
"Brother Long, let's go quickly. If someone catches us here, you will be in big trouble."

"Wait a minute, why would only 'I' be in trouble, what about you"

"Oh, I already attended the Gaun Li ceremony last year, and I am not engaged to anyone. So even if I get caught, I won't be punished. Besides, my father is different from yours."

Lei Kongming answers this with a smug smile on his face as he turns around to go back, but he suddenly freezes in his place.


"Sigh, Let's forget it and go back to think about other solutions. Brother Kong, let's leave so we don't get caught."


Seeing that Lei Kongming is not responding and is staring at something behind his back, Lei Longwei starts having a bad feeling about this as he breaks into cold sweats.

"…..Brother Kong ….. Broth - er Kong don't scar-e me."

"Brother Kong...."

Lei Longwei tried to call Lei Kongming several times, but he still didn't respond. In the end, he takes a deep breath as he turns around.


"Looking at your shocked expression, you still remember that I, Ye Qingqing, am still your fiancée, yet you still dare to go to a dirty place like a brothel," said Ye QingQing coldly with her arms folded in front of her non-existent chest.

"Uh... Sister Qing, there must be a misunderstanding... uhm…it was Brother Kong who pulled me here to celebrate. Yes, it was definitely Brother Kong."


Looking at Lei Longwei skilfully throwing the dirty water on himself, Lei Kongming was speechless. However, before he could refute him, Ye Qingqing started questioning Lei Longwei.

"Oh, Then how can I see that it was Brother Kong who was trying to pull you back?"

"... well ... it was ... because he wanted to visit the brothel at night, but I refused him. Later, he kept insisting, so I agreed to come, but only in the morning, to avoid any misunderstanding with the city lord."

Ye Qingqing does not respond but moves towards Lei Longwei with light steps and says,

"Brother Long~~"

Upon hearing Ye Qingqing call 'Brother Long' in such a sweet tone without any hint of blame, Lei Longwei suddenly feels that he may have misunderstood Sister Qing. The rumors about Ye Qingqing violently beating dogs must really be rumors, just as said by the city lord.

Regarding the playboys and gangsters, it seems they must have provoked Ye Qingqing severely, leading her to take drastic action against them.

Suddenly, Lei LongWei wants to leave a strong and admirable impression on Ye Qingqing to improve their relationship, but then his vision darkens, as he lost his consciousness.

At the same time, Lei Kongming feels a chill down his spine as he looks at Ye Qingqing, whose leg is hitting Lei Longwei's little brother, and then at Lei Longwei, whose eyes are blank. He subconsciously puts his legs together without leaving any space between them.

"...Sister-in-law?..... Why don't you hand Lei LongWei over to me? I will take him back to the clan and ask the elders to punish him," said Lei Kongming very solemnly. He even started calling Ye QingQing 'sister-in-law' to show that they now have a closer relationship and that she shouldn't also think of kicking him.

"Thank you, Brother Kong. May I ask you to tell Brother Long that if he doesn't want to sleep on the floor during our bridal chamber, then he must at least be able to defeat me?" saying that, Ye Qingqing simply handed over Lei Longwei to him, and after a few polite words, she left. Lei Kongming didn't get offended either because he knew Ye Qingqing had a withdrawn personality and didn't like talking too much.

After Ye Qingqing left, Lei Kongming quickly carried Lei Longwei on his back and took him directly home to see Lei Shilong.

As expected, after hearing about what Lei Longwei had done, Lei Shilong's face turned dark. However, upon seeing the unconscious Lei Longwei, he still decided to call the doctor for a checkup first before punishing Lei Longwei.


At this time, Lei Kongming is standing in front of Lei Longwei's room with Lei Shilong, waiting for the doctor to complete Lei Longwei's checkup.

To avoid any troubles or rumors, Lei Shilong had already asked all the maids and servants to leave Lei Longwei's courtyard.


A soft click echoed as the door swung open, revealing an old man who was also the fifth elder of the clan and an alchemist.

"Brother Chen, how is Longwei? Is everything fine?"

Hearing the worry in Lei Shilong's voice, hesitation flashed through Lei Chen's eyes.

"Brother Shi..... I'm afraid that ....even if all the prostitutes danced naked in front of nephew Long, he would no longer react." 

"What!!" X2

At this time, both Lei Kongming and Lei Shilong became so shocked that they didn't even think that Lei Chen's example was quite vulgar.

"How is this possible? Ye QingQing is already engaged to Lei LongWei. Even if she's angry with his behavior, she wouldn't be this heavy-handed," inquired Lei Shilong in disbelief.

"I understand, Brother Shi, but based on my years of experience, Nephew Long's condition has been established, and it is not advisable to forcefully intervene."

Soon a strange silence spread among the three of them. Lei Kongming felt a little regretful. He should not have been so engrossed in watching his cousin's drama and should have tried to protect him instead.

"Uncle Chen, is there any way to heal Brother Long?"

"No, forcefully breaking the secret technique will only cause Nice Qing to have a backlash. It is also not advisable, as this is a quarrel between couples." Said Lei Chen while shaking his head.

"Secret technique? Quarrels between couples?" x2

"Don't I just tell you that Nephew Long can no longer get an erection, it is because Niece Qing used a secret technique to seal his sexual desire."

Once again, a strange silence spread between the three of them.

"Lei! Chen! Are you intentionally playing with me? or do you believe that it's wrong that I don't have any heart disease which prevents you from draining my money?" said Lei Shilong angrily.

At this point, Lei Kongming deeply agrees with Lei Shilong. He also thinks that Uncle Chen is intentionally teasing Uncle Shi.

Upon hearing Lei Shilong's impolite words, Lei Chen frowned and asked in a slightly stern tone, "Brother Shi, I don't understand. What are you trying to say? I have just clearly explained to you about nephew Long's situation."

"Then what do you mean by 'Nephew Long's condition has been established'?"

"The secret technique known as 'Buddha Mind' has been fully applied to Nephew Long. Unless Niece is willing to remove it, Nephew Long will find it difficult to remove on his own."

At this time, Lei Shilong takes a deep breath to calm himself down. Without further arguing with Lei Chen, he enters the room to meet his 'eunuch' son, with Lei Kongming following closely behind.

Upon entering the room, Lei Kongming noticed Lei Longwei's unnatural expression, as he avoided any eye contact with them. Lei Kongming could understand the reason behind it. After all, Lei Longwei had been knocked unconscious due to a kick to his groin, and his cousin had to carry him back to his parents, which was very embarrassing.

It doesn't end there, as Lei Shilong had to call the doctor to examine his reproductive organs. Even though he was unconscious at the time, and the doctor is an old man, having one's reproductive organs checked by a doctor is embarrassing for anyone. On top of that, the doctor is actually his uncle.

In the near future, Lei Longwei will likely take a detour if he finds Lei Chen anywhere and will avoid facing him at all costs.