A Song of Grief, A Song for Dawn Island

It was late at night, and Gwendolyn found herself alone on the deck of the Red Force. Most of the crew was below deck, either eating dinner or preparing for bed. Some were still busy, but she didn't care about the company. She needed a release, an outlet for the grief that still haunted her.

It started low and quiet, a whisper of a melody that only those above deck and Shanks, who was coming to get her for dinner, could hear. As she continued, the song grew louder, her voice carrying her sorrow across the waves.

In the silence of the night,

With the stars as my guide,

I remember faces lost,

In a world I left behind.

Oh, Black Bulls, my family,

Taken from me by the void,

In my heart, you'll always be,

Filling the emptiness inside.

We laughed, we fought, we bled,

Together through the darkest nights,

Now shadows haunt my every step,

In this world, you're out of sight.

Oh, Black Bulls, my family,

Taken from me by the void,

In my heart, you'll always be,

Filling the emptiness inside.

Oh, Black Bulls, my family,

Taken from me by the void,

In my heart, you'll always be,

Filling the emptiness inside.

With every breath, a silent plea,

To see your faces once again,

But as the tears fall silently,

I sing this song to ease the pain.

Oh, Black Bulls, my family,

Taken from me by the void,

In my heart, you'll always be,

Filling the emptiness inside.

So I sing to the stars,

And the endless sea,

Hoping somehow,

You'll remember me.

As her voice carried the final notes of the song, Gwendolyn felt a weight lift from her shoulders, if only slightly. The grief was still there, but expressing it through her song brought her a small measure of peace.

Shanks stood quietly, watching her from a distance. He had heard every word, and his heart ached for the pain she carried. But he also saw the strength in her, the determination to keep moving forward despite the loss that weighed her down.

He approached her slowly, his presence a comforting one. "Gwen, dinner's ready," he said gently, his voice breaking the silence that had followed her song.

Gwendolyn turned to him, wiping away the tears that had fallen during her performance. She nodded, offering a small, grateful smile. "Thank you, Shanks. I'll be right there."

As she followed him below deck, she felt a renewed sense of determination. The grief would always be a part of her, but she would continue to honor the memory of the Black Bulls by living and fighting on.


Gwendolyn stood on the deck of the Red Force, her eyes fixed on the horizon as she practiced her Haki. The sea was calm, the gentle rocking of the ship a soothing backdrop to her thoughts. Today was her sixteenth birthday, but she didn't feel much like celebrating. For her, birthdays had become more about survival—a quiet acknowledgment that she had managed to make it through another year.

She moved through the familiar exercises Shanks had taught her, honing her Observation Haki with each focused breath. Her senses extended beyond the physical, reaching out to feel the subtle shifts in the energy around her. It was a skill she had grown to rely on, a way to ground herself in this world that lacked the mana she had once wielded.

As she practiced, her mind wandered back over the past year. So much had happened, so much had changed. She remembered the darkness of the void, the way it had torn her from everything she knew and loved. The pain of losing the Black Bulls, the despair that had followed her like a shadow. She had felt like an empty shell, drifting through each day without purpose or direction.

But then, she had found the Red-Haired Pirates. Or rather, they had found her. Shanks and his crew had taken her in, offering her a place among them, a sense of belonging she desperately needed. They had become her new family, their unwavering support helping her to slowly rebuild the pieces of her shattered life.

Gwendolyn's thoughts drifted to the lessons Shanks had given her. The introduction to Haki had been a turning point, providing her with a new focus, a new obsession to channel her energy into. Learning Haki had been challenging, but it had also been incredibly rewarding. It gave her a sense of control, a way to harness her inner strength even in a world without mana.

She thought about the moments of connection with the crew—the laughter, the camaraderie, the quiet conversations late at night. Despite her ongoing struggle with depression, these moments had brought light into her life, reminding her that she wasn't alone. She had found a new purpose here, and it had helped her to keep going, one day at a time.

But there was still a brokenness inside her, a part of her that wondered if she would ever truly heal. The void loomed in the back of her mind, a constant reminder of the chaos that had brought her here. She feared its return, feared that it might one day rip her away from this newfound peace.

As she finished her practice, she took a deep breath, allowing herself a moment of reflection. She had survived another year, and that was something worth acknowledging, even if it was quietly. She had found strength within herself, strength she hadn't known she possessed.

She looked out at the sea, feeling a sense of gratitude for the journey she had been on, despite its hardships. She was stronger now, more resilient, and she knew that she could face whatever challenges lay ahead.

As Gwendolyn finished her practice, Shanks approached her, his presence a comforting constant. "Gwen," he called, his voice carrying a note of encouragement. "I see you've been working hard on your Observation Haki. You've made great progress."

Gwendolyn turned to him, a small smile tugging at her lips. "Thank you, Shanks. It's been helping a lot."

Shanks nodded, his expression thoughtful. "I think you're ready for the next step. How would you like to start learning Armament Haki?"

Gwendolyn's eyes widened slightly in surprise. "Armament Haki? Really?"

Shanks grinned. "Absolutely. You've shown incredible determination and growth. I think you're more than capable of handling it. Plus, it'll give you another tool to help you feel more in control."

Excitement and determination sparked within Gwendolyn. "I'd love to learn."

Shanks clapped her on the shoulder. "Great. Let's get started."

He began with the basics, explaining the principles of Armament Haki. "Armament Haki allows you to create an invisible armor around yourself or an object, making it much harder and stronger. It's useful for both defense and offense."

He demonstrated by coating his hand in a black, metallic sheen. "This is what it looks like when it's activated. It takes focus and a lot of practice to master, but I know you can do it."

Gwendolyn watched intently, her mind absorbing every detail. She mimicked his stance, focusing her energy on her hand. She felt a faint warmth, a slight tingling sensation, but the black sheen didn't appear.

"Don't worry," Shanks encouraged. "It takes time. Keep practicing, and you'll get there."

Over the next few days, Gwendolyn dedicated herself to mastering Armament Haki. She practiced tirelessly, her determination unwavering. She could feel herself growing stronger, each attempt bringing her closer to success. The crew supported her every step of the way, offering encouragement and tips based on their own experiences.

One evening, as the sun set over the horizon, Gwendolyn stood on the deck, her hand finally coated in the black, metallic sheen of Armament Haki. She looked at it in awe, a sense of accomplishment and pride filling her.

"I did it," she whispered, a smile spreading across her face.

Shanks, who had been watching from a distance, approached her with a proud grin. "I knew you could do it. Well done, Gwen."

Gwendolyn turned to him, her smile widening. "Thank you, Shanks. For everything."

He nodded, his eyes reflecting the same gratitude. "You've come a long way, Gwen. Keep pushing forward. We're all here for you."

As the days turned into weeks, Gwendolyn continued to grow stronger, her mastery of both Observation and Armament Haki deepening.


The Red-Haired Pirates had docked at Dawn Island and found their way to Party's Bar, a familiar haunt for Shanks and his crew. The bar was alive with laughter and the clinking of glasses as the pirates celebrated their latest adventure. Gwendolyn sat next to Shanks, soaking in the jovial atmosphere.

Shanks, with a mug of ale in hand, leaned over to Gwendolyn. "You know, Gwen, this place is special to me. It's where I first met a certain troublemaker who dreams of becoming the Pirate King."

Gwendolyn smiled, curious. "Really? Who is that?"

Shanks chuckled. "A kid named Luffy. He's got a heart of gold and a will of iron. Reminds me a bit of you, actually."

Gwendolyn blushed slightly at the compliment. "That's quite a comparison."

Shanks grinned. "It's true. You both have that unbreakable spirit."

Gwendolyn took a sip of her drink, her thoughts wandering. The warmth of the bar and the camaraderie of the crew made her feel at home. A sudden thought crossed her mind, and she looked at Shanks. "I... I think I'd like to sing."

Shanks's eyes lit up with enthusiasm. "You should! Let everyone hear that amazing voice of yours."

Gwendolyn felt her cheeks flush with embarrassment as the crew around them caught wind of the conversation. They began to call for a song, their voices rising in unison.

"Sing for us, Gwen!" "Come on, let's hear it!" "Give us a song!"

With Shanks's encouraging nod, Gwendolyn stood up, her heart pounding. She took a deep breath, looking around at the expectant faces. "Alright, alright," she said with a nervous laugh. "I'll sing."

The room quieted down as she began, her voice clear and melodic, cutting through the noise of the bar. The song she chose was cheerful, a stark contrast to the sorrowful tunes she often sang alone on the deck. Her voice captivated everyone, drawing them into the melody.

In a place where the sun meets the sea,

There's a world full of dreams and destiny,

With friends by my side and the wind in my hair,

Adventure calls, and I'll go anywhere.

Oh, we sail the ocean blue,

With hearts so brave and true,

Every wave a new delight,

In the morning's golden light.

With laughter and tales that never end,

Every moment, a treasure, my friend,

Through storms and calm, we'll make our way,

Together strong, come what may.

Oh, we sail the ocean blue,

With hearts so brave and true,

Every wave a new delight,

In the morning's golden light.

The stars above, they guide our path,

In this world, we make our own luck,

With every song, and every cheer,

We know that freedom's always near.

Oh, we sail the ocean blue,

With hearts so brave and true,

Every wave a new delight,

In the morning's golden light.

So raise your glass and sing along,

In this place where we belong,

For in our hearts, we'll always know,

Together, onward, we will go.

As Gwendolyn finished the song, the bar erupted into applause and cheers. Her voice had brought a new energy to the room, lifting everyone's spirits. She smiled, feeling a sense of accomplishment and connection with her crewmates and the patrons of the bar.

Shanks clapped the loudest, his eyes shining with pride. "That was amazing, Gwen! You have a real gift."

Gwendolyn blushed again, but her heart was light. "Thank you, Shanks. Thank you, everyone."

The crew gathered around her, offering compliments and praise. For a moment, the weight of her past seemed to lift, replaced by the warmth of friendship and the joy of the present.

As the night continued, Gwendolyn felt more at ease than she had in a long time. Surrounded by her new family, she realized that despite the hardships, there were moments of pure happiness to be found.