A New Beginning

The Hostess of Fertility buzzed with the energy of adventurers celebrating, sharing tales of their exploits and enjoying the camaraderie. Gwendolyn sat with Loki and a few other Familia members, her nerves gradually easing as she absorbed the lively atmosphere. She was about to meet the main team—the elite adventurers of the Loki Familia—and she wanted to make a good impression.

As Loki guided her to the large table where the main team was gathered, Gwendolyn felt a mix of excitement and anxiety. She noticed their curious glances, assessing her as she approached. Finn, the captain, stood and greeted her with a warm handshake.

"Welcome, Gwendolyn," Finn said, his tone kind and reassuring.

Gwendolyn smiled, grateful for his welcoming demeanor. "Thank you, Finn. It's an honor to be here."

Gareth, the sturdy dwarf with a friendly grin, nodded at her. "Don't be shy. We're all family here. Make yourself at home."

However, not everyone was as welcoming. Bete, the fierce and sharp-eyed werewolf, watched her with a wary expression. His instincts were on high alert, sensing something unusual about her. As Gwendolyn took her seat, Bete's eyes never left her.

"You feel like a predator," Bete said bluntly, his voice low but carrying an edge of caution. "Like a monster ready to pounce at a moment's notice."

Gwendolyn tensed at his words, unsure how to respond. She knew her appearance—her molten gold slit eyes, her sharp teeth, and her single arm ending in clawed fingers—could be unsettling. The influences of basilisk and dragon within her were undeniable, and it seemed Bete could sense them keenly.

Loki, noticing the tension, intervened. "Bete, ease up. Gwendolyn's been through a lot. She's one of us now, and we're here to support her."

Bete's eyes narrowed slightly, but he didn't argue. "Just saying what I feel. We should be cautious."

Finn placed a reassuring hand on Gwendolyn's shoulder. "Don't worry about Bete. He's always like that with new members. He'll come around."

Gwendolyn nodded, trying to shake off the unease. "I understand. I hope to prove myself to all of you."

Riveria, who had been observing quietly, spoke up. "Gwendolyn has unique abilities and a strong will. She's already shown great potential, and with our support, she'll thrive."

The evening continued, with Gwendolyn gradually integrating into the group. She listened to their stories and shared some of her own experiences, careful to avoid details that might unsettle them further. Despite Bete's initial reaction, she found that most of the team was friendly and welcoming, curious about her background and eager to help her adjust.

Ais, the quiet but powerful swordswoman, approached Gwendolyn later in the evening. "You have strong eyes," Ais said softly, her gaze direct but kind. "They show determination."

Gwendolyn smiled, feeling a connection with Ais's straightforward nature. "Thank you, Ais. I hope to learn a lot from you."

As the night drew to a close, Gwendolyn felt a sense of relief. The meeting had been challenging, but it also marked the beginning of her integration into the Loki Familia. She knew it would take time to earn everyone's trust, especially Bete's, but she was determined to prove herself.


The celebration at the Hostess of Fertility had been a roaring success, with laughter, stories, and plenty of drinks flowing. As the night wore on, most of the Loki Familia members found themselves at least tipsy, enjoying the camaraderie and the break from their usual rigorous routines. Gwendolyn, however, had refused to drink, citing her underage status. Though the others had argued that she wasn't underage in this world, they respected her decision and didn't pressure her.

Loki, true to form, had indulged a bit too much. By the end of the evening, she was positively drunk, her usual mischievous nature amplified by the alcohol. Gwendolyn, still sober and steady, offered to help Loki back to the Twilight Manor.

With her arm around Loki's shoulders, Gwendolyn guided her out of the tavern and into the cool night air. The streets of Orario were quieter now, the bustle of the day replaced by the serene calm of the night.

"Gwendolyn, my dear," Loki slurred, leaning heavily on her. "You're such a good girl, helping me like this. Did I ever tell you how much I appreciate you?"

Gwendolyn smiled, adjusting her grip to better support the unsteady goddess. "You've mentioned it a few times tonight, Loki. Let's get you home safely, okay?"

Loki giggled, her laughter echoing through the empty streets. "Home! Yes, home sounds good. But you know, you're really something special, Gwendolyn. I can feel it. You're going to do amazing things."

Gwendolyn blushed at the praise, feeling both flattered and slightly embarrassed. "Thank you, Loki. I'll do my best to live up to your expectations."

As they walked, Loki continued to babble, her words a mix of affectionate praise and drunken musings. Gwendolyn listened patiently, guiding her along the familiar path to the Twilight Manor. The night was peaceful, the stars twinkling above them, and Gwendolyn found a sense of calm in the moment.

When they finally reached the manor, Gwendolyn carefully navigated Loki up the steps and into the grand building. The interior was quiet, most of the members already retired for the night or still lingering at the tavern.

Gwendolyn guided Loki to her quarters, gently helping her onto her bed. Loki flopped down with a contented sigh, her eyes half-closed. "Gwendolyn, you're a lifesaver. I don't know what I'd do without you."

Gwendolyn smiled, pulling a blanket over Loki. "Get some rest, Loki. You'll feel better in the morning."

As she turned to leave, Loki reached out and grabbed her hand, her grip surprisingly firm. "Remember, Gwendolyn, we're your family now. No matter what happens, we're here for you."

Gwendolyn nodded, her heart warmed by the sentiment. "I know. Thank you, Loki."

Leaving Loki's quarters, Gwendolyn made her way to her own room. The night had been eventful, and as she lay down on her bed, she reflected on all that had happened. Meeting the main team, earning their trust, and now being reminded of the support she had from Loki and the Familia.

Despite the challenges and the newness of this world, Gwendolyn felt a deep sense of belonging. She was ready to face whatever came next, knowing she had a family that believed in her and would stand by her side.

The morning sun rose over Orario, casting a warm glow across the city and illuminating the bustling streets. Gwendolyn woke early, feeling refreshed and determined. Today, she would take the next step in her journey by officially signing up at the Guild, which would allow her to enter the dungeon.

She dressed quickly, eager to get started, and made her way through the familiar halls of the Twilight Manor. The members of the Loki Familia were already up and about, some heading out for their daily training while others were engaged in various tasks around the manor. Gwendolyn felt a sense of camaraderie and purpose as she exchanged greetings with her fellow Familia members.

As she stepped out into the streets of Orario, she took a moment to appreciate the lively atmosphere. Vendors called out their wares, adventurers chatted and laughed, and the city's energy was infectious. Gwendolyn felt a surge of excitement as she headed towards the Guild.

The Guild building was an impressive structure, its architecture reflecting both the grandeur and the practicality of its purpose. Inside, the air was filled with the hum of activity, as adventurers registered, received assignments, and reported their findings.

Gwendolyn approached the registration desk, where a friendly receptionist greeted her. "Good morning! How can I help you today?"

"Good morning," Gwendolyn replied, her voice steady. "I'm here to sign up as an adventurer. I'm with the Loki Familia."

The receptionist's eyes lit up with recognition. "Ah, the Loki Familia! Welcome. We'll get you registered right away. Please fill out this form with your basic information."

Gwendolyn took the form and began to fill it out, noting the various fields asking for her name, age, and any special skills or abilities. She felt a pang of nervousness but also a thrill of anticipation. This was it—her official entry into the world of adventuring.

Once she completed the form, she handed it back to the receptionist, who reviewed it quickly. "Everything looks in order. Please wait a moment while I process your registration."

As she waited, Gwendolyn glanced around the room, taking in the diverse array of adventurers. Some were seasoned veterans, their armor and weapons showing signs of wear from countless battles. Others were clearly new, their expressions a mix of excitement and apprehension.

"Here we go," the receptionist said, handing Gwendolyn a small, intricately designed card. "This is your adventurer's card. It holds your basic information and status. Keep it with you at all times."

Gwendolyn took the card, feeling a surge of pride. "Thank you."

"Welcome to the Guild, and good luck in the dungeon," the receptionist added with a smile. "Stay safe out there."

With her registration complete, Gwendolyn felt a sense of accomplishment and readiness. She exited the Guild building, her adventurer's card safely tucked away, and began to make her way back to the Twilight Manor.

As she walked, she reached out with her senses, feeling the mana of the city around her. It was a vibrant and powerful force, different from what she was used to but familiar in its own way. She knew she would need to harness this energy effectively if she was to succeed in the dungeon.

Returning to the Twilight Manor, Gwendolyn was greeted by Riveria, who had been awaiting her return. "How did it go?" Riveria asked, her expression curious and encouraging.

"I'm officially registered," Gwendolyn replied, holding up her adventurer's card. "I'm ready to enter the dungeon."

Riveria nodded, her eyes filled with approval. "That's excellent news. We'll start your dungeon training soon. For now, let's focus on refining your magical skills further."

Gwendolyn agreed, feeling a renewed sense of purpose and determination. She was on her way to becoming a true adventurer, ready to face the challenges of the dungeon and discover her full potential. With the support of the Loki Familia, she knew she could overcome any obstacle.

As she followed Riveria to the training grounds, Gwendolyn felt a deep sense of gratitude and excitement. Her journey had only just begun, and she was eager to see where it would lead.


The days following her registration at the Guild were filled with intensive training and adaptation. Gwendolyn focused on converting her Hogwarts lessons into the more freeform and fluid way mana worked in this world. She had lost her wand in the void, which initially left her feeling somewhat disoriented. However, the absence of her wand also forced her to adapt and discover new ways to channel her magic.

Gwendolyn found herself in the training grounds with Riveria, who observed her progress with keen interest. The air was filled with the hum of mana, and Gwendolyn took a deep breath, reaching out to the energy around her.

"Let's start with a stunning spell," Riveria suggested. "Remember, the principles are the same, but you need to let the mana flow more naturally."

Gwendolyn nodded, concentrating. She visualized the spell in her mind, drawing on her memories of Hogwarts. Instead of the rigid incantation and precise wand movement she was used to, she allowed the mana to swirl around her, guiding it with her will.

"Stupefy!" she commanded, her voice firm but unnecessary. A bolt of energy shot from her outstretched hand, hitting a target dummy and causing it to freeze in place.

Riveria clapped softly. "Excellent. It's different from what you're used to, but you're adapting well."

Gwendolyn smiled, feeling a sense of accomplishment. "It feels strange, but I'm getting the hang of it."

Next, they moved on to blasting spells. Gwendolyn took a deep breath, focusing on the raw power she wanted to unleash. She visualized the effect, letting the mana build within her before releasing it in a controlled burst.

"Reducto!" she shouted, though again, her voice was more habit than necessity. A concentrated blast of energy erupted from her hand, striking another target and reducing it to splinters.

The sensation was exhilarating, the raw power of the mana flowing through her in a way that was both familiar and new. She felt more connected to the magic than she ever had with her wand.

Riveria nodded in approval. "Very good. You're growing more adept at this."

Finally, they worked on shielding spells. Gwendolyn closed her eyes, imagining a protective barrier forming around her. She called upon the mana, feeling it envelop her like a warm embrace.

"Protego!" she commanded, her hands moving instinctively to shape the shield. A shimmering barrier appeared around her, its surface rippling with magical energy.

Riveria tested the shield with a few minor spells, which bounced off harmlessly. "You're doing exceptionally well, Gwendolyn. The shields are strong and stable."

Gwendolyn lowered the barrier, her heart pounding with excitement. "It feels so different without my wand, but I think I'm getting the hang of it."

Riveria smiled, her pride evident. "You're adapting faster than I expected. Keep practicing, and soon you'll be as proficient with this form of magic as you were with your wand."

As the days turned into weeks, Gwendolyn continued to refine her abilities. She practiced tirelessly, converting her Hogwarts lessons into the freeform, instinctive casting required in this world. The strange feeling of casting without her wand became less and less disorienting, replaced by a sense of empowerment and control.

She found that her spells were becoming more potent and precise. Stunning spells were delivered with pinpoint accuracy, blasting spells unleashed devastating power, and her shielding spells became nearly impenetrable. Each success fueled her confidence, and she began to feel truly at home with this new way of using magic.

Gwendolyn also spent time bonding with other members of the Loki Familia, learning from their experiences and sharing her own. The camaraderie and support she received only strengthened her resolve to master her abilities and prove herself as a valuable member of the team.

With each passing day, Gwendolyn grew more adept at her new form of magic. She was no longer the scared, confused girl who had arrived in this world. She was an adventurer, a mage of the Loki Familia, ready to face whatever challenges the dungeon—and life—had in store for her.