
Gwendolyn flew through the void, past countless worlds, her vision blurred by the tears that welled in her eyes, washing away the blood. The sensation of being pulled through the chaotic energy was both terrifying and disorienting. 'Why?' she thought, despair washing over her. 'I was just getting to be happy. Is this my curse? Will I never get to be happy?'

As she finally emerged from the void, she hit the ground hard. She rolled to mitigate the impact, but the force still jarred her, causing pain to shoot through her body. Halfway through the roll, she collided with someone, their presence stopping her momentum and preventing further injury. She looked up through her exhaustion to see a man with red hair.


Shanks stood on the deck of the Red Force, enjoying the sea breeze and the calm day. His crew was in high spirits, laughing and talking amongst themselves. Suddenly, a dark rift appeared in the sky before him, and from it, a figure was spat out, hurtling towards the ship.

He reacted instinctively, stepping forward to catch the falling figure. A woman, no older than fifteen, with tears of blood, molten gold eyes with slit pupils, and an arm that ended in clawed fingers, landed partially against him and partially in his arms. The impact was heavy, but Shanks managed to steady himself.

As he looked down at the girl, he saw the exhaustion and pain in her eyes before she passed out in his arms. Her appearance was striking and unusual, unlike anyone he had ever seen. The crew, alerted by the sudden disturbance, gathered around, their expressions a mix of curiosity and concern.

"Captain, what happened?" Yasopp asked, stepping closer to get a better look at the girl.

"I'm not sure," Shanks replied, his voice calm but serious. "She just appeared out of that rift." He glanced up at the sky where the rift had been, but it had already vanished. "We need to get her below deck and see if she's hurt."

Beckman nodded and gestured for some of the crew to help. They gently carried Gwendolyn to a makeshift bed in one of the cabins. Shanks followed, his mind racing with questions about who she was and where she had come from.

As they laid her down, Shanks couldn't help but feel a pang of sympathy for the girl. She looked so fragile, yet there was an unmistakable strength about her. The clawed fingers and molten gold eyes suggested a connection to something powerful and otherworldly.

"She needs rest," Beckman said, examining her carefully. "And we need to keep an eye on her. Whatever she's been through, it's taken a toll on her."

Shanks nodded, his gaze lingering on Gwendolyn. "We'll take care of her," he said softly. "And when she wakes up, we'll find out who she is and what brought her here."

As the crew dispersed, Shanks remained by her side, watching over her with a protective eye. He knew that her arrival was no ordinary event, and he was determined to uncover the mystery surrounding her. For now, all he could do was ensure she was safe and wait for her to awaken.

Gwendolyn woke to the unfamiliar sight of a wooden ceiling, the sound of the ocean gently rocking the ship beneath her. For a long moment, she just stared, her mind a whirl of disjointed thoughts and emotions. The events that had led her here played over and over in her mind, and a profound sense of loss and confusion settled over her.

The weight of everything that had happened finally broke through her stoic exterior. Tears began to flow, and she started to cry, deep, wrenching sobs that she couldn't hold back any longer. The tears felt like a release, but they also brought with them a flood of grief and pain.

Shanks, who had been standing quietly beside her bed, instantly realized she was awake. Seeing the young girl break down in front of him, he felt a pang of sympathy and concern. He was no stranger to tears or pain, but this was different. The girl before him seemed so broken, so vulnerable, and he wasn't sure how to comfort her.

He hesitated for a moment, then took a deep breath and knelt beside the bed. "Hey there," he said softly, his voice gentle. "It's okay. You're safe now."

Gwendolyn's sobs continued, but she looked at him, her molten gold eyes filled with anguish. Shanks reached out, hesitating briefly before placing a comforting hand on her shoulder. "I know you've been through something terrible," he said, his tone soothing. "But you're not alone anymore. We're here to help you."

Gwendolyn's tears didn't stop, but she seemed to take some comfort in his words. Shanks wished he knew more about what to say, but he decided to just be there for her, offering silent support. "I'm Shanks," he introduced himself softly, trying to distract her from her pain. "What's your name?"

"Gwendolyn," she managed to say between sobs. "Gwendolyn Grimshaw Gaunt."

Shanks nodded, giving her shoulder a reassuring squeeze. "It's nice to meet you, Gwendolyn. You're on my ship, the Red Force. My crew and I found you, and we're going to take care of you."

Gwendolyn nodded slightly, her sobs beginning to subside as she focused on his words. The presence of someone who seemed to genuinely care, even though he was a stranger, was strangely comforting. She took a few deep breaths, trying to calm herself.

"Do you want to talk about what happened?" Shanks asked gently. "Or would you prefer some time alone?"

Gwendolyn shook her head, wiping her tears with the back of her clawed hand. "I... I don't even know where to start," she admitted, her voice shaky. "Everything is just... too much."

Shanks nodded understandingly. "That's okay. You don't have to explain everything right now. Just know that you're safe here, and we're not going anywhere. Take all the time you need."

Gwendolyn nodded again, feeling a bit more at ease. Shanks' calm and reassuring presence was helping to ground her, even though her mind was still reeling from the chaos of her journey. "Thank you," she whispered, her voice barely audible.

Shanks smiled warmly. "You're welcome, Gwendolyn. Rest now. We'll be here when you're ready."

With that, Shanks stood up, giving her space but staying close enough to offer support. Gwendolyn closed her eyes, taking comfort in the knowledge that she wasn't alone. The tears had stopped for now, and she felt a small glimmer of hope amidst the darkness.

As she drifted back into a fitful sleep, Shanks watched over her, determined to protect this fragile, yet incredibly strong girl who had literally fallen into their lives. Whatever challenges lay ahead, he was ready to face them, and he knew his crew would be too. For now, Gwendolyn was a part of their family, and they would do everything they could to help her heal.

It had been almost a week since Gwendolyn had joined the Red-Haired Pirates, and Shanks was starting to grow increasingly worried. The girl had been through an unimaginable ordeal, and it showed in every aspect of her demeanor. She seemed like an empty shell, going through the motions without any real engagement with the world around her.

Shanks stood on the deck of the Red Force, the salty sea breeze ruffling his red hair. His crew was in high spirits, but his mind was occupied with thoughts of Gwendolyn. She hadn't left the room they had given her since the day she arrived. She barely ate, didn't speak much, and seemed lost in her own world of pain and despair.

"Captain, you alright?" Yasopp's voice broke through his thoughts. The sharpshooter had noticed Shanks' distraction and approached with a concerned look.

Shanks sighed, leaning against the railing. "It's Gwendolyn. I'm worried about her, Yasopp. She's been through so much, and she's barely holding on. She hasn't even left her room."

Yasopp nodded, his expression serious. "She's definitely in a bad place. We've tried talking to her, but it's like she doesn't even hear us. Do you think there's anything we can do?"

Shanks thought for a moment, then straightened up, a determined look in his eyes. "I think we need to try something different. Sitting around and hoping she'll come out of it on her own isn't working. We need to show her that life is still worth living."

Yasopp grinned. "Got any ideas?"

Shanks nodded. "Yeah, I do. Gather the crew. I'm going to talk to her."

A few minutes later, Shanks knocked gently on the door of Gwendolyn's room. He waited a moment before opening it, finding her sitting by the window, staring blankly out at the sea.

"Gwendolyn," he said softly, stepping into the room. "We need to talk."

She turned to look at him, her molten gold eyes dull and lifeless. "What is it?" she asked, her voice barely above a whisper.

Shanks moved closer, sitting on the edge of the bed. "I know you've been through hell, and I can't even begin to understand what you're feeling. But I want you to know that you're not alone. We're here for you. And I think it's time you came out and joined us, even if it's just for a little while."

Gwendolyn shook her head. "I can't, Shanks. I don't even know who I am anymore. Everything feels so... empty."

Shanks reached out and took her hand in his. "I get it. I really do. But isolating yourself isn't going to help. Sometimes, the best way to heal is to be around people who care about you. We're your crew now, Gwendolyn. We want to help you, but you have to let us."

She looked down at their joined hands, tears welling up in her eyes. "I don't know if I can," she whispered.

Shanks gave her hand a gentle squeeze. "You're stronger than you think. Just take it one step at a time. Come on deck with me. If it gets too much, you can come back here. But give it a try."

Gwendolyn hesitated, then nodded slowly. "Alright. I'll try."

Shanks smiled warmly. "That's all I'm asking. Come on."

He helped her to her feet, and together they walked out of the room. As they stepped onto the deck, the crew fell silent, all eyes on Gwendolyn. Shanks kept a supportive hand on her back, guiding her to the center of the deck.

"Everyone, this is Gwendolyn," Shanks said, his voice carrying a note of encouragement. "She's been through a lot, but she's part of our crew now. Let's make her feel welcome."

The crew erupted into cheers and applause, their enthusiasm infectious. Gwendolyn couldn't help but smile, a small but genuine expression. Yasopp, Beckman, and the others approached her, offering words of support and friendship.

As the day went on, Gwendolyn began to relax, the weight on her shoulders feeling a little lighter. She even found herself laughing at some of the crew's antics. It wasn't much, but it was a start.

Shanks watched her from a distance, a sense of relief washing over him. He knew the road to recovery would be long and difficult, but seeing Gwendolyn take that first step filled him with hope. They would get through this together, as a crew and as a family.

For now, that was enough.

A month had passed since Gwendolyn had joined the Red-Haired Pirates. During this time, she had seen and learned a great deal. Though the darkness of her past still weighed heavily on her, she was no longer the empty shell that had first arrived on their ship. The crew had become accustomed to her presence, and she to theirs. Despite her ongoing struggle with depression, there were moments of genuine connection and learning that helped her begin to heal, even if only a little.

Shanks had kept a close eye on her, observing her behavior and trying to find ways to help her cope. He had noticed that Gwendolyn needed something to focus on, something to occupy her mind and give her a sense of purpose. She had spoken in whispers, mostly during her sleep, about needing an obsession. It was then that he decided to introduce her to Haki.

Gwendolyn's physical form was impressive for someone her age. No, fit wasn't the right word. She was lean, like a predator ready to pounce, a feeling only amplified by her molten gold eyes that held a slight manic light when caught just right. This predatory grace made her a natural candidate for learning Haki, and Shanks believed it could be the anchor she needed.

One morning, Shanks took Gwendolyn to a secluded part of the ship, away from the hustle and bustle of the crew. "Gwen, I want to show you something that might help you find your footing," he said, his voice gentle but firm.

Gwendolyn looked at him curiously, her eyes reflecting a mix of apprehension and curiosity. "What is it, Shanks?"

He smiled. "It's called Haki. It's a power that comes from within, a manifestation of your will. There are different types, but I think learning it might give you something to focus on. Something to help you regain control."

Gwendolyn nodded slowly, intrigued. "Alright. Show me."

Shanks began with the basics, explaining the three types of Haki: Observation Haki, Armament Haki, and Conqueror's Haki. He started by teaching her Observation Haki, believing it would be the most accessible for her given her heightened senses and predatory instincts.

"Observation Haki is about sensing the presence, emotions, and intent of others," Shanks explained. "It's about feeling the world around you, extending your awareness beyond your physical senses."

He guided her through the initial steps, encouraging her to close her eyes and focus on her surroundings. Gwendolyn's natural instincts and heightened senses made her a quick learner. She could sense the faintest shifts in the air, the subtle changes in the crew's movements, and even the distant sound of waves against the hull.

Over the next few weeks, Gwendolyn dedicated herself to mastering Observation Haki. It became her new obsession, a goal that occupied her mind and gave her a sense of purpose. She trained tirelessly, pushing herself to refine her abilities. The crew, seeing her determination, supported her every step of the way.

Though there was still a brokenness to her that wouldn't go away with time alone, Gwendolyn began to feel more in control. The practice of Haki grounded her, giving her a way to channel her inner turmoil into something productive.

One day, as she trained on the deck, Shanks watched her from a distance. He noticed the way her eyes lit up with that slight manic light when she was fully immersed in her training. It was a sign that she was finding some semblance of stability, even if it was fragile.

"You're doing great, Gwen," Shanks said, approaching her with a smile. "You've made incredible progress."

Gwendolyn nodded, a small smile tugging at her lips. "Thank you, Shanks. I still have a long way to go, but... I feel like I'm starting to find my way."

Shanks placed a hand on her shoulder, his eyes filled with pride. "Keep at it. We're all here for you, every step of the way."

As the days turned into weeks, Gwendolyn continued to grow stronger, her mastery of Haki deepening. While the shadows of her past still lingered, she was no longer defined by them. She was finding her own path, with the support of her new family..... again

But for now, that was enough.