
"Interesting. You said something about buying me out of my contract."

"That's correct. Black Pawn will buy you out of your contract to write for us. You will receive an advance of 1.5 million dollars if you agree to be our ghostwriter."

"I'm sorry, did I hear you say 1.5. Million. Dollars?" Kate was stunned. She couldn't make that kind of money in more years than she wanted to think about.

"Correct. I take it that you're interested?"

"Yes, I am. Who would I ghostwrite for?"

"His name is Richard Castle." Gina watched her reaction. "I see you've heard of him from the look on your face."

Kate nodded. "Yes, I've heard of him. He writes murder mysteries."

"Yes, he does. Now, why I would consider you – you write murder mysteries for children. I've read your work, and I think you would be a good fit to replace him."

Kate was indeed interested. At 1.5 million, who wouldn't be? "Why? I mean, why does Richard Castle need a ghostwriter? I've been to his book signings."

"You won't be signing any books, obviously. Nor will you be attending any book launch parties. You'll be a ghost in every sense of the word. As to why," Gina paused since this was partly her fault, she feared. "Richard Castle was recently convicted of rape and is serving ten years in prison with another ten years probation."

"Rape!" Kate was shocked to learn that, though she knew he was known as a playboy, so maybe she could see it.

"Unfortunately, yes. I won't go into details save to say Rick won't be writing books anytime soon. That's why we're interested in a ghostwriter. He's one of our most popular authors, and we can't afford to lose him."

"I see. So I would write chapters and send them to you for editing, correct?"

"Yes, you will send them directly to me. You have one year to finish the first book. I expect you to send me the chapters as you complete them. I will offer revisions and send them back to you.

"Do you accept our offer?" Gina waited, hoping she would say yes.

Kate nodded. "Yes, I accept."

"Excellent. I will have a contract written out for you to sign. I suggest you take it to a lawyer and have him look it over." Gina stood and offered her hand to Kate. "I look forward to working with you, Ms. Beckett."

Kate took her hand and shook it. "Thank you for the opportunity."

"You will receive the advance the minute I receive a signed contract," Gina told her. Kate thanked her again and left her office.

She was in a haze. She knew what she agreed to but didn't believe it. Maybe she would when she received that check for 1.5 million dollars.

Kate made it home. She changed out of her dress and ordered pizza since she didn't feel like going anywhere. She sat on her sofa with her cup of coffee and wondered what she would do with 1.5 million dollars.

The first thing she thought about was getting a bigger and better apartment, but she rejected that idea in favor of getting a Certified Financial Planner. After all, this could be the first and last check she would ever see from Black Pawn.


It was two days later, and Kate was sitting there watching TV when someone knocked on her door. She peered through the spy hole first and decided he looked safe enough, so she opened it.

"Kate Beckett?"

"Yes," Kate replied.

"This is for you. Sign here, please." He held out a clipboard to her.

Kate scrawled her signature on it. "Thank you." After handing over the package, the boy left. He had a backpack, so she guessed he was a bike messenger. She saw them everywhere, all over the city, weaving in and out of traffic.

Kate closed and locked the door, took her package to the sofa, and opened it.

Ms. Katherine Beckett,

Enclosed is your contract. Please take it to a lawyer and sign it. As soon as you sign and return it, we will buy out your contract with your publisher as agreed.

I look forward to working with you.

Gina Cowell.

Now she just needed to find a lawyer.


She was able to find one and met with him. Kate described what she needed from him and handed him the contract. Tristan Bigelow told her he would be pleased to help her for a price. It would take him a week to complete the task.

So now Kate was at home waiting for him to call.

Five days later, Tristan called her and asked her to come in. So there she was, back in his office.

"Your contract states your old publisher will be bought out, thus ending your association with them. In addition, it says that Ms. Gina Cowell expects you to send her each chapter when you complete it.

"The moment you sign and return this contract, you will be offered 1.5 million dollars. Black Pawn expects you to complete the book within one year. I find no hidden language; it's all up front and center for you. I can't tell you to sign this, Ms. Beckett, that's entirely up to you to decide, but it looks good."Kate thanked him and wrote a check to pay his fee, which hit her bank account, but soon enough, it would hold 1.5 million dollars.

Kate didn't trust a bike messenger with her contract, so she signed it and took it to the Black Pawn office personally.

One day later, there was a knock on her door. It was another bike messenger, and Kate had to sign for an envelope. She locked the door and ripped it open. Inside was a check for 1.5 million dollars.

'I'M RICH! I'M OFFICIALLY RICH!" Kate clutched the check to her chest and danced around her living room, smiling wide. She decided to officially celebrate with a drink. She had just one bottle of vodka, so she pours herself some and sipped it.

"Now I need a Certified Financial Planner." Kate intended to stick to her guns and invest this money after she took out enough to reimburse herself for what she spent on the lawyer.


After finding and talking to a CFP, which took up two long hours, she went shopping. She bought herself a laptop and downloaded a decent word processor.