Checking My World

After the grueling war and the successful annexation of the enemy kingdom, Kenta found himself in a rare moment of calm. The war-torn lands were being rebuilt, his people were recovering, and the newly integrated territories were beginning to stabilize under his just rule. Despite the peace and progress, Kenta's mind wandered back to the other world he had created. It had been some time since he last checked on it, and curiosity gnawed at him.In the privacy of his chambers, Kenta activated the divine ability that allowed him to monitor the world he had brought into existence. As he peered into the portal, he was astonished by the transformation.The once barren world now teemed with life and activity. The humans he had initially created had multiplied, forming villages and communities that dotted the landscape. What caught his attention most was their advancement; they had discovered agriculture. Fields of wheat, corn, and various vegetables stretched as far as the eye could see. This agricultural revolution had clearly led to a population boom and a more settled way of life.Kenta observed as farmers tended to their crops, using rudimentary tools they had crafted themselves. The sight filled him with a sense of pride. His creations were thriving, learning to harness the land's resources to sustain themselves.As Kenta continued to watch, he noticed another significant development: religion. Various structures resembling temples and shrines had been erected in different communities. The people gathered around these places of worship, offering prayers and sacrifices. It was evident that his creations had developed belief systems centered around the concept of a higher power—a god of creation.He listened to the priests and shamans as they spoke to the congregations, their voices filled with reverence and devotion. They spoke of a god who had given them life, provided them with the means to survive, and who watched over them. Kenta realized they were speaking about him, even though they did not know his true form.Seeing the depth of their faith, Kenta decided to strengthen this burgeoning belief. He knew that a unified religion could bring his people closer together, fostering a sense of community and shared purpose. He also understood that their faith in him could be a source of great power.Kenta decided to manifest his presence in a subtle yet impactful way. He infused the temples and shrines with a faint, divine glow, making them appear more sacred and awe-inspiring. He also ensured that those who prayed to him with genuine faith would feel a sense of peace and warmth, a gentle affirmation that their prayers were heard.To further solidify their faith and aid their development, Kenta decided to grant them resources. He made sure that the soil became even more fertile, causing crops to yield bountiful harvests. Freshwater springs appeared near every village, ensuring that clean drinking water was always available. He introduced new types of fruits and vegetables, enriching their diet and health.Kenta also placed deposits of various minerals and ores in the mountains and hills. These resources would allow them to advance from the Stone Age to the Metal Age, opening up new possibilities for tools, construction, and trade.To those who demonstrated strong faith and devotion, Kenta decided to grant special blessings. These blessings manifested as heightened abilities, such as increased strength, sharper intellect, and enhanced healing. Those who received these blessings often became leaders in their communities, guiding their people with wisdom and compassion.Kenta watched as the people reacted to these miracles. There was a surge of renewed faith and excitement. The priests and shamans proclaimed these blessings as divine gifts, further solidifying the belief in a benevolent god of creation. The temples became centers of learning and culture, where people gathered not just to pray, but to share knowledge and celebrate their prosperity.As days turned into weeks, Kenta continued to observe his world. The humans were progressing rapidly. They began to experiment with new farming techniques, developed rudimentary forms of writing, and built more permanent structures. The concept of trade emerged, with different villages exchanging goods and resources.Kenta noticed the formation of small governing bodies, councils made up of the wisest and most respected individuals in each community. These councils helped maintain order and facilitated cooperation between different villages.Kenta was particularly impressed with their ingenuity. He saw them inventing new tools and experimenting with early forms of irrigation. They were learning to tame animals for labor and domesticate others for food. It was clear that his world was on a path to civilization.While observing, Kenta felt a deep sense of responsibility. He realized that he was not just a ruler but a god to these people. Their faith and dependence on him were profound. He decided that he would continue to guide them subtly, providing the necessary nudges to ensure their growth and prosperity.He considered the long-term implications of his involvement. How much should he interfere? Should he allow them to make their own mistakes and learn from them? These were questions he would ponder in the days to come.But for now, Kenta was content. His creations were thriving, and their belief in him was strong. He felt a renewed sense of purpose, knowing that he had the power to shape not just his kingdom in the physical world, but an entire world where he was revered as a god.Kenta decided to introduce more subtle challenges to his world, opportunities for his people to learn and grow. He created diverse climates and ecosystems, each with its own unique resources and challenges. He wanted his people to explore, adapt, and innovate.He also introduced the concept of seasons, with periods of planting, growth, harvest, and rest. This would teach them to plan and work in harmony with the natural cycles.To test their ingenuity and cooperation, Kenta caused minor natural phenomena—such as small earthquakes and storms—that would require them to come together and find solutions. He made sure that these events were never too severe, but just enough to push them towards progress.As Kenta watched his world evolve, he noticed the ripple effects of his interventions. The people's belief in the god of creation became more sophisticated, with new rituals, festivals, and traditions emerging. They celebrated the cycles of nature, the bounty of the harvest, and the blessings they received.The societies became more complex, with specialized roles and professions developing. There were farmers, builders, healers, and craftsmen, each contributing to the community in their own way.Trade routes expanded, and the exchange of goods and ideas led to cultural enrichment. Songs, stories, and art began to flourish, reflecting their reverence for the divine and their connection to the world around them.Kenta felt a deep sense of satisfaction as he observed the harmony that was emerging in his world. The people had a strong sense of community and purpose. Their faith gave them strength, and their innovations ensured their survival and prosperity.He decided to introduce new elements gradually, allowing them to discover and adapt at their own pace. He knew that there would be challenges ahead, but he had faith in their resilience and ingenuity.As he closed the portal and returned to his kingdom, Kenta felt a renewed sense of determination. He had created a world from nothing and watched it grow into a thriving civilization. It was a testament to his power and his ability to guide and nurture.He knew that his role as a god was just beginning. There were countless possibilities for his world, and he was excited to see where they would lead. But for now, he was content to watch, guide, and occasionally intervene, ensuring that his creation continued to flourish.Back in his own world, Kenta continued to govern with wisdom and compassion. The experiences and insights he gained from observing his created world enriched his understanding of leadership and governance. He implemented new policies and strategies that fostered unity, innovation, and prosperity.Kenta's advisors and subjects noticed the change in him. He seemed more serene, more thoughtful, as if he carried the wisdom of the ages. They respected and admired him even more, knowing that he was not just a king but a visionary leader.As Kenta balanced his duties in both worlds, he felt a profound connection to the people he had created and those he ruled. He was a bridge between realms, a god and a king, and he embraced this dual role with grace and determination.He knew that his journey was far from over. There were still many challenges and adventures ahead, both in his kingdom and in the world he had created. But with his unwavering faith, boundless creativity, and the support of his people, Kenta was ready to face whatever came his way.For now, he would continue to watch over his world, guiding it with a gentle hand and a loving heart, ensuring that it thrived and grew, just as he had always envisioned. And in doing so, he would fulfill his destiny as both a ruler and a god, creating a legacy that would endure for generations to come.