[Improved Wind Talent]

"everything?!" asked Jian Ning, a vein throbbing on his forehead.

[I meant that I would take half of the points]

Ling repeated with a spiritual cough.

Jian Ning, realizing that Ling was trying to scam him, just nodded, his vein still throbbing on his forehead.

"Then let's begin," he thought before putting another yin ice fruit into his mouth.

After placing the yin ice fruit in his mouth, Jian Ning immediately began refining it.

Ten minutes later...

[Ding, it has been detected that you are starting to refine a yin ice fruit. You have awakened a low yellow-rank ice talent, +250,000 wind element talent points, +500,000 ice element talent points, +20,000 cultivation points, +20,000 W.E]

[Ding, successful transformation of 250,000 ice element talent points into wind element talent points]


A violent aura of wind, like a hurricane, condensed around Jian Ning's body, even scaring his brother, who was not far away.

"Haha, at this rate, it's guaranteed that my wind talent will increase to a higher level, and even my artistic conception might improve," Jian Ning thought before taking his second-to-last yin ice fruit.

Time passed slowly, and Jian Ning continued refining the fruits.

[Congratulations, you have refined 3 yin ice fruits, +1,500,000 wind element talent points]

[Ding, congratulations to the host for increasing your wind talent rank. Your wind talent rank is now mid heaven rank]

[Ding, you have understood the artistic conception of wind at rank 1, 10%]

[Ding, congratulations to the host for making a breakthrough in cultivation and reaching Qi Gathering rank 6. Your W.E gain rate per minute has increased from 20 W.E/minute to 22 W.E/minute]

Jian Ning couldn't help but smile upon hearing the symphony of notifications resulting from refining his last yin ice fruit.

"Stealing the fortunate son's luck is so profitable!" he thought silently before asking Ling:

"Ling, show me my status," ordered Jian Ning.

[Name: Jian Ning]

[Cultivation: Qi Gathering rank 6 [19,720/120,000] (+)]

[Age: 14 years]

[Body: Storm Body "dormant"]

[Talent: earth-rank low cultivation talent [0/256,000] (+) // mid heaven-rank lightning element talent [0/2,480,000] (+) // mid heaven-rank wind element talent [1,010,000/5,000,000] (+) // low king-rank sword talent [60,000/10,000,000] (+)]

[Cultivation Technique: "Jian Family Technique" (mid yellow rank) – perfected – [2,185/3,200] (+)]

[Martial Skills: 'Leaf Sword Technique' (mid yellow rank) – perfected – [1,000/3,200] (+) // 'Mystic Phantom Steps' (mid yellow rank) – at the peak – [230/1,600] (+) // 'Shadowless Sword Technique' (high yellow rank) – at peak perfection – [9,600/9,600] (+) // 'Wind Breeze Steps' – at the peak perfection – [9,600/9,600] (+) // 'thunder cloud Legs' (high yellow rank) – perfected – [0/9,600] (+) // 'Hurricane Sword Art, one move' (currently low profound rank) – initial stage – [0/800] (+)]

[Artistic Conception: lightning artistic conception at 10% [0/100,000](+) — wind artistic conception rank 1 at 10% [0/100,000](+)]

[Weapon Understanding: initial sword intent at 10% [0/100,000] (+)]

[Luck: sky rank luck [400/800]]

[Total Energy: 0 white energy]

[White Energy per Minute: 22 white energy/minute]

"What? It takes 5 million to increase my wind talent again; it has more than doubled," Jian Ning lamented silently.

[Ding, Ling reminds the host that it is normally very difficult to increase a talent. Although you have had a lot of luck in finding two fruits that increase your talent, this will not happen often, so it makes sense that it costs a lot]

Ling's cold voice rang out.

Even if Jian Ning wanted to retort, he couldn't say anything. Normally, it is very rare to find a treasure of heaven and earth like the spiritual sword fruit or the yin ice fruit, both of which are extremely precious treasures for enhancing talent and even aiding the understanding of artistic conceptions.

But usually, even if you find such treasures, it is extremely rare to directly increase your talent by a rank as Jian Ning did, simply because no normal cultivator can completely refine all the energy in these fruits.

The only reason Jian Ning could do this was, first, Ling's help; second, his cultivation talent; third, his understanding of the semi-conception of wind; and finally, fourth, his luck.

In reality, his luck was the main reason for his rapid improvement in strength and talent, which made Jian Ning even more eager for luck points.

"The more I increase my luck, the stronger and more talented I become, and the smoother and easier my cultivation path becomes," Jian Ning thought with a bit of envy for the fortunate ones like his adoptive brother.

Jian Ning quickly shook his head to dispel the distracting thoughts from his mind.

"Better think about how to regain my W.E," he thought, seeing the sad number of 0 in his white energy count, before glancing at his status again.

Even though Jian Ning had lost a lot of W.E in this exchange with Ling, it was more than enough to improve a talent and equivalent to more than two months of gains.

"But it doesn't matter, it's not like it was wasted. Though I wonder what to do with this ice talent, it's rather useless to me. I already have two native elemental talents, and an additional elemental talent that costs even more to improve is a real hindrance," Jian Ning pondered.

After weighing the pros and cons, Jian Ning finally concluded that saving the points and using them later to improve his cultivation talent was the wisest decision for him at the moment.

After making his decision, Jian Ning calmly stood up from the ground and headed towards his brother, Jian Shi, who was meditating quietly while keeping an eye on the surroundings to avoid any danger, waiting for Jian Ning to finish refining the fruits.

"Brother Shi, you don't need to protect me anymore. I've already finished absorbing the yin ice fruit," declared Jian Ning, emerging from the woods just behind Jian Shi to scare him.

Although his attempt to scare him didn't work, Jian Ning still smiled brightly, which was quite the opposite of his expression in his previous life.

Seeing his brother finish refining the fruits, Jian Shi smiled, went to greet and congratulate him, just before sensing his aura.

Although Jian Ning had made a breakthrough, he obviously hadn't fully consolidated his cultivation base yet, so his aura leaked a bit, scaring away all the creatures with a weaker cultivation base than his.

Jian Ning still needed a few hours to fully master his aura.

"Congratulations, junior brother Ning, on your breakthrough," Jian Shi congratulated with a smile, bowing slightly. Although his congratulations were rather sincere and humble, Jian Ning could still detect hints of shock and arrogance.

"Thank you," Jian Ning simply replied, being rather poor with words.

"Brother, do you want me to protect you while you refine your yin ice fruit, or should we finish the trial together and hunt monsters to increase our points?" Jian Ning asked with a small polite smile.

"No need, I don't plan to refine the yin ice fruit now. Let's go hunt monsters to earn points and qualify for the next trial," Jian Shi replied.

Jian Ning didn't say anything more, not even persuading him to refine the fruit right away, fearing that ill-intentioned people might steal it.

"Alright, then let's go!" said Jian Ning before heading towards the forest.