
So she sat there at her small desk. "What do I write?" Kate wracked her brains. She was used to writing children's books, but this wouldn't be one of those. No, this was going to be a novel. She decided to use someone she had written about for one of her books, but she changed the name. "Derrick Storm." Kate decided it was perfect and began typing. She amazed even herself when she finished the first chapter that very night.

She looked up Gina's email, attached it, and clicked on Send. "Now we wait," Kate told herself.

She made herself some dinner and was eating when her cell phone rang. She picked it up and saw the caller ID was Gina. "Already?"


"Kate, I'll get right to the point. I LOVE IT. It's an excellent chapter. I approve," Gina raved. "I still have some redlines I would like to make, but they're small ones. I'll send them to you, and you can incorporate them and send it back to me. But keep up the good work." And that was that. Gina hung up on her.

"She loved it! I don't believe it. She loved it," Kate said to herself as she got back to work writing, knowing that she loved it.


Kate went to the grocery store and took a cart this time. She walked around collecting things and ended up in the meat section. Kate looked at a steak. It was expensive, but she decided she could afford it, so she picked up a New York Strip.

"Steak?" the woman next to her commented.

"Uh-huh, I'm splurging. I don't usually get one, but I feel like celebrating."

"I'm Angela."

"Kate," she responded while putting her steak in her cart.

"I'll see you around. Good luck, and have a good time celebrating," Angela told her.

"Thanks." Since Kate had everything, she went to check out and noticed Angela was right behind her with her choices.

"Could I talk you into meeting up for coffee?" Angela asked her. "I want to hear about what you're celebrating."

Kate looked at her. She was pretty with long coppery-red hair. She dressed modestly, but then so did Kate. "Sure," Kate told her. After all, it was only coffee, and she liked coffee. "There's a coffee shop not far from here. Say one hour?"

"I think I know the place you're talking about, and one hour would be fine." Angela smiled. "I look forward to hearing what you're celebrating."

Kate hurried home with her purchases and put them away. The steak went into the refrigerator. She had time to kill before she met Angela. Maybe she could be a friend? She could use a new friend.


Kate arrived just a little early and found Angela waiting for her. "Thank you for meeting me."

Kate shrugged a little and smiled. "I like a good cup of coffee."

"By the way, this is my treat since it was my idea, so order what you want, Kate."

Kate listened to Angela's order, which contained nutmeg. They got their coffees and sat down opposite each other.

Angela stirred her coffee. "So, tell me what we're celebrating."

"I recently signed a contract to write a book. I sent in the first chapter, and the editor said she loved it, so we're celebrating."

"You're a writer? How interesting!"

"What do you do?" Kate asked her and sipped her coffee.

"I'm FBI."

Hearing that, Kate nearly choked on her coffee.

Angela smiled at her, and Kate thought she looked even prettier. "Relax, I'm not a field agent. I'm an analyst. I sit behind a computer all day."

"You're still FBI. I suppose you carry a gun." Kate looked for one now that she knew.

"Like I said, I'm not a field agent, so no, I don't carry a gun."

"What does an analyst do?" Kate asked, her curiosity piqued.

"I hack cell phones, computers. I do searches for a person of interest. That sort of thing."

"I better keep my phone safe from you, then," Kate teased her.

"I don't know. Do you need to hide your phone from me?" Angela teased her right back.

"NO, I'm a nobody." Kate watched her smile at her. "Funny."

Angela kept smiling at her. "I thought so."

"If you don't mind me asking, how long have you been FBI?"

"Just about two years. I like what I do. I help find bad guys. I have no interest in being a field agent."

"Could I see your ID?" Kate asked and watched as Angela fished it out of a pocket and handed it to her. Kate opened it, and sure enough, it said FBI. She handed it back to her. "When do you have days off?"

"I get two days a week. It varies when those two days are, based on whether I'm needed. I got today off and go back to work tomorrow. I live not too far from here. I take the subway to reach the office."

"Would you like to meet up again?" Kate asked, hoping she would say yes. "I've never met an FBI agent before."

"I'd like that. Give me your phone." Angela held out her hand and waited for Kate to give it to her. She typed in her contact information, including her home address.

Angela handed it back. "There, whether we meet again is in your hands."


Kate waited an entire week to call Angela. That was after receiving Gina's redlines and sending them back to her, along with a second chapter. "Just thirty chapters left to go," Kate said to herself.

Across town, Angela's phone rang, and she looked at the caller ID. "Hi, Kate."

"I called to find out if this was a good time." Kate hoped it was.

"Oh, yes. All I'm doing is a whole lot of nothing."

Kate relaxed. "Great! I'll come to you. Give me about half an hour.".

"Perfect. I'll be ready. See you soon." Angela hung up and hurried to clean up a little so her apartment wasn't such a mess.

Kate took a taxi to reach her apartment. After paying the cabbie, she got out and looked up at the building. 548 E 183rd St, Bronx, New York. It was five stories tall with business on the ground floor. Angela said she took the train.

She rode the elevator to Angela's floor and walked down the hallway, looking for her apartment number. After finding it, she knocked. Angels answered it. "Hey, Kate, come in." Angela stepped aside and so she could enter.