
As Raika departed in the morning, she bid farewell to the woman and Pol, thanking them for the meal. "Thank you for the meal, ma'am. Goodbye, Pol," she said warmly. Continuing on her way, Raika soon found herself far enough from their home. With a sudden determination, she activated her speed mode agility.

In an instant, Raika's interface in her eyes glowed as she entered speed mode. Moving at an incredible pace, she dashed forward, marking her steps lightly on the ground. Her agility and speed were beyond human comprehension—she moved faster than sound itself. Despite her incredible velocity, Raika's enhanced vision and processing capabilities ensured she avoided any potential collisions.

The people around her panicked as they felt the rush of displaced air. To them, it seemed like a sudden gust, unable to discern the source of the disturbance. Raika continued her sprint, effortlessly running on top of buildings and leaping from one to another without shattering any glass. Each step was calculated precisely, ensuring she maintained her speed while navigating the urban landscape.

Arriving at the academy, Raika hid in the bushes, catching her breath. Her hair was tousled from the wind of her rapid journey. Wide-eyed with shock, she marveled at how quickly she had traversed the distance. It had taken her merely a minute to cover what would normally require much longer.

Raika's heart raced with exhilaration, realizing the full extent of her capabilities. Despite the chaos of her surroundings, she felt a sense of accomplishment knowing she had arrived swiftly and without detection.

As Raika observed the scene before her, she couldn't help but marvel at the extraordinary individuals gathered for enrollment day at the academy. Each person possessed the innate ability to manipulate mana, a vital energy source that powered their equipment and enhanced their natural abilities. The Assistant provided insights into the significance of mana, explaining how it influenced the effectiveness of their gear.

The people around Raika displayed a wide range of appearances and demeanors, but what truly set them apart were the faint glows of mana that surrounded them. Some individuals emitted vibrant auras, pulsating with energy that hinted at their mastery over mana manipulation. Others had more subdued glows, indicating varying levels of proficiency.

Raika, relying on her integrated skills and abilities, absorbed this sight with keen interest. She realized that despite not undergoing traditional training, her advanced AI enhancements had prepared her well for this environment. Her data banks were filled with knowledge of combat strategies, technological understanding, and the efficient use of her inherent abilities.

With a calm and determined expression, Raika stepped forward into the enrollment proceedings. She was ready to integrate herself into this new world where mana was a cornerstone of power and advancement, confident in her ability to compete and excel based on her innate capabilities and the advanced technology that supported her.

As Raika stepped forward into the enrollment proceedings, she observed the candidates around her demonstrating their abilities with mana-infused energy sabers. The instructor explained that success in launching the energy saber at a target would qualify them for admission.

One by one, candidates displayed their prowess. A boy confidently wielded the energy saber, channeling mana to strike the target with precise accuracy, earning applause from the onlookers. Some succeeded, others faltered, and a few were disqualified and sent home.

Raika, with her energy power source instead of mana, felt a twinge of nervousness. The instructor, noticing her hesitation and appearance, smirked with skepticism. However, when Raika tentatively gripped the energy saber, her Assistant inside her prompted a solution.

"Master, you can transfer some energy into the saber using your power source," the Assistant suggested.

Raika nodded and cautiously infused the energy saber with her power source. Immediately, the saber glowed fiercely, vibrating with unprecedented energy. With a swift strike, Raika obliterated the target and a portion of the ground, stunning everyone present.

The instructor initially dismissed it as a fluke, attributing the overwhelming power to a malfunctioning blade. However, Raika's second strike proved otherwise. The saber, now enhanced by her power source, effortlessly annihilated the target again, leaving no doubt about her capabilities.

"Okay, you pass," the instructor conceded reluctantly, impressed despite their initial doubt.

Silently relieved, Raika acknowledged her success as the other students, initially skeptical or disbelieving, joined in applause, recognizing her unique abilities.

After her impressive demonstration with the energy saber, Raika was guided to her room by a kind lady who greeted her warmly.

"Thanks, ma'am," Raika said gratefully.

"You're welcome, prodigy," the guide replied with admiration.

"No, no, it was just an accident," Raika responded modestly.

"Wow, what a humble one," the guide remarked, clearly impressed by Raika's humility despite her exceptional abilities.

"And then Raika heard the announcement over the microphone: 'All students, please proceed to the school ground,'" she observed, acknowledging the call to gather.

The sun hung low in the sky as students gathered eagerly on the school grounds, murmurs of anticipation buzzing through the air. Raika stood amidst the crowd, her thoughts wandering as the principal's voice boomed through the microphone, drawing everyone's attention to the podium.

"We have outstanding students this year," the principal announced with evident pride, his gaze sweeping over the expectant faces. "Let's recognize their exceptional talents."

He began to list off the names, each accompanied by their attributes, highlighting their prowess with mana and physical abilities:

"Nana, with extraordinary mana reserves and exceptional agility."

"Katsuya, possessing extraordinary mana reserves and formidable strength."

"Lay, who boasts a vast reservoir of mana, adept control, and untapped potential for growth."

"Fay, known for her extraordinary mana reserves, remarkable agility, and considerable power."

As the principal concluded the announcements, Raika let out a quiet sigh of relief, muttering to herself, "Phew, good thing they didn't mention me."

However, her momentary relief was interrupted by the curious glances of her fellow students. They turned to Raika, questioning why she hadn't been recognized among the top students. An uneasy feeling settled in Raika's stomach as she realized she was now the center of attention.

She shifted uncomfortably under their gaze, unsure of how to respond to the unspoken inquiry. Thoughts raced through her mind—her unconventional arrival, her hidden abilities, and her uncertain place among these talented peers.

And then the principal's voice cut through the murmurs. "You may be wondering why student Raika was not picked," he said, pausing for effect. "It's because she has no mana."

The crowd erupted into a chorus of disbelief. "What?" "Are they sure?" "How can she not have mana?"

Raika felt the weight of their stares intensify. She clenched her fists, her mind racing. They don't know the truth, she thought. They can't know.

The principal raised his hand, signaling for silence. "Despite this, Raika has demonstrated exceptional skills and potential. Her performance during the energy saber test was beyond impressive."

Some students exchanged puzzled looks, while others continued to scrutinize her with curiosity. A few even whispered among themselves, speculating about how she managed to excel without mana.

Raika took a deep breath, steadying herself. She had expected challenges, but not this immediate scrutiny. The Assistant's voice buzzed in her mind, offering reassurance. "Remember, master, your abilities are unique. You don't need mana to prove your worth."

Drawing strength from that thought, Raika straightened her posture. She met the curious gazes with quiet determination. Whatever doubts they had, she was here to prove herself, even if it meant standing out in a way she hadn't anticipated.

The principal continued, "Let this be a lesson to all of you. Mana is important, but it's not the only measure of one's potential. We look forward to seeing what Raika will achieve."

The announcement ended, and the students began to disperse, still buzzing with chatter. Raika exhaled slowly, knowing her journey at the academy had only just begun.

As the lessons began, Raika found herself assigned to Class C, the lower rank of the bunch. She glanced around the room, taking in her new classmates. They seemed a mixed bag of personalities and abilities.

A girl next to her leaned in, sensing Raika's curiosity. "If you're wondering what Rank C is, this is where the weirdo students gather," she said with a mischievous smile. Raika couldn't help but smile back, amused by the girl's candidness.

The girl continued, "The ranking system here goes like this:

- S-RANK: Highest class

- A-RANK: Good class

- B-RANK: Exceptional class

- D-RANK: Fair enough class

- F-RANK: Performing class

- C-RANK: The lower of the bunch

"So basically, we're the underdogs," she finished with a grin.

Raika laughed inwardly but couldn't suppress her smile. It was comforting to meet someone who didn't take things too seriously. "I'm Raika, by the way," she said, extending a hand.

"I'm Mia," the girl replied, shaking Raika's hand. "Welcome to Class C. Don't worry, we might be the 'weirdos,' but we have our strengths too."

Raika nodded, feeling a sense of camaraderie. Despite the low rank, she felt a spark of excitement. This class, filled with misfits and underdogs, might just be the perfect place for her to carve out her own path and prove her worth in this new world.

As the lesson began, the instructor announced, "Today's topic is technology." A collective groan rose from the class, with Mia rolling her eyes dramatically. "Oh, not again," she muttered, and several students echoed her sentiment.

However, Raika didn't flinch. On the contrary, her eyes lit up with excitement. She leaned forward, eager to absorb every bit of information. Technology was her forte, and learning about it in this new world was thrilling.

The instructor, an older man with glasses and a kind demeanor, started the lecture. "Technology plays a crucial role in our society, especially in enhancing our abilities and daily lives. Today, we'll explore the advancements in mana-powered devices and their applications."

Raika listened intently as the instructor detailed the various innovations. He explained how mana was integrated into everyday tools, from household appliances to combat gear. The students around her seemed disinterested, but Raika soaked it all in, fascinated by the blend of magic and technology.

Mia glanced at Raika, noticing her enthusiasm. "You really like this stuff, don't you?" she whispered.

Raika nodded, her eyes still glued to the instructor. "Yeah, it's amazing. There's so much to learn and understand."

The instructor continued, showcasing a holographic display of various mana-powered gadgets. "These devices not only make our lives easier but also enhance our capabilities. For instance, mana-infused armor provides enhanced protection and agility, while mana-powered communication devices allow for instant and secure transmission of information."

Raika's mind buzzed with possibilities. The technology here was different from what she knew, yet it resonated with her inherent knowledge and abilities. She couldn't wait to delve deeper into the subject, eager to discover how she could integrate and possibly improve these technologies with her unique skills.

As the lesson progressed, Raika took detailed notes, her excitement never waning. Despite being placed in Class C, she felt a renewed sense of purpose. This was her chance to learn, adapt, and eventually, prove herself in this new world.

As the professor concluded his lecture, he asked, "Any questions?"

Raika raised her hand. "Professor, could you explain more about how mana is used to power these technologies? Specifically, how is mana harvested, stored, and transferred to devices to ensure efficiency and stability?"

The professor looked pleased with the question. "Excellent question, Raika. Mana, as a form of energy, is harnessed from the individual's own reserves or from the environment. Specialized crystals, known as Mana Crystals, are commonly used to store this energy. These crystals can absorb, contain, and release mana efficiently.

"To transfer mana to devices, we use a system of conduits and converters. The conduits, often made from mana-conductive materials, channel the mana from the crystal to the device. The converters then regulate the mana flow, ensuring that the energy is neither too weak nor too overpowering for the device's needs. This system ensures both efficiency and stability."

Raika nodded, absorbing the information. "So, if the converter fails or the conduit is damaged, could that lead to a mana overload or a device malfunction?"

"Precisely," the professor responded. "Maintaining the integrity of these components is crucial. That's why regular maintenance and checks are essential for any mana-powered technology. Advanced systems often have built-in fail-safes to prevent such issues, but understanding the basics is vital for troubleshooting and innovation."

Raika's eyes sparkled with interest. "Thank you, Professor. This integration of mana and technology is fascinating. It opens up so many possibilities for advancements and improvements."

The professor smiled, clearly impressed. "Indeed, Raika. Your enthusiasm and understanding will serve you well in this field. Keep exploring and questioning; that's the heart of innovation."

As the class continued, Raika felt more determined than ever to delve deeper into the study of mana technology, knowing that her unique perspective and skills could contribute significantly to this world.