Chapter 2: Invitation

The day ended with the Emperor falling head over heels for two girls (Literally). I can't believe they called me for something so stupid; and yet look at me, walking straight home to fix the situation they created.

The only place I can call peace upon is my home, the Danewar state located very far from the palace. Arriving in my state was no problem and I was greeted by my twenty maids and twenty male servants.

This is what I call power, yet why do I feel someone else in my state? Upon my question, my butler came and said,' Your grace, Marchioness Falcon is here to see you'.

I was greeted by her in our lunch room, which we forbade anyone to enter. As I entered, I smelled the rose scent of perfume. She looked intense and confident with her back straight and legs crossed.

Her red eyes locked in mine, and as soon as I sat down she spoke.

'My husband is on to you, the jewelry he sent was just the first part of his plan, I've got a tail on him so you don't have to be anxious about him for now'.

This is what I like about her, ' I must thank you for your help and efforts Silviya, I hope it wasn't too much of a burden'.

Marchioness smiled as she rolled her red eyes, 'Oh come now, we both know how much I want to take that old geezer out of my life If it wasn't for the fortune I would have killed him the moment I met him'.

I understand the Marchioness's anger, she had to marry that bastard and have his child, no woman in their right mind would want to marry him, not after the rumors he killed his father along with his five brothers.

No wonder he married a person with a commoner's blood, but Silviya is like no ordinary person, after marriage, she got herself to the top in just a few months. She excelled in etiquette, business, and diplomatic studies. She took care of me when I was orphaned and now she is like my mentor, and guess what she also thinks her son is useless.

'My son is expected to come soon', my eyes glared at her, 'Now don't look at me like that, I'm just warning you, we don't know when he will show up, and when he does you should be ready'.

I placed my teacup and took a gentle sip. 'Your son has nothing to do in my life if he ever shows up I will just ignore him, easy-peasy'.

'You do know he is the annoying type, sending him to the military is the only good thing my husband has ever done'.

'I agree on that', I took another gentle sip.

'I'm worried about him getting into our plans, he is my son, just don't want him to interfere'.

I know what she meant, she doesn't want her son to get hurt, he was already broken the moment he opened his eyes. I still remember the first time I met him, I didn't like him and when I refused to meet him, he revolted and killed one of my soldiers who was stopping him.

After that, he became so obsessed that even I had to depart my way to the imperial palace. Good thing his father enrolled him in military boarding school, let's just hope it knocked some sense into him. Just thinking about him makes me feel disgusted.

'Let's not talk about him anymore, I was called to the imperial palace and heard that Malisa is having her birthday early this year. She also invited a famous and expensive painter whom she liked to get her portrait done by him.

Silviya after having her first cup of tea, 'They wanted you to safeguard him so that no one can have him paint their portrait first'.

I nodded my head, I didn't want to attend any events but I didn't have a choice. If one event is not attended by me, nasty gossip of me planting treason would spread.

After a few days, an invitation arrived at the Danewar state. The contents were already memorized in my head:


"Royal citizens of Laden,

You have been cordially invited to Laden's one and only princess's seventeenth birthday party. You are all asked to attend this year's theme as 'Paradise'.

The banquet hall will be the Imperial Garden and the timings are stated below:

Entry: 6:00 PM

Dinner: 8:00 PM

Main event: 10:00 PM

Please bring over your invitations for palace entry.


My carriage was waiting for me, I took a good look in front of my mirror. I was wearing a coral-pink gown with lace gloves. My made prepared my face with make and light pearl jewelry.

The palace gates opened for me with or without my invitation. Let's get this party started.