Chapter 3: Painting Problems

The birthday was held at the imperial garden. I spotted different kinds of flowers blooming in their youth, for example, Baroness Vida of Mostel, Minister of the province of Kalque and how could we forget our Emperor.

I was seen by the Minister of Finance, Sir Advin Cliff. He and other Counts and Barons surrounded me like beggars on a street.

'Your Grace, it's a pleasure to meet you, how is your health these days?', asked Advin bowing his head.

He is a gentleman with manners and proper education, even has his own state. In other words, he is trust trustworthy man. But when it comes to finance, well.

'You too Sir, I'm quite well thank you'.

'The garden is beautiful, don't you agree Duchess?', said the Baron.

'It is, but I would prefer if we used the Empress garden', I replied catching the minister's attention.

'Why is that?', He asked with confusion and curiosity.

I smiled and said, 'Well, the garden's interior is more beautiful, they have those cherry blossom trees planted which bloom in late spring, I say it's the perfect place for 'Paradise', right?'.

'As expected of the Duchess, you truly have strong views', praised the Count.

'That's right, the Empress's garden has more blossoms this year', said the Baron.

Slowly they all agreed, now Advin what your response will be?

'The Empress garden is for the empress to use, unfortunately, the Emperor is not engaged and not married, I was wondering if there are any suitable ladies in mind duchess?'.

Smart reply Minister, you truly are educated but I won't give up you rascal.

'The Emperor is busy due to the tribal war in the North-west, so he doesn't seem to care about marriage,' I smiled,' But the princess is expected to marry soon'.

There was a minute of silence, you wanted gossip didn't you fools? Let me give you the news of what the history of Laden has ever seen.

'His Majesty himself has agreed that the princess will marry first, he didn't say who but he did say she can marry anyone she wants, even me'. They laughed as I cracked a joke, but not the Minister.

You sly fox, I knew you had a feeling for the princess, that is why you always visit her in the Empress' garden. She was sick of you but you didn't give up. It's your fault she has to marry first and the strange part is that she agreed to it.*

He excused himself telling us he saw someone calling him, good thing no one minded him. I did what she instructed me to do, now this bastard won't visit her in her tea time. 

I also did the same and headed towards the diner. I expected to see my favorite tarts but all I saw was Countess Quin, that Damn Durain's wife.

'Your grace, do you happen to have a moment with me, I would like to discuss something'. She said looking concerned.

Nevertheless, I agreed and she took me to the black fountain. I stood back from her knowing what this talk was going to be about. 

'Stop this chase Evelyn', said the Countess with her fist clenched, 'Haven't you embarrassed me enough, what will it do to you to accept me as your guardian'.

What's with these Count couples, why are they so interested in me getting adopted? ' Listen, Countess, how dare you imply me to get adopted by you, you and your husband have no shame saying you will take care of me when you of all people are saying I'm orphaned'.

'We are just trying to help you, showing you what love feels like'.

'Who are you to get too close to me saying "what love feels like", you are crazy', I said with anger boiling in me. Silviya taught me never to let my emotions get the best of me, sadly those lessons are a waste for situations like these.

'Evelyn, why don't you understand, I just want a daughter like you'.

'I'm fricken eighteen women, EIGHTEEN, over the age of adoption, and you twenty-five, just seven years younger than me talking about me being your daughter'.

The Countess is shocked by the words she hears, women you should be ashamed of yourself and you should know that adopting me won't fix your problems.

'Listen, Countess, adopting me won't bring them back and won't fix your infertility, so leave me alone and take a warning from me that if I hear of the adoption again, I will eliminate your family from Laden, that is a promise'.

I hoped my words reached her, or better yet I hoped it broke her. Taking a deep breath I went back to the party, and my day wasn't getting awful, I spotted the foreign painter, 'Richard Greyson, if I'm correct?'

'Your Grace, it's a pleasure, apologies for not meeting you earlier, I heard from other aristocrats that you are a prodigy and for that, I really wanted to meet you'.

My father told me that three types of people would try to approach you, the ones who are interested in your wealth, the ones who are interested in your beauty, and a few who are interested in your talent. This young man in front of me is interested in all those things.

Richard looked like an ordinary farmboy but his blue eyes were on to me, 'I'm a prodigy but when it comes to arts, I fall even lower than a dog', a small laugh was seen on Richard's face.

'Nonsense, you must excel in arts and poetry, otherwise, how do you have humor?', he asked.

I smiled and said, 'I think it's because of my cousins, the royal family, they really know how to crack jokes'.

'Really?', He looked at the emperor from a distance, 'I heard he talked about only business'.

'Well you are wrong about that, how about I offer you a drink, don't worry it's lemonade, my favorite pink lemonade that I love, perfect for this season'.

I offered him a glass, he looked hesitant but right after I took my sip he took his. 'You know Richard, I heard that you give classes to young children about portraits'. I asked him after finishing my drink.

'Yes your grace, what about it?'.

'I was wondering how about giving me some lessons, you know arts is common teaching in Laden and if I were to tell my folks about my skills, my life will be over'.

'A simple request from the Duchess of Danewar, how could I refuse but if my skills are not up to the level'.

'I don't see the problem if I could paint then I want to learn from you, want to know why? because you are fun to talk to'.

His face lightly blushed, 'If it makes the duchess happy then I will love to help you'.

'Thank you for accepting my offer Richard'.

I bid my farewells and made my way to the palace reception room. Just a few more minutes till the main event, I just hope I can get peace.

The red sofa was large enough for five people if they were to sit on it but I would prefer to lay down, my heels were killing me and my head was hurting bad. I let out a sigh and closed my eyes, resting my head on the pillow.

But my eyes opened like someone else was with me. Stood up from my back and noticed a tall figure of a man. He came forward wearing a black vest shirt and his cloak sided on his right arm, but the most interesting thing about him was his grey printed mask.

'I never knew this was a masquerade ball, you are dressed inappropriately for not following the theme', I said to the man hoping he would reply to my saying.

The man came forward and sat opposite to me with his glass of juice. I put both of my feet down and put on my heels, my hand into another and my eyes locked to his.

After a few seconds of silence, he said,' Watermelon juice, care to have some?'. 

'I prefer pink lemonade', I replied.

'So you like lemonade, what else do you like?'. He asked with curiosity.

I answered, 'I like to follow the dress codes according to their themes, I hope you know what I'm saying'.

'The clothes that I'm wearing are far better than what I have in my closet, I may look like an intruder to you but truth be told I want to make an entrance'.

'So you are saying you are an attention seeker, quite childish for a big grown man, don't you agree?.'

He laughed and said,' You are right my lady, but what can I do my childhood was stolen by me'.

'Stolen?', I said.

'Yes well you see, due to a certain someone I was enrolled in the military for eight years, my education was tough but now I've graduated and want to get married and engaged'.

'I hope you get your special someon_ ... did you just say military'.

Wait, Military for eight years, shit, no, don't tell me, he. I looked at his neck to find a small scar. Shit, it's him, it's fricken him.

My face was so frightened that my whole body froze, I couldn't move knowing that If I did it would amuse him. But I don't think it seemed to be a problem, he was already smiling showing his pointy teeth. I guess the wolf has escaped its den

He took his mask off and revealed his devilish face, his green eyes locked in mine as he said the words that creeped me out.

'Hello darling, did you miss me?'.