The Invitation

The atmosphere in the Black Bulls' headquarters was buzzing with excitement. The teams had returned from their missions, and the energy in the air was electric. Yami had called everyone together for an important announcement, and the anticipation was palpable.

Yami stood at the front of the room, his usual calm demeanor giving way to a rare smile. "Alright, listen up," he began, his voice carrying through the room. "We've been invited by the Wizard King to attend a banquet."

The announcement was met with a chorus of cheers and exclamations. Asta, in particular, was practically bouncing with excitement. "The Wizard King? That's amazing!" he shouted, his eyes shining with enthusiasm.

Gwendolyn found herself swept up in the excitement, despite her own feelings of apprehension. She watched as her comrades celebrated, their joy infectious. Vanessa was grinning from ear to ear, and even the usually reserved Finral was smiling broadly.

"This is a big deal," Yami continued, his eyes scanning the room. "It's a chance for us to show what the Black Bulls are made of. So, let's make sure we look our best and behave ourselves."

Asta pumped his fist in the air. "You got it, Captain! We'll make sure everyone knows just how awesome the Black Bulls are!"

The room erupted into laughter and more cheers, and Gwendolyn couldn't help but smile. The camaraderie and spirit of her teammates were uplifting, and she felt a warm sense of belonging.

Vanessa nudged her gently. "Excited, Gwen? This is a pretty big honor."

Gwendolyn nodded, her smile genuine. "Yeah, it is. I'm looking forward to it."

As the preparations for the banquet began, the excitement only grew. The Black Bulls were determined to make a strong impression, and everyone pitched in to get ready. Gwendolyn found herself caught up in the whirlwind of activity, her earlier apprehensions fading away.

She spent the afternoon with Vanessa, Charmy, and Noelle, picking out outfits and discussing what the banquet might be like. The girls' enthusiasm was contagious, and Gwendolyn felt herself relaxing more and more.

Later that evening, as everyone gathered in the common room, Yami addressed them once again. "Remember, this is a chance for us to represent the Black Bulls and show the Wizard King what we're capable of. Let's make the most of it."

Asta, his excitement still evident, grinned broadly. "We'll make you proud, Captain!"

Yami chuckled, shaking his head. "Just try not to cause too much trouble, alright?"

As the night wore on, the excitement in the headquarters didn't wane. Gwendolyn felt a deep sense of gratitude for her comrades and the opportunity to be part of something so special. The banquet with the Wizard King was a chance to prove themselves, and she was determined to contribute to their success.


The evening of the banquet arrived with an air of anticipation and elegance. Gwendolyn, adorned in a tailored Black Bulls uniform and feeling a mixture of excitement and nervousness, joined her fellow Black Bulls as they made their way to the grand hall where the event was to be held.

The hall was resplendent with shimmering chandeliers, polished marble floors, and tapestries depicting scenes of magical prowess and history. Magic knights from various orders mingled, their uniforms and emblems identifying their affiliations. Gwendolyn couldn't help but feel a bit out of place among the prestigious company, but she held her head high, determined to represent the Black Bulls with pride.

As they entered, Gwendolyn immediately noticed the curious glances directed towards her. She could feel the eyes of other magic knights lingering on her unique appearance—the burgundy hair, the molten gold eyes, and the arm that ended in clawed fingers. Despite the initial stares, she was greeted warmly by some, while others maintained a polite distance, their curiosity tempered by caution.

Among the magic knights, Gwendolyn recognized familiar faces from her encounters in the city and during missions. There were knights from the Golden Dawn, clad in their distinctive blue and gold robes, discussing magical theory with enthusiasm. She exchanged nods with a few of them, acknowledging their mutual respect for each other's prowess.

Nearby, members of the Silver Eagles were engaged in lively conversation, their silver and white uniforms gleaming under the soft glow of magical lights. Gwendolyn observed their disciplined demeanor and sensed their keen awareness of their surroundings, ever watchful and ready to act.

As the evening progressed, Gwendolyn found herself in conversation with knights from various orders. Some were curious about her origins and her unique abilities, while others were more interested in exchanging stories of their adventures in the dungeons or on missions. She spoke confidently about her experiences with the Black Bulls, sharing tales of camaraderie and unexpected victories.

One knight, from the Coral Peacocks, expressed admiration for Gwendolyn's resilience and determination. "It takes courage to face the challenges you've faced," he remarked, his tone respectful. "Not everyone can adapt to such changes."

Gwendolyn nodded, a hint of pride in her voice. "The Black Bulls have taught me that strength comes in many forms. We support each other, no matter what."

Throughout the evening, Gwendolyn also made an effort to learn about the customs and traditions of the different orders. She observed the rituals of the Blue Roses, known for their fierce independence and dedication to justice. She admired the intricate spells woven by members of the Green Mantis, whose affinity for nature magic resonated with her own connection to magical creatures.

As the night drew to a close, Gwendolyn reflected on the interactions she had experienced. She felt a sense of belonging among the magic knights, despite the initial uncertainties. The banquet had been an opportunity to bridge gaps and forge new alliances, strengthening the bonds between the Black Bulls and the other orders.

The banquet was winding down, and the Black Bulls were preparing to leave. Gwendolyn felt a sense of accomplishment and relief, having navigated the evening's conversations and formalities with grace. The camaraderie among her teammates was palpable, their spirits high after the successful evening.

As the group made their way towards the exit, the tranquil atmosphere of the grand hall was shattered by a sudden explosion. The walls shook, and the air was filled with the acrid scent of smoke and magic. Cries of alarm echoed through the hall as knights and guests alike scrambled to understand what was happening.

Yami's instincts kicked in immediately. "Stay alert, everyone!" he barked, his voice cutting through the chaos. "We're under attack."

Gwendolyn's heart raced as she followed Yami's lead, her eyes scanning the room for any sign of danger. The doors to the hall burst open, and a group of masked figures clad in dark robes stormed in. Their eyes glowed with an eerie light, and their movements were swift and coordinated.

"It's the Eye of the Midnight Sun!" someone shouted, and the realization hit Gwendolyn like a cold wave. The notorious rogue group, known for their ruthless attacks and powerful magic, had chosen this moment to strike the capital.

The Black Bulls sprang into action, their training and camaraderie guiding their movements. Asta and Noelle immediately moved to protect the civilians, while Magna and Luck positioned themselves to engage the attackers head-on. Vanessa and Finral worked to coordinate their efforts, ensuring that no one was left vulnerable.

Gwendolyn felt a surge of adrenaline as she assessed the situation. The Eye of the Midnight Sun had brought powerful mages, and their dark magic was already wreaking havoc. She took a deep breath, channeling her mana as she prepared to fight.

One of the attackers, a tall figure with a menacing presence, locked eyes with Gwendolyn. He raised his hand, dark energy crackling around his fingers, and launched a bolt of destructive magic in her direction. Gwendolyn reacted instinctively, drawing a rune in the air to create a protective barrier.

"Protego!" she shouted, the shield materializing just in time to absorb the impact. The force of the attack pushed her back, but she held her ground, determined not to falter.

Yami, wielding his katana with deadly precision, engaged another group of attackers. His dark magic sliced through their defenses, his movements a blur of power and speed. "Gwen, stay focused! We've got to hold them off until reinforcements arrive."

Gwendolyn nodded, her determination solidifying. She glanced at Vanessa, who was nearby, her threads of fate weaving through the air to protect their comrades. "We can do this," Vanessa said, her voice steady. "We've faced tough battles before. We'll get through this one too."

With renewed resolve, Gwendolyn joined the fray, her magic intertwining with that of her teammates. She cast spells to shield and support them, while also launching attacks to keep the enemy at bay. The battle was intense, the air filled with the clash of magic and the cries of combat.

As the fight raged on, Gwendolyn noticed a figure moving towards the heart of the hall, where the Wizard King himself was fighting off multiple attackers. The figure's intent was clear: to take down the leader of the Clover Kingdom.

"No!" Gwendolyn shouted, her voice cutting through the noise. She pushed forward, her mana flaring as she prepared to intercept the attacker. "I won't let you!"

With a burst of speed, Gwendolyn closed the distance, her rune magic at the ready. She cast a powerful spell, a beam of energy shooting towards the figure. The attacker turned, eyes widening in surprise as the spell hit, knocking him off balance.

The Wizard King glanced at Gwendolyn, a brief smile of gratitude on his lips before he resumed his own battle. Gwendolyn's heart swelled with pride, but she knew the fight was far from over.

The Black Bulls continued to hold their ground, their combined efforts creating a formidable defense. As the minutes stretched into what felt like hours, the tide of the battle began to turn. Reinforcements from other magic knight orders arrived, their presence bolstering the defense of the capital.

Slowly but surely, the attackers were pushed back, their dark magic no match for the united front of the Clover Kingdom's defenders. The Eye of the Midnight Sun retreated, their mission thwarted, but the damage they had inflicted was a stark reminder of the threat they posed.

As the dust settled and the last of the attackers were driven away, Gwendolyn stood amidst the wreckage, her breath coming in ragged gasps. She looked around at her teammates, relieved to see them standing strong despite the chaos.

Yami approached, his expression a mix of pride and concern. "Good work, everyone. We held our own tonight."

Gwendolyn nodded, exhaustion settling in but tempered by a sense of accomplishment. The banquet had ended in chaos, but they had proven their strength and unity in the face of adversity.

As the night drew to a close, Gwendolyn felt a renewed sense of purpose.


The Black Bulls had barely begun to regroup when a chilling sight stole the breath from their lungs. Gwendolyn, who had fought so valiantly moments before, suddenly stumbled, her vision growing fuzzy. She felt an old, familiar weakness wash over her, one she hadn't experienced in a long time.

Vanessa was the first to notice. "Gwen?" she called, her voice tinged with concern as she moved closer.

Gwendolyn tried to respond, but her strength was rapidly draining away. Her body felt heavy, and she saw dark spots dancing in her vision. As the world blurred around her, tears of blood began to streak down her cheeks.

"Captain!" Vanessa's voice was urgent now, filled with panic. "Something's wrong with Gwen!"

Yami's head snapped towards Gwendolyn, his eyes widening in alarm. He rushed over, pushing through the chaos to reach her. "Gwen, stay with us!" he barked, his usual calm demeanor replaced by raw concern.

Gwendolyn's knees buckled, and she felt herself collapsing. She barely registered the voidal energy crackling behind her, forming a rift. Vanessa tried to catch her, but the void's pull was too strong.

"No!" Vanessa screamed, her hands reaching out desperately as Gwendolyn fell backwards into the rift. The dark energy swallowed her, the tears of blood on her face the last thing they saw before she disappeared from sight.

Yami's fists clenched, his knuckles white. "Damn it!" he growled, his voice filled with frustration and helplessness. He turned to Vanessa, who was trembling, her eyes wide with horror.

"We have to get her back," Vanessa whispered, her voice breaking. "We can't lose her."

Asta, who had been helping with the last of the attackers, ran over, his face pale. "Captain, what just happened? Where did Gwen go?"

"The void took her," Yami said through gritted teeth. "That damn place again."

Finral appeared beside them, his expression grim but determined. "We need to figure out how to reach her. My spatial magic might be able to help, but the void is unpredictable."

Vanessa's hands were shaking, but she forced herself to think clearly. "Gwen's grimoire... maybe it has clues. She mentioned runes that helped her navigate the void. We need to find her grimoire."

Yami nodded, his eyes fierce. "We don't leave our own behind. We find that book and figure out a way to bring her back."

As the Black Bulls mobilized, their determination unshaken despite the terror of the unknown, Vanessa clung to the hope that they could rescue Gwendolyn. She couldn't shake the image of Gwen's blood-streaked face, but she used it to fuel her resolve. They would find her, no matter what it took.

Back in the chaos of the banquet hall, the other magic knights were beginning to recover from the attack. The sight of the Black Bulls rallying to save one of their own did not go unnoticed, and many offered their assistance. It was a testament to the bonds they had formed during the evening, and to the strength of the Black Bulls' spirit.

As they began their search, Vanessa kept Gwendolyn's grimoire close, hoping it would guide them. The path ahead was uncertain, but they would not rest until Gwendolyn was safely back with them.

Together, they would face the void and whatever dangers it held. For Gwendolyn, for their family.