
After the technology class, the students were directed to their next schedule: combat training. They moved to a spacious dojo designed for hand-to-hand combat practice. The room was lined with mats, and various training equipment was neatly arranged along the walls.

Raika found herself feeling a mix of excitement and apprehension. While her integrated combat skills were formidable, she had never practiced them in a structured environment like this. The students were instructed to pair up for sparring exercises, and Raika was partnered with a girl named Lina, who had a confident and friendly demeanor.

The instructor, a seasoned martial artist with a commanding presence, addressed the class. "Today, we focus on basic techniques and defense. Remember, control and precision are more important than power. Let's begin with some warm-up exercises."

After a series of stretches and drills, the students were instructed to face their partners and assume combat stances. Raika felt the familiar hum of her combat protocols activating, but she was determined to rely on her own instincts and observations rather than automated responses.

"Begin!" the instructor shouted.

Lina moved first, her stance low and balanced. She threw a quick jab towards Raika, who sidestepped with ease. Raika countered with a gentle push, testing Lina's reaction. The sparring continued, with both girls exchanging blows and blocks, each assessing the other's capabilities.

Lina, impressed by Raika's swift movements, commented, "You're really good at this, Raika. You must have trained a lot."

Raika smiled modestly. "Something like that."

As the session progressed, the instructor called for a demonstration. "Raika, Lina, please come to the center and demonstrate a defensive maneuver for the class."

Raika nodded, stepping forward with Lina. The instructor explained, "Raika, I want you to defend against Lina's series of attacks. Show the class how to use minimal movements to deflect and counter."

Lina began her assault, a series of quick punches and kicks. Raika moved with fluid precision, blocking and redirecting each strike with minimal effort. She used Lina's momentum against her, smoothly guiding her attacks away and responding with controlled counters.

The class watched in awe as Raika demonstrated not only her defensive skills but also her ability to remain calm and composed under pressure. The instructor nodded approvingly. "Excellent, Raika. Your control and technique are impressive. Everyone, take note of her movements and apply them in your own practice."

As the session concluded, the students were given time to practice on their own. Lina approached Raika, smiling. "You're amazing, Raika. I can see why they chose you for the demonstration."

Raika returned the smile. "Thanks, Lina. You did great too. It's all about practice and understanding your opponent."

With the combat training session over, Raika felt a sense of accomplishment. She had successfully navigated another aspect of this new world, and her confidence continued to grow. As they prepared to move on to their next class, Raika couldn't help but feel excited about the challenges and opportunities that lay ahead.

As Raika was packing her bag and preparing to leave, she heard a voice calling her out. "I want a duel in hand-to-hand combat!" It was Katsuya, his expression fierce. He seemed unable to accept his placement in Class C, and his frustration was palpable.

Lina, who was standing nearby, whispered urgently to Raika, "Watch out for him. He's a mean one."

The other students watched in apprehension, their eyes filled with fear and curiosity. Raika looked at Katsuya, then back at Lina, and nodded. She stepped forward, her demeanor calm and composed.

"Alright, Katsuya," Raika said, her voice steady. "Let's do this."

The instructor, sensing the tension, decided to oversee the duel. "Very well. This will be a controlled sparring match. Remember, this is a practice session, not a real fight. Show respect and control."

Raika and Katsuya moved to the center of the dojo, assuming their stances. Katsuya's aura of mana flared, his muscles tensing as he prepared to attack. Raika, meanwhile, activated her combat protocols subtly, feeling the familiar hum of energy coursing through her.

"Begin!" the instructor commanded.

Katsuya charged forward with impressive speed, his fists aimed directly at Raika. She sidestepped his initial attack with ease, her movements fluid and precise. Katsuya growled in frustration, launching a series of rapid punches and kicks. Raika blocked and deflected each one, her calm demeanor never wavering.

As the duel continued, it became clear to the onlookers that Raika was not only defending herself but also analyzing Katsuya's movements. She moved with a grace and efficiency that spoke of her advanced combat abilities, integrated within her.

Katsuya, growing more frustrated, tried to overpower Raika with a powerful strike. She anticipated his move, using his momentum against him. With a swift motion, she swept his legs out from under him, sending him crashing to the mat.

Katsuya lay there, panting and wide-eyed, as the room fell silent. The instructor stepped forward, raising his hand to end the match. "Enough. Raika is the clear victor."

Raika extended a hand to Katsuya, helping him to his feet. "Good match, Katsuya. You have a lot of strength, but you need to control it better."

Katsuya, still breathing heavily.

As Raika helped Katsuya to his feet, he jerked his hand away, eyes blazing with anger. "This isn't over!" he spat, his pride clearly wounded. Without another word, he turned and stormed out of the dojo, leaving a trail of tension in his wake.

The instructor sighed, shaking his head. "Katsuya has always been headstrong. Everyone, take a break. We'll resume shortly."

Lina walked over to Raika, a concerned look on her face. "That didn't go as planned. Katsuya's really upset."

Raika nodded, still feeling the adrenaline from the duel. "He'll come around. Sometimes it takes a bit of time to accept things."

The other students, still buzzing with the energy of the unexpected duel, slowly dispersed to their corners of the dojo. Raika took a moment to catch her breath and gather her thoughts.


A short while later, the instructor called the class back together. "Alright, let's get back to our training. Remember, the purpose of combat training is to improve your skills and understand your strengths and weaknesses."

The rest of the session went on without further incident. Raika focused on her drills, her mind occasionally drifting to Katsuya and his outburst. She knew that fitting in would be a challenge, but she was determined to make the best of her situation.

After the session ended, Lina walked with Raika as they left the dojo. "I think you handled that really well," Lina said. "Even if Katsuya doesn't see it now, he'll realize it eventually."

Raika smiled, appreciating the support. "Thanks, Lina. I hope so."

As they walked through the academy grounds, Raika couldn't shake the feeling that Katsuya's anger was far from over. She knew she would have to keep an eye out and be prepared for whatever came next. This world was full of challenges, but she was ready to face them, one step at a time.

As Raika and Lina walked together, Mia caught up with them, pouting playfully. "How about me? Did you forget me, Raika?"

Raika chuckled, "Of course not, Mia. Let's go have lunch together to celebrate."

Mia's eyes lit up. "Great! I still can't believe how good you are at hand-to-hand combat. I'm a bit jealous."

Raika smiled modestly. "It's nothing, really. I just happen to know a thing or two about fighting."

Mia shook her head. "No fair! I've been training for years, and you make it look so easy."

Lina laughed, "Well, Raika, you definitely surprised everyone today. Katsuya didn't know what hit him."

The three of them found a spot in the cafeteria and settled down with their lunches. The atmosphere was light and filled with chatter as Mia and Lina shared stories about their experiences at the academy.

Raika listened, feeling a growing sense of camaraderie with her new friends. "So, Mia, what got you interested in combat training?" she asked between bites.

Mia grinned. "I've always wanted to be strong and protect others. Plus, I love the thrill of the fight. But seeing you in action today... wow. You have to teach me some of those moves."

Raika nodded. "I'd be happy to. Maybe we can practice together after classes?"

Mia's eyes sparkled with excitement. "Absolutely! It's a deal."

As they continued their lunch, Raika felt a warmth in her chest. Despite the challenges and the uncertainty of her place at the academy, she was starting to find her footing. With friends like Mia and Lina by her side, she was ready to face whatever came next.

As they were enjoying their lunch, Raika's eyes suddenly analyzed her surroundings. "I think someone is spying on us," she said, her voice low and cautious.

Mia looked around, puzzled. "Where? I don't see anything."

Lina also glanced around, equally confused. "Me neither."

Raika quickly realized her mistake, remembering that she was using her second image configuration to appear completely human. She had forgotten that her advanced sensors were active. Trying to cover her slip-up, she smiled sheepishly. "My bad, must have been my imagination," she said, hoping her friends wouldn't question her further.

Mia shrugged, accepting the explanation easily. "No worries. It's probably just the nerves from all the excitement today."

Lina nodded, her concern fading. "Yeah, let's not let it ruin our lunch. We have more important things to discuss, like our next combat training."

Raika sighed in relief, glad her friends had bought her excuse. They continued their meal, talking about their classes and making plans to train together later. Raika made a mental note to be more careful about revealing her abilities in the future, even to her closest friends.

After finishing their lunch, Raika, Mia, and Lina headed to the training ground at the school. Mia was excited about the promise Raika made to train her, while Lina watched with curiosity. As they reached the ground, Raika turned to Mia and offered, "Why don't we start with a sparring match? You can fight with all you've got, and I'll only use one hand."

Mia's eyes sparkled with determination. "You're on!"

Lina, acting as the referee, positioned herself to the side and raised her hand. "Alright, on my mark... Begin!"

Mia charged at Raika, her fists aimed at Raika's midsection. Raika easily parried with her one hand, her movements fluid and precise. Mia spun around, attempting a high kick, but Raika ducked, effortlessly dodging the attack.

Raika used her free hand to pivot and counter with a gentle push, sending Mia stumbling back. Mia quickly regained her balance and lunged forward with a series of rapid punches. Raika blocked each one with her single hand, her expression calm and focused.

Mia leaped into the air, aiming a kick at Raika's head. Raika caught Mia's ankle mid-air, gently redirecting her momentum. Mia landed on her feet, rolled to the side, and launched another attack, a sweeping leg kick. Raika hopped over it, landing gracefully.

The two moved in a blur, their bodies twisting and turning with incredible agility. Mia's attacks were relentless, each one faster and more powerful than the last. Raika's single hand moved like lightning, blocking, parrying, and redirecting every strike with minimal effort.

Mia attempted a feint, pretending to go for a low kick but switching to a high punch at the last moment. Raika saw through the move and intercepted Mia's punch, gently pushing her back. Mia flipped backward, landing in a crouch, panting but undeterred.

"You're good," Mia admitted, her breath heavy. "But I'm not done yet!"

Raika smiled, encouraging her. "Show me what you've got."

Mia charged again, this time with renewed vigor. She leaped, rolled, and twisted through the air, her fists and feet a whirlwind of motion. Raika matched her step for step, her single hand blocking and countering with effortless grace.

The battle continued, both combatants moving faster than the eye could follow. Mia launched herself into a spinning kick, aiming for Raika's head. Raika ducked, then sprang up, catching Mia off guard. She gently tapped Mia's shoulder, sending her sprawling.

Mia rolled to her feet, breathing hard. She charged one last time, throwing everything she had into a final flurry of punches and kicks. Raika met her head-on, her single hand moving in a blur. With a swift, precise motion, Raika deflected Mia's final punch and tapped her lightly on the forehead, signaling the end of the match.

Mia staggered back, panting and sweating. She dropped to her knees, defeated but exhilarated. "You're amazing," she gasped, looking up at Raika with a mix of awe and respect.

Raika extended her hand, helping Mia to her feet. "You did great," she said warmly. "You've got a lot of potential."

Lina, who had been watching the entire time, clapped her hands. "That was incredible! Mia, you were amazing, and Raika... you're on another level."

Mia smiled, despite her exhaustion. "Thanks. I'll keep training hard. Next time, I might just beat you."

Raika chuckled. "I'm looking forward to it."

As they caught their breath, Mia turned to Raika, her curiosity piqued. "Raika, what's your technique to become the best? You move like you have inhuman reactions."

Lina chimed in, her tone light and teasing, "Yeah, at this rate, you could probably beat Nana, Katsuya, Lay, and Fay all together!"

They all laughed, the tension from the intense sparring session dissipating. Raika chuckled, trying to downplay her abilities to avoid raising suspicion. "No, it's not possible," she said, smiling. "I just got lucky today."

Mia and Lina exchanged amused glances. "Lucky, huh?" Mia said with a grin. "Well, whatever it is, it's working. Maybe some of that luck will rub off on us!"

Raika laughed along, glad to steer the conversation away from her true nature. "Let's hope so! Now, how about we grab something to drink? I'm thirsty after all that."

The three of them headed towards the vending machines, chatting and laughing about their day. Raika felt a warm sense of camaraderie, grateful for her new friends. Despite her secret, moments like these made her feel almost... normal.