shook her head, exasperated. 'If only you weren't so damn annoying.'

"You know, Lieutenant," Chen Feng purred, leaning in closer, "you could use a break. All work and no play makes for a very dull evening."

Xiomei turned back to her screen. "You are the epitome of distraction, Chen Feng. If you haven't noticed, I'm busy."

He raised an eyebrow, peeking at her screen. "What's got you so engrossed? More reports on our mysterious Xiao Demons?"

She sighed, rubbing her temples. "Yes. The captive we brought in hasn't said a word. It's like he's a brick wall."

Chen Feng's interest was piqued. "Really now? May I take a look?"

She shot him a skeptical glance but decided to indulge his curiosity. "Fine. But I doubt you'll find anything we've missed."

As he leaned over, his eyes scanned the screen with surprising focus. 'Pekking City. So, that's what they call this place now. Quite a charming name.'

'It's changed a lot over the centuries. But the essence remains,' A distant look appeared in his eyes.

She was about to dismiss him when he spoke, "So, the Xiao Demons first appeared here about two months ago, yes? And they've been causing quite a stir since then."

Xiomei frowned. "Yes, that's right. But we still don't know why or where they'll strike next. They're like ghosts."

Chen Feng tapped his chin thoughtfully. "Tell me, where have they attacked so far?"

Xiomei hesitated, then pulled up a map of recent attacks. "Here, here, and here," she said, pointing to various locations. "They've hit a museum, library, and an old temple. But there's no discernible pattern."

He studied the map intently, a slow smile spreading across his face. "Oh, but there is a pattern, Lieutenant. You're just not looking at it the right way."