The Weight of Progress

Gwendolyn lay face down on a soft bed, her chest bare, her face flushed with embarrassment. The situation was new and slightly uncomfortable, but she understood its importance. The bed beneath her was invitingly soft, offering some comfort despite her nerves. Loki, ever the playful goddess, approached with a gleeful expression.

"Don't worry, it's quite a nice feeling if anything," Loki purred, her voice soothing yet mischievous. She mounted Gwendolyn's hips gently, the weight of the goddess settling on her back.

Gwendolyn could feel her heart racing, her mind a whirlwind of thoughts. She had never been in such an intimate situation before, especially not with a goddess. The blush on her cheeks deepened, but she tried to focus on the purpose of the ritual: updating her status.

Loki's fingers were surprisingly delicate as they traced the intricate symbols on Gwendolyn's back. The touch was soft but precise, and as Loki began to channel her divine energy, a new sensation erupted within Gwendolyn. It was as if a warm, tingling wave was spreading across her skin, soothing yet invigorating.

"Relax, Gwendolyn," Loki murmured, her voice almost hypnotic. "This is part of your growth. Let the magic flow through you."

Gwendolyn took a deep breath, trying to steady herself. The sensation intensified, a mix of warmth and slight pressure as Loki's magic intertwined with her own. She could feel the status being updated, the magical script on her back shifting and changing to reflect her progress.

As the ritual continued, Gwendolyn found herself slipping into a state of calm. The initial embarrassment faded, replaced by a sense of connection and empowerment. Loki's presence, though dominant, was reassuring, and Gwendolyn felt a bond forming between them.

The process was both exhilarating and soothing. Each touch of Loki's fingers seemed to draw out the latent power within Gwendolyn, refining and enhancing it. She could feel her abilities growing, her connection to the mana of this world deepening.

After what felt like an eternity, Loki finally lifted her hands, the ritual complete. She slid off Gwendolyn's hips and helped her sit up. Gwendolyn felt a little lightheaded but stronger, more attuned to her abilities.

"There you go," Loki said with a satisfied smile. "Your status is updated. You've made remarkable progress, Gwendolyn."

Gwendolyn smiled back, the blush still faintly present on her cheeks. "Thank you, Loki. I feel... different. Stronger."

Loki nodded, her eyes twinkling with pride. "You're becoming a true member of the Loki Familia. Keep pushing yourself, and you'll achieve great things."

As Gwendolyn slipped her shirt back on, Loki grabbed a piece of paper and a quill, ready to record the progress that had been etched into Gwendolyn's back. The ritual had been transformative, and now it was time to see the tangible results of her hard work and dedication.

Loki's eyes twinkled with anticipation as she began to write. Gwendolyn, her curiosity piqued, moved closer to catch a glimpse of her updated status.

Name: Gwendolyn Grimshaw Gaunt

Level: 1

Familia: Loki Familia

Basic Abilities:

Strength: E 400

Endurance: D 550

Dexterity: E 420

Agility: D 510

Magic: C 650


Arithmancy: Utilizing mathematical principles to enhance and create spells, allowing for unique and powerful magical effects.


Silent Casting: Ability to cast spells without incantations, providing a tactical advantage in both combat and stealth situations.

Mana Adaptation: Rapidly adapt and connect to different sources of mana, enhancing the efficiency and power of spells.

Development Abilities:

Concentration: Increases the effectiveness of spells and reduces mana consumption when focusing intently on the target or objective.

Resilience: Enhanced resistance to physical and magical attacks, bolstering defense in critical situations.

Loki handed the paper to Gwendolyn, a proud smile on her face. "You've made incredible progress, Gwendolyn. Your potential is truly remarkable."

Gwendolyn took the paper, her eyes scanning the details of her status. She felt a surge of pride and accomplishment. The numbers and descriptions were more than just statistics; they represented her growth, her struggles, and her determination to overcome the challenges she faced.

"Thank you, Loki," Gwendolyn said, her voice filled with gratitude. "I couldn't have done it without your guidance and the support of the Familia."

Loki placed a hand on Gwendolyn's shoulder. "You're a part of this family now, and we're here to help you reach your full potential. Keep pushing yourself, and you'll achieve great things."

With her status updated and her resolve strengthened, Gwendolyn felt ready to take on the world. She carefully folded the paper and tucked it away, a symbol of her progress and the journey that lay ahead.


As Gwendolyn left the room, Loki leaned back in her chair, a satisfied smile playing on her lips. She watched the young mage's retreating form with a mixture of pride and amusement, her thoughts swirling with the remarkable progress Gwendolyn had made in such a short time.

She's truly something special, Loki mused, her eyes twinkling. To have made such strides without even entering the dungeon yet... it's incredible.

Loki's mind drifted back to the ritual they had just completed. The sensation of inscribing Gwendolyn's status had been a unique pleasure, one that she relished. The way Gwendolyn had blushed, her face flushed with a mix of embarrassment and determination, had been endearing.

She was so flustered, Loki thought with a chuckle. It's always fun to see them react that way, especially when they're so focused on their goals.

The goddess couldn't help but admire Gwendolyn's resilience and adaptability. From the moment she had arrived in Orario, Gwendolyn had shown a willingness to learn and a determination to grow stronger. Her ability to adapt her Hogwarts training to the freeform magic of this world was nothing short of remarkable.

And that silent casting... Loki reflected. It's a rare and powerful skill. She doesn't even realize how valuable she is yet.

Loki's smile widened as she considered the potential within Gwendolyn. The girl had already proven herself to be a quick learner and a dedicated member of the Familia. With proper guidance and support, there was no limit to what she could achieve.

She'll do great things, Loki thought confidently. And it will be fun to watch her grow and see just how far she can go.

As she sat there, savoring the moment, Loki felt a deep sense of satisfaction. Gwendolyn was a valuable addition to the Familia, not just for her abilities, but for her spirit and determination. She brought a fresh energy to the group, and Loki was eager to see what the future held for her.

We've only just begun, Loki thought, her smile turning into a grin. And I can't wait to see what adventures lie ahead.

With that, Loki rose from her chair, feeling a renewed sense of purpose. There was much to do and many plans to make.


A few days after updating Gwendolyn's status, Loki arranged for a small team to venture into the dungeon. The purpose of this expedition was twofold: to test Gwendolyn's abilities under pressure and to see how she fared working in a team. The group would not delve too deep, only as far as Gwendolyn felt comfortable.

Loki herself would not be joining the expedition but had entrusted Finn to lead it. Alongside Finn, Ais, Bete, and Lefiya were selected to accompany Gwendolyn. Each of them brought unique strengths to the group, ensuring a balanced and capable team.

As they prepared to set out, Loki gathered them all in the courtyard of the Twilight Manor. "Alright, everyone, this is an important test for Gwendolyn," Loki began, her tone serious yet encouraging. "Remember, we're not going too deep today. The goal is to see how she handles herself in the dungeon and how well she works with the team."

Gwendolyn nodded, feeling a mixture of excitement and nervousness. She had trained hard for this moment and was eager to prove herself. The support and confidence from her Familia gave her the strength to face the unknown.

Finn stepped forward, his calm and reassuring presence putting everyone at ease. "We'll stick together and take things slow," he said. "Gwendolyn, if at any point you feel uncomfortable or overwhelmed, let us know. We're here to support you."

"Thank you, Finn," Gwendolyn replied, her voice steady. "I'm ready."

With that, the team made their way to the entrance of the dungeon. The bustling city of Orario surrounded them, but as they descended into the depths, the noise faded away, replaced by the eerie quiet of the dungeon.

The first few floors were relatively easy, filled with low-level monsters that the team dispatched with ease. Gwendolyn found herself adapting quickly to the new environment, her training and instincts kicking in. She cast stunning spells and blasting spells, each one more confident than the last. The freeform way mana worked in this world was becoming second nature to her.

As they moved deeper, the challenges increased. The monsters grew stronger and more numerous, testing Gwendolyn's resolve and teamwork. Ais and Bete led the charge, their combat prowess cutting through the enemies with precision. Lefiya provided support with her powerful spells, while Finn coordinated their movements, ensuring everyone worked together seamlessly.

Gwendolyn held her own, her spells hitting their marks and her shields protecting the team from harm. She could feel the mana around her, guiding it with her will and adapting to the fluid nature of this world's magic. It was exhilarating, and she felt a surge of confidence with each successful cast.

During a particularly intense battle, a group of monsters surrounded them. Gwendolyn's heart raced as she focused, summoning a barrier to protect Lefiya from a flanking attack. The barrier held strong, and Lefiya nodded in gratitude before launching a counterattack that decimated the monsters.

Finn glanced at Gwendolyn, a look of approval in his eyes. "Well done, Gwendolyn. Keep it up."

The battle continued, and Gwendolyn found herself falling into a rhythm with her teammates. The initial nerves were replaced by a sense of camaraderie and trust. She was part of something bigger, and it felt right.

As they cleared the floor, Finn called for a brief rest. The team gathered, catching their breath and checking their supplies. Finn turned to Gwendolyn, a proud smile on his face.

"You're doing great, Gwendolyn," he said. "How are you feeling?"

Gwendolyn took a deep breath, feeling a mix of exhaustion and exhilaration. "I'm good. It's intense, but I feel like I'm handling it well."

Ais nodded in agreement. "You're strong, Gwendolyn. We're glad to have you with us."

Bete, though still cautious, gave a nod of acknowledgment. "You've got guts, I'll give you that."

Lefiya smiled warmly. "You've been amazing. It's like you've always been part of the team."

Gwendolyn's heart swelled with pride. She had faced her first real test in the dungeon and had come through stronger and more confident. The support and encouragement from her teammates meant the world to her, and she felt a deep sense of belonging.

As they prepared to head back to the surface, Gwendolyn couldn't help but feel excited for the future.