
Lei Kongming looks towards the ceiling, as if recalling the past, and then says, "If I remember correctly, Brother Long said that once while playing outside, he was chased by a dog. At that time, it was Sister Qing who came to chase it away."

"Ohhh, hero saving the beauty."

"Hey, don't insult Brother Long. He is 'still' a man and doesn't deserve to be called a 'beauty' yet."

"Yes, it should be 'beauty saving the hero,' but what do you mean by saying Brother Long doesn't deserve to be called a beauty YET?"

"Eh? How long do you think Brother Long will have his manhood intact after marrying Sister Qing?"

Hearing the discussion around him, the corner of Lei Kongming's mouth twitches as he feels that Lei Longwei might fight him desperately after knowing this.

"Brother Kong, do you know how Sister Qing saved brother Long?"

Lei Kongming once again becomes the focus of discussion. "Brother Long said that Sister Qing just glanced at the dog and then that dog became so scared that it ran away while screaming."

Everyone who heard this once again took a deep breath as they gave Lei Longwei an admiring glace once again, silently thinking, 'Maybe Brother Long has awakened strange hobbies.'

While Lei Longwei was still accepting congratulations from everyone and drinking, he was completely unaware that his dark history was being revealed by Lei Kongming.

Lei Ying sent a bottle of second-grade spiritual wine as a congratulatory gift to Lei Longwei. This wine was made from a foundation-building spiritual fruit, which could knock even a foundation-building cultivator unconscious, let alone Lei Longwei, who had a pitiful cultivation level of the 8th level of the Qi refining realm.

Furthermore, this wine also helps in cultivation. Judging by the size of the bottle, it is expected that Lei Longwei should be able to directly reach the peak of the Qi refining realm after completely digesting it.


However, before Lei LongWei could even accept it, he collapsed, knocked unconscious from overdrinking.

Lei Kongming silently left the hall as well. He was going to prepare a gift for his good brother and wait until Lei LongWei sobered up before giving it to him.

"I am sure he will like it, Jie Jie Jie"


The next morning upon waking up, Longwei held his head in pain and slowly rose up from the bed.

"Alcohol truly harms the body, even someone as strong as myself could be knocked unconscious."

Strictly speaking, Longwei is not considered a "strong" cultivator, but that does not stop him from blowing himself up.

While looking at the sunrays coming from the window blinds, Longwei slowly recalls the outrageous things that happened last night, and all the happiness of breaking through to the qi refining realm gradually disappears with the return of his memory.

"Young master, wake up! The elder is waiting for you."

The call from the maid woke Longwei from his daze.

"Tell the father that I will talk to him later, I'm busy with something very important to do" 

While instructing the maid, Longwei quickly puts on his clothes and rushes outside.

"Young master, wait!"

Longwei ignores the call of the maid and continues to rush towards the entrance.

"Brother Longwei, where are you going in such a hurry?"


Early in the morning, Lei Kongming suddenly looked at the figure of Lei Longwei rushing out of the gate and then thought about the incident that happened last night.

"Brother Longwei, where are you going in such a hurry?" said Lei Kongming as he stopped Lei Longwei with a smug smile on his face while thinking, 'Brothers who don't first laugh at each other's misfortunes are not true brothers.'

Of course, it is restricted to little problems like yesterday's engagement. Despite Ye Qingqing having a somewhat aggressive personality, she is beautiful. In terms of strength, she can be considered among the top three in the younger generation and the number one female cultivator of Xiangyun City.

Regarding her background, she is the only daughter of the city lord. Overall, it can be said that she is a perfect match for the Lei clan.

"Eh? Brother Kongming, come with me quickly, I will take you to a fun place," said Lei Longwei with a kind Buddha-like smile on his face.

"Oh? Sure, Brother Long, let's go. I was also going out to relax."

Seeing the Buddha-like smile on Lei Longwei's face, Lei Kongming knew he didn't have any good intentions, especially after yesterday's incident. Perhaps he would be used as a shield, but the desire to watch my good brother's joke overcame his reasoning and led him to take the risk.

Both of them mobilize their cultivation as they rush into the distance.

"By the way, Brother Long, why don't we take the carriage?" asked Lei Kongming, acting confused to make the upcoming drama more realistic.

'Of course, it's not to get caught before even causing the trouble.' thought Lei Longwei but obviously can't say this.

"It will be faster to go there on foot with our cultivation than to take the carriage inside the city due to traffic."

"Oh, Brother Long, wait a minute," said Lei Kongming as he stopped running.

He pulled out a golden-colored item and said, "Brother Long, take this. This is a congratulatory gift for your engagement from me."

Upon hearing about the congratulatory gift, Lei Longwei's face darkened as it reminded him of yesterday evening when he was happily accepting congratulatory gifts. However, he still accepted Lei Kongming's gift to take a look.

"What is this?" asked Lei Longwei in confusion.

Lei Longwei looked at the two triangle-shaped metals connected to each other and was unable to figure out any use of them.

"It is a men's underwear made of high-quality 1st-grade metal. I like to call it 'Briefs.' It will help protect your 'little brother' from Sister Qing's anger. It took me a long time to think of a good gift for you. How is it, Brother Long? Do you like it?"

Seeing the smile on Lei Kongming's face, Lei LongWei quickly takes a deep breath to calm his anger and without saying a word, he pulls Lei Kongming forward to continue moving.


"Brother Long, are you sure this is the fun place you just mentioned?" asked Lei Kongming as he observed the stream of people leaving. Most of them are wearing masks, and some are even accompanied by girls dressed in revealing clothes to bid farewell. We don't even need to guess that this place is a brothel.

"Don't worry Brother Kong, come with me. Today your brother will help you become a man," Lei Longwei said as he continued moving towards the entrance while talking to Lei Kongming.

"Lei Longwei! Are you stupid!"

Lei Kongming quickly caught up to Lei Longwei and tried to pull him back, but Lei Longwei shook him away.

"Brother Kong, I know you are trying to stop me for my own good, but I have no other choice. I don't want to marry that female Tyrannosaurus and endure beatings for the rest of my life. Visiting a place like a brothel right after getting engaged will only cause the city lord to view me in a negative light and probably cancel the engagement."

Lei Longwei continues to move forward while explaining his "difficulties" with the expression as if he is going to sacrifice his life for the country while thinking, 'Brother Kong, Brother Kong! Quickly stop me. What are you waiting for? Stop me! How can I drag you into trouble and lighten my punishment by the clan if you stay still like a fool?'

"Brother Long-"

"Don't stop me, Brother Kong. I know about the clan rules, but I have already broken through to the 8th realm of Qi refining. At most, the elders will break my two legs, not the third one."

"Brother Long-"

"Don't stop me pleas-"

"Stupid! I want to say that it is morning. Who visits the brothel at this time? They will only serve tea at this moment, all the girls are probably sleeping. Aside from some ugly or old ones, you will not find anyone else."

Upon hearing this, Lei Longwei froze in his place with his leg still raised upwards.

Looking at Lei Longwei, who was standing still like a gambler who had lost his underwear, Lei Kongming suddenly felt a little bad for his good brother and moved forward to hold him.