[Ice Talent]

"I come from a family called the Fu family, specialized in ice techniques. The patriarch of our family is at the Golden rank, akin to a power plant. I came to this sect because a powerful person is hiding here, and my family sent me to befriend this person," explained Fu Hui quickly.

Fu Hui's explanation greatly surprised Jian Ning and his brother, but not for the same reasons. Jian Ning was astonished by the cultivation realm of the patriarch because he was unfamiliar with this realm, while Jian Shi was surprised by the mention of the 'powerful person.' Unlike his brother, Jian Shi knew about the cultivation realms. He knew that the Golden Core realm is the seventh great cultivation realm. In this realm, it is not difficult to live for over 1,500 years. On this continent, they are known as the main force of great powers, and a 'powerful person' can only have an even more powerful cultivation base. Therefore, this 'powerful person' could be one of the strongest individuals on this continent.

Jian Ning looked at his brother with incomprehension, but he wouldn't ask Fu Hui, who probably wouldn't answer. Seeing his brother's perplexed look, Jian Shi began to explain.

"As you know, after the Innate realm, there is the Spiritual Sea realm followed by the Purple Mansion realm. After that, the cultivator must condense their spiritual sea into a spiritual palace to enter the next realm, the Spiritual Palace realm. After reaching the peak of this realm, the cultivator must once again condense their spiritual palace into a core to enter the Golden Core realm," explained Jian Shi.

"So, the Golden Core realm is the seventh great cultivation realm?! Is it the highest cultivation base on the Celestial Cloud continent?" asked Jian Ning when his brother stopped his explanation.

"No, above it, there is the Nirvana realm where one can live up to 3,000 years, and then the Nascent Soul realm with a lifespan of over 5,000 years, known as the peak of the continent. People say there are other realms, but the Qi density on the continent is too low to produce such masters," concluded Jian Shi with a hint of envy when talking about the realms above the Nascent Soul, as if he had some knowledge about these realms somehow.

However, Jian Ning wouldn't waste time analyzing his expressions. He was rather excited to know so much important information in a single day. Moreover, he was increasingly curious about this 'powerful person' Fu Hui mentioned.

'If I get the chance, I will become friends with him, and maybe he will accept me as a disciple when he sees my immense talent,' thought Jian Ning as he eagerly wanted to take the Yin Ice Spiritual Fruits to increase his wind talent and, by extension, his cultivation base.

'According to the memories I received from that mysterious animal skin scroll, if this patriarch has a Golden Core level of cultivation, then there must be at least one Nirvana realm cultivator in this clan. According to senior Yan's memories, such a clan is surely a first-rate power on our continent. After all, even with senior Yan's immense talent, he still died from enemy attacks during his breakthrough to surpass the Nascent Soul realm,' thought Jian Shi in a long monologue as he recalled the information he had obtained.

"Alright, I accept this agreement," said Jian Shi as he quickly took out one of his two Yin Ice Spiritual Fruits and handed it to Fu Hui.

In response, Fu Hui joyfully handed over a spatial ring.

"In the spatial ring, you'll find 10 medium-grade spiritual stones and a plaque marked 'Fu Clan,' which is the favor card of the Fu clan. By showing this card to any clan member, they will do everything in their power to help you," explained Fu Hui, joyfully holding the Yin Ice Spiritual Fruit in her hands.

"Since our exchange is complete, allow me to leave," said Fu Hui, placing the Yin Ice Spiritual Fruit into her spatial ring before departing, but not without casting a disgusted look at Jian Ning before turning away.

Although Fu Hui wanted to ask them to protect her while she absorbed the fruit, she didn't dare for fear that Jian Ning's poisonous mouth would open again. She preferred to find her clan members to protect her instead.

She was right to do so because Jian Ning would surely not have agreed, especially since he wanted to refine the fruit as soon as possible himself.

The reason being that he didn't have an item to keep the fruit's effects intact, and if he didn't consume it promptly, some of its effects would dissipate. Moreover, the danger of possessing such a treasure weighed heavily on his heart.

One must not forget that he only had a Qi Gathering cultivation, so he was a mere ant on the Celestial Cloud continent. Holding such a treasure in his hands was an immediate death sentence for any stronger cultivator... which certainly meant many cultivators.

"Since there are no monsters or cultivators around, I hope brother Shi can protect me while I refine these Yin Ice Fruits," asked Jian Ning quickly after Fu Hui had left.

"Of course! No problem," responded Jian Shi favorably.

"Thank you, brother," he replied simply before sitting in the lotus position under the same spiritual tree that had birthed these fruits.

According to some rumors, this would facilitate the refining and provide more benefits.

Jian Ning wasted no time and immediately took out a fruit, placing it in his mouth.


He quickly swallowed it in three bites and began the refinement.

After ten minutes of refinement, a chime sounded in his mind.

[Ding, it is detected that you have started refining a Yin Ice Fruit. +250,000 wind talent points, +20,000 cultivation points, +20,000 W.E.]

Although Jian Ning was very pleased with the first result, he was still disappointed that he hadn't yet activated the ice talent.

'It seems my luck isn't that great,' thought Jian Ning before taking another Yin Ice Fruit.

Ten minutes later.

[Ding, it is detected that you have started refining a Yin Ice Fruit. You have awakened a low-rank yellow ice talent. +250,000 wind talent points, +20,000 cultivation points, +20,000 W.E.]

A notification sounded before an aura of ice enveloped Jian Ning's body, then gradually dissipated.

"Ling, can I increase the rank of this ice talent by refining more Yin Ice Fruits?" asked Jian Ning.

[Ding, in response to the host, it is indeed possible, although it will cost more than increasing a native talent of the host's body.]

Ling responded.

The response was actually within Jian Ning's expectations. Although he knew it required much more W.E to increase his native talents after the first augmentation, the fact that it cost more to increase non-native talents made perfect sense.

Furthermore, Jian Ning had no intention of focusing on this talent. After all, he already had plenty of elemental talents native to his body, so why be greedy for quick success and waste W.E on something like this?

"Ling, can you transfer the points I would gain in my ice talent to my wind talent?" asked Jian Ning.

[Of course, but it will cost a certain amount of W.E for the transfer.]

Ling responded.

"Okay, how much?"
