Ch 10

As morning arrived, the academy grounds buzzed with anticipation as students gathered for saber sword training. Raika joined her peers, the air thick with determination and focus. The sun's gentle rays illuminated the training area where instructors awaited, ready to impart their expertise.

Principal's voice resonated across the grounds, commanding attention. "Good morning, students. Today, we shall delve into the art of saber sword training," he announced, his voice carrying authority. "This discipline is crucial for mastering combat skills and harnessing your mana effectively."

Raika stood among the students, her demeanor composed yet curious. She observed the array of students, each with their unique mana signatures and abilities. Nana exuded confidence, her agile movements a testament to her extraordinary mana reserves. Katsuya, known for his formidable strength, stood tall and focused. Lay, with his vast mana reservoir, appeared calm yet eager for the challenge ahead. Fay, demonstrating remarkable agility and power, exuded an aura of determination.

The principal continued, "Instructors will guide you through the basics of saber sword combat. Remember, your proficiency in wielding mana through the saber will determine your progress."

Raika listened attentively, her mind already calculating strategies despite her nonchalant exterior. As the training session commenced, students paired off, ready to test their skills. Instructors demonstrated techniques, emphasizing fluidity, precision, and the integration of mana into each strike.

As Raika observed the training session with focused attention, the sun cast long shadows across the training grounds, setting the stage for intense combat. Lina and Mia were paired together, their determination palpable as they faced each other with saber swords in hand.

Lina, known for her swift movements and strategic prowess, took a defensive stance, her saber sword poised to strike at any opening. Mia, fueled by determination and a desire to prove herself, mirrored Lina's readiness, her grip on the saber sword steady despite her nerves.

The instructor's voice echoed across the field, guiding them through the intricacies of saber sword combat. He emphasized the importance of mana manipulation, urging the students to infuse their strikes with the energy that flowed through their bodies.

As the duel commenced, Lina moved first, her saber sword slicing through the air with precision. Mia reacted swiftly, deflecting Lina's initial strikes with agile parries. The clash of metal rang out as they exchanged blows, each maneuver calculated to gain the upper hand.

Mia's movements were fluid and agile, her attacks fueled by a blend of determination and adrenaline. She sought openings in Lina's defense, launching a series of rapid strikes aimed at wearing down her opponent. Lina, however, remained composed and focused, her defenses solid and impenetrable.

The duel intensified as Mia pushed harder, summoning her mana reserves to enhance her strikes. The air crackled with energy as Mia unleashed a flurry of attacks, each strike imbued with the power of her mana. Despite her efforts, Lina countered with calculated precision, deflecting Mia's blows with ease.

As the battle wore on, Mia's energy began to wane, the strain of the intense duel taking its toll. Lina seized the opportunity, maneuvering swiftly to disarm Mia with a decisive strike. Mia's saber sword clattered to the ground, leaving her momentarily defenseless.

The students watching held their breath, witnessing the culmination of skill and determination on display. Lina extended a hand to Mia in a gesture of respect, acknowledging her opponent's bravery and tenacity. Mia accepted the hand, a mix of disappointment and admiration in her eyes.

Raika, observing from the sidelines, noted Mia's valiant effort and resilience in defeat. She understood the lessons embedded in such battles—the importance of strategy, precision, and resilience in the face of adversity. As Mia walked away from the training grounds, she carried with her a renewed determination to continue improving, knowing that each defeat was a step closer to mastery in the world of saber sword combat at the academy.

As the anticipation built among the students, the training ground buzzed with energy. Nana and Lay, both formidable in their own right, stood across from each other, their auras pulsating with mana. The onlookers, aware of their respective class rankings—Nana as a Class A and Lay as a Class S—watched with keen interest.

Lay, known for his vast reservoir of mana and adept control, exuded confidence as he faced off against Nana, whose exceptional agility and mana reserves were equally renowned. The atmosphere was charged with excitement and tension as the instructor signaled the start of the match.

With a focused expression, Lay made the first move, charging forward with surprising speed for someone of his stature. He swung his energy-infused saber sword in a sweeping arc, aiming to catch Nana off guard. Nana, ever nimble, danced away from the strike with a graceful leap, her movements a blur of agility.

Undeterred, Lay pressed his advantage, channeling mana into his attacks with each strike. His saber sword crackled with energy as he closed the distance between them. Nana responded with swift, precise movements, weaving through Lay's onslaught with calculated evasions and counterattacks.

The duel evolved into a mesmerizing display of skill and strategy. Lay and Nana engaged in a series of rapid exchanges—parrying, dodging, and launching retaliatory strikes. The clash of their mana-infused blades echoed across the training ground, each strike resonating with the raw power they commanded.

Lay's strength and stamina allowed him to maintain relentless pressure on Nana. He unleashed a flurry of blows, testing Nana's defenses and probing for weaknesses. Nana, however, proved to be a master of adaptability. She anticipated Lay's attacks, sidestepping with precision and using her agility to maneuver around him.

As the battle progressed, Lay's experience and mastery of mana manipulation began to give him an edge. He anticipated Nana's movements, countering her attacks with calculated precision. With each clash, Lay's strikes grew more potent, his control over mana manifesting in devastating blows that pushed Nana to her limits.

Despite the intensity of Lay's assaults, Nana remained composed. She relied on her exceptional agility to evade Lay's most powerful strikes, responding with swift and calculated counterattacks of her own. The spectators watched in awe as the two fighters pushed themselves to the brink of exhaustion in their pursuit of victory.

In a decisive moment, Lay summoned his reserves of mana for a final, decisive strike. He infused his saber sword with an overwhelming surge of energy, unleashing a concentrated beam aimed directly at Nana. The beam surged forward with blinding speed, closing the distance between them in an instant.

Nana, recognizing the imminent danger, focused her mana into a defensive barrier. The barrier shimmered into existence just in time, intercepting Lay's devastating beam. The impact sent shockwaves through the training ground, creating a crater beneath their feet.

When the dust settled, it was clear that Lay had emerged victorious. He stood, breathing heavily, his aura still pulsating with the remnants of mana. Nana, exhausted but gracious in defeat, acknowledged Lay's skill with a nod of respect. The spectators erupted into applause, acknowledging the epic battle they had just witnessed.

The duel between Lay and Nana became a legendary tale at the academy, inspiring students to push their limits and strive for greatness in their own journeys of mana manipulation and combat mastery.

As the tension mounted on the training ground, Raika and Fay faced each other, their sabers crackling with energy. Raika's expression was composed yet focused, while Fay exuded confidence, her stance ready for action.

"I think I must hold back myself," Raika remarked, her voice calm but resolute. She knew the disparity in their rankings but was determined to give it her best.

Fay smirked, a glint of amusement in her eyes. "Hold back? That's your choice," she replied, her voice carrying a hint of challenge. She gripped her saber tighter, channeling her mana into it, causing the blade to glow brilliantly.

The instructor's voice cut through the air, breaking the brief silence. "Begin!"

Without hesitation, Fay lunged forward with remarkable speed, her saber arcing towards Raika's flank. Raika, caught slightly off-guard by Fay's swift movement, managed to sidestep just in time. The ground beneath them crackled as Fay's saber grazed the earth where Raika had stood moments ago.

"Oh, are you going to kill me?" Raika quipped, her voice laced with a hint of humor even in the midst of combat.

Fay spun around gracefully, her saber slicing through the air in a fluid motion aimed at Raika's shoulder. Raika blocked the strike with her own saber, the clash of energy blades resonating across the training ground. The force of the impact pushed Raika back slightly, but she maintained her stance, absorbing the blow with controlled strength.

"You're quick," Raika remarked, her eyes narrowing slightly as she gauged Fay's movements.

Fay smirked again, her gaze intense. "I've trained for years," she replied cryptically, launching into a series of rapid strikes. Each movement was calculated, aiming to test Raika's defenses and reactions.

Raika deflected each strike with precision, her movements fluid and efficient. Despite Fay's aggressive assault, Raika maintained her composure, analyzing Fay's attack patterns and waiting for an opening.

As the duel progressed, the intensity between them escalated. Fay pressed harder, her attacks becoming more relentless as she sought to overwhelm Raika. Raika, however, countered with strategic maneuvers, using her agility and reflexes to evade and parry Fay's blows.

"You're good," Fay acknowledged, a note of respect in her voice as she intensified her attacks.

Raika smiled faintly, her mind racing as she calculated her next move. She waited for Fay to commit to a powerful overhead strike before swiftly ducking under it, closing the distance between them in an instant. With a swift motion, Raika swept her leg in a low kick, aiming to unbalance Fay.

Fay stumbled but quickly regained her footing, impressed by Raika's sudden shift in strategy. The two circled each other warily, both assessing the other's strengths and weaknesses.

The fight continued with both combatants trading blows and testing each other's limits. Raika's precision and adaptability countered Fay's strength and experience. The clash of their sabers echoed across the training ground, drawing the attention of their peers who watched in awe.

After a prolonged exchange of strikes and maneuvers, Raika saw an opportunity. With a quick feint to the left, she spun to the right, maneuvering behind Fay in a swift and unexpected move. Before Fay could react, Raika delivered a precise strike to Fay's back, deactivating her saber with a controlled tap.

The training ground fell silent as Fay froze, realizing she had been defeated. Slowly, she turned to face Raika, a mix of surprise and admiration in her eyes. "You got me," Fay admitted, a faint smile playing on her lips.

Raika nodded respectfully. "You fought well," she replied sincerely, offering a hand to help Fay up.

Fay accepted the gesture, her expression thoughtful. "You're not what I expected," she admitted, brushing herself off.

Raika chuckled softly. "Appearances can be deceiving," she replied cryptically, her eyes twinkling with amusement.

The instructor approached them, a look of approval on his face. "Impressive display, both of you," he commended, drawing nods of agreement from the watching students.

After the instructor's commendation, Fay walked out of the training ground amidst murmurs of disbelief from the students. Despite being a Class S, the highest rank, she had been defeated by Raika, who held the lowest Class C designation. Eyes widened in astonishment as they watched Fay depart, her usually composed demeanor disrupted by the unexpected loss.

As Fay passed through the crowd, Katsuya, a burly Class B student known for his formidable strength and sharp temper, intercepted her. His voice carried frustration and accusation as he confronted Fay, "Why did you let Raika win? I know you're more powerful than her. This has to be some kind of mistake!"

Fay turned to face him, her expression a mixture of annoyance and restraint. "Keep your voice down, Katsuya," she hissed, glancing around at the curious stares from nearby students. "There are too many ears here."

Katsuya scowled but lowered his voice, his disbelief palpable. "But how? Raika's in Class C. You're supposed to be one of the best."

Fay sighed, her gaze briefly flickering towards Raika, who stood quietly amidst the lingering crowd, absorbing the attention and whispers surrounding her unexpected victory. "It wasn't intentional," Fay replied tersely. "Raika's... different."

Katsuya huffed, clearly dissatisfied with her answer but recognizing the futility of arguing further in such a public setting. He muttered something under his breath and stepped back, allowing Fay to continue on her way with a parting glare.

The incident left the students abuzz with speculation and disbelief. Raika's unexpected triumph over a Class S student had defied expectations and sparked admiration, skepticism, and curiosity among her peers. As Raika stood amidst the murmurs and sideways glances, she contemplated the implications of her victory and the new challenges it might bring in this competitive environment.

As the saber training concluded, Raika walked with Mia towards the academy grounds. Mia's admiration was palpable as she approached Raika, her eyes wide with wonder. "Raika, you're on another level! It's like you're a machine predicting every move," Mia exclaimed in awe.

Raika smiled awkwardly, unsure of how to respond to the praise. "Oh, um, thank you. I guess I'm just... talented," she replied modestly, trying to downplay her abilities.

Lina joined them, her laughter bubbling up as she teased Raika playfully. "Seriously, Raika, at this rate, you'll be known as Raika the invincible!" Lina joked, nudging Raika in a friendly manner.

Raika chuckled along with them, feeling a mix of embarrassment and amusement at their exaggerated compliments. "Oh, come on, guys. I'm far from invincible," she protested with a bashful grin.

Deep down, though, Raika wrestled with conflicting thoughts. She contemplated the implications of her victories and the attention they brought. While her abilities were indeed exceptional, she couldn't help but wonder if revealing her true capabilities might disrupt the delicate balance she had found among her new friends.

As they walked together, Raika resolved to navigate this new world cautiously, balancing her desire to fit in with the need to honor her true nature. The camaraderie she felt with Mia and Lina was precious, and she hoped she could continue to earn their friendship without overshadowing them with her skills.