Fighting The Cocky Hero

Warning: This chapter contains scenes of extreme violence and mature content. Reader discretion is advised.This Chapter Is ShortThe atmosphere in the Eldoria Adventurer's Guild was tense. The usual hum of activity had subsided into hushed whispers as adventurers and onlookers gathered, drawn by the rumors of an impending showdown. Kenta, still using his alias "Ken," had made a name for himself, and his rapid rise to Rank A had not gone unnoticed. Among those who took particular interest in him was the kingdom's so-called "Hero," Auron, a man whose arrogance was matched only by his formidable combat skills.Auron had been flaunting his Rank S status for years, basking in the adulation and privileges it brought. However, his conceit had earned him as many enemies as admirers. The guild hall, usually a place of camaraderie and mutual respect, now felt like an arena of simmering tension.Kenta, seated quietly at a table in the corner, observed the room. He knew that his presence had stirred the pot, but he remained focused on his goal. The hero's taunts and jibes had finally culminated in a direct challenge—a duel to settle who truly deserved the title of Rank S.The hero swaggered into the guild hall, his golden armor gleaming, sword slung arrogantly over his shoulder. He scanned the room, his gaze settling on Kenta with a sneer."So, you're the new prodigy everyone's talking about?" Auron's voice dripped with disdain. "Ken, was it? Funny, you don't look like much."Kenta rose from his seat, his eyes meeting Auron's without a hint of fear. "Names can be deceiving," he replied coolly. "But I suppose we'll find out the truth soon enough."The crowd parted as the two men stepped into the makeshift arena in the center of the hall. Bets were placed, and whispers of anticipation grew louder. The guild master, an elderly man with a solemn expression, stepped forward to officiate the duel."This is a sanctioned duel," he announced. "The terms are simple: the first to incapacitate their opponent wins. No killing. Do you both understand?"Auron smirked. "Oh, I understand perfectly. I won't need to kill him to prove my point."Kenta merely nodded, his expression unreadable.The duel began with a clash of swords. Auron, confident in his superior strength and skill, launched a series of aggressive attacks. His blade moved with deadly precision, each strike intended to overpower and humiliate his opponent. But Kenta was no ordinary adversary. He parried and countered with fluid grace, his movements almost too fast to follow.The crowd watched in stunned silence as the battle intensified. Auron's attacks grew more desperate, his composure slipping away with each failed strike. Kenta, on the other hand, remained calm and focused, his eyes never leaving his opponent."You're not bad," Auron admitted through gritted teeth, "but you're not good enough!"With a roar, Auron summoned a burst of magical energy, his sword glowing with an eerie light. He lunged at Kenta with all his might, the force of his attack causing the ground to tremble.But Kenta was ready. With a swift, almost imperceptible movement, he sidestepped the attack and brought his own sword down with precision. The clash of steel echoed through the hall as Auron's sword shattered, fragments scattering across the floor.Auron staggered back, disbelief etched on his face. "Impossible..."Kenta didn't give him time to recover. He closed the distance in a heartbeat, his fist connecting with Auron's jaw in a powerful uppercut. The hero flew backwards, crashing into a table and splintering it to pieces.The crowd gasped as Kenta stood over Auron, his expression cold and unforgiving. "This duel is over," he declared.Auron struggled to his feet, his face a mask of rage and humiliation. "This isn't over, Ken. I'll—"Before he could finish, Kenta's foot connected with his midsection in a brutal kick, sending him crashing into the wall. Blood dripped from Auron's mouth as he slumped to the ground, unconscious.The guild master stepped forward, raising Kenta's hand. "The winner is Ken."The crowd erupted into cheers and applause, but Kenta paid them no mind. He sheathed his sword and turned to leave, his mind already focused on the challenges ahead.As he walked out of the guild hall, the whispers of his victory followed him. He knew that this was only the beginning. The path to Rank S was fraught with danger and uncertainty, but he was ready for whatever lay ahead.And so, with a heart full of determination and a spirit unyielding, Kenta continued his journey. The true test of his strength and resolve was yet to come, but he welcomed it with open arms. The adventure was just beginning, and he was ready to face it head-on.